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Just not today!

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    Just not today!

    When i say "just not today" thats's cus i've just poured a glass of wine ans it's only 2.15 pm. I'm not working today my hubby is away and the only excuse i have is cus i'm bored! My son will be home in hallf an hour and i just hope i am not going to get drunk AGAIN! I'm on the brink of divorce as my hubby can't take my drinking.

    The strange thing is i have craving for a drink mostly between 6-9 pm then i'm ok. I know i need to give up drinking it's just the thought of never being able to drink again.

    Can anyone recomend a hebal remedy for the first time i have heard of something called "kudzu" can anyone tell me if this works?

    Just not today!

    Hi roni and :welcome:. Congratulations on taking a step to gain control of your life! Here are a couple suggestions for you to start off with. At the top of this page is Health Store. You can download RJ's My Way Out book from there or order it. You can also get the kudzu from there. It is the opinion of most that the kudzu from here is superior. I never tried it from a different source. RJ recommends you take it regularly to maintain the level in your system and you can take extra just before your witching hour wich for you would be around 6. L-glutamine is also effective with cravings and the same concept goes with it. Supplements are important in addition to eating well, staying hydrated, and getting some exercise. Have some alternate activity planned in advance of your 6-9 time and something alternate to drink. Fizzy water with lime is good.

    Relative to the loss of you good buddy al..... good riddance. IT is a scary thought and probably all of us went through it. Once you realize it is NOT something that is a reward or that you deserve and accept the idea of never drinking, it is SO much easier.

    High hopes and good wishes to you!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Just not today!

      :welcome: roni,
      Just wanted to add my hello.

      Click on the 'tool box' link below to help you get a plan together.

      Keep reading,keep posting. Ask any questions.

      Wishing you all the luck in the world.

      J x

      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Just not today!


        Thanx 4 ur reply i'm really going to make an effort.


          Just not today!

          Glad to see you back,roni

          J x

          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Just not today!

            Welcome! I have started taking baclofen and have not had a drink for 2 days which is a first in a really long time. There is help out there, you dont have to feel like you're alone or that you are the only one with this addiction. Please try not to lose a loved one to this devil. I too cannot imagine life without it but it would be a short and miserable life with it so it's gotta go. Any help or words of encouragement I can provide, please let me know.


              Just not today!

              Hi roni
              Just wanted to say hello as we share the same name although I have spelt mine differently
              Keep posting and reading and I found L-glut in powder form to help me with the cravings. My life has been so much better since I have given up the drink I have been A/F for 42 days now after two attempts before but I know that this time is for good. The drink is'nt worth losing anything too
              Wish you all the best of luck
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over


                Just not today!

                Not sure how to reply. Anyway took a massive step today and made an appointment with the Docter for next week. I was having a smear test and for some reason un beknown to me started telling her about my drinking and u know what it felt good to tell a stranger and she made the appointment thr and then!


                  Just not today!

                  Thats great that you felt you could tell your doctor, well done for taking the next step. all I can do is say what the other have said, welcome and you'll find amazing support here.:l:l

                  I wish I could've had the strength to mention it to my Doctor, but I'm going down the supps route Kudzu and L glut and it seems to be working. Just read all you can and stay close. And yes the thought of not being able to drink again is hard, we all think like that I guess at some point but I'm beginning to realise that I don't want to be like I was before, I've got too much to loose.

                  Anyway just wanted to say welcome:l

                  Just taking it day by day.......


                    Just not today!

                    Hi Roni,
                    I am so happy to hear that you have an appt. with your DR! Any support or questions you may have, ask ask ask!


                      Just not today!

                      Welcome Roni


                      Roni you have come to the right place. Great advice from everyone.

                      Get the supplements. I'm on the L-glute and it has helped the cravings. I take about 2000-3000 mgs/day. Remember to EAT. My cravings and vulnerable time is 5pm-8 or 9pm. And if I don't eat early then I drink for sure.

                      Don't think about having to give up drinking for the rest of your life. I would think that in the past and it was a sure way to failure. THAT'S TOO BIG AND OVERWHELMING. Yikes I'd never quit if I had that as my goal (believe me it was my goal for 20 years - never worked).

                      One day at a time. I use to think "Why bother if it's just one day". But the trick is one day turns into two, three.......... and so on. Make you goals simple, attainable, realistic and timely. Example "Today I will not drink". So we start tomorrow.

                      Great job for talking to you Dr. and making that appointment. That is a HUGE step. I couldn't even make that step so you have more courage then me!

                      When you said it felt good to talk to someone about your drinking. Then you have came to the right place! I couldn't figure out why I could never get my act together and quit drinking. I had done hypnosis, bought books, paid for an on-line stop drinking program. The problem was I could never share my problems and struggles with people who really understood what I was going through. UNTIL NOW. There are so many people who are going through or have gone through what you are experiencing RIGHT NOW.

                      MWO has been the key to my success. I am AF13 (alcohol free) and I have not accomplished this in 20 years. I'm not saying I may never drink again (I hope I don't) I'm just taking it day by day. And those days are now 13 and I am SO EXCITED! Three weeks ago I would have laughed if someone said I could go 13 days without alcohol in February. And it is happening. A dream come true and I don't have to plan my week around my hangovers and my intoxication. It is so liberating.

                      So you have started drinking today.

                      Try to stay on this site and tomorrow we will work on your DAY 1 AF. You are in for a wonderful life changing experience and you deserve it. Just stay on this site and the possiblitlies are endless.


                        Just not today!

                        Hi roni,

                        Great news about seeing the Dr. I call mine Dr :h. As he's one of my major cheerleaders.
                        Your Dr may be able to put you in touch with an alcohol counsellor as well. IMHO most of us have underlying issues.

                        It really does help talking to a stranger.

                        Good luck.

                        J x

                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Just not today!

                          Hoping for the best;803880 wrote: Roni,
                          Welcome! I have started taking baclofen and have not had a drink for 2 days which is a first in a really long time. There is help out there, you dont have to feel like you're alone or that you are the only one with this addiction. Please try not to lose a loved one to this devil. I too cannot imagine life without it but it would be a short and miserable life with it so it's gotta go. Any help or words of encouragement I can provide, please let me know.


                            Just not today!

                            Thanks for ur msg, i did go to the Doc's and realised i was also suffering from depression so i have been on them (non addictive) for15 days and have been a/f for 17 days! Can't remember the last time i went so long b4 a drink. It's now friday night and am temted so i have put my pj's on so i wont go out.

                            Thanks for ur reply sorry it's taken me awhile to get back but am just getting used to this site.



                              Just not today!

                              Great Job Roni! I also like that you are taking action (putting your PJ's on) so you won't be tempted to drink tonight. Just keep reading and posting - you will eventually get this site figured out if you just keep clicking around!

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

