I haven't been posting much because I've been so busy but have noticed our little thread has dwindled!
I had a revelation on the weekend. It was a hard one to accept. I am an alcoholic - not a moderate drinker, not one that can control it - hard core AL. I need some help to get through this. I have reached out. Wow. It was amazing how much of a weight was lifted off my shoulders when I finally realized that this is just what it is.
So I am on day 4 of sobriety today. Not again this time. Day 4 of sobriety. I've got my supps, I've got my phone #'s to call and I don't have a choice. Drinking for me is not an option anymore.

Okay - on a lighter note, it is snowy and cold here and I am going to work from home today so I can stay in my snugglies! I have a ton to do and I really quite frankly am not in the mood to do it at all but hey, what ya goona do.
Love you guys! :l:l