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Rock bottom

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    Rock bottom

    I am going cold turkey. Last weekend I came within an inch of losing my kids, my wife, my dignity. I am an alcoholic. Through my drinking over the past 20 years I haved used up 8 of my 9 lives, to use a cat metaphor. I have tried so many times to reduce, or slow drink less; it doesn't work for me. I am on day 5. I know I have to find something to fill the habit that drinking used to be, so I am working on it, but it is such a huge lifestyle change.
    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

    Rock bottom


    It will get easier, clearer, and far better in a short amount of time. Remember all of the downsides to drinking you have in your thoughts today as they will become very handy in fighting the temptations you will have while you work hard on getting things together.

    2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


      Rock bottom

      Hello hillsidetime and :welcome:

      You've made a good decision and you will find that you are facing the same challenge of many here, to build a new life without alcohol, and when you think about it what a gift!

      Diet and exercise seem to be a mainstay for most, and then I think it is a question of rediscovering yourself, or perhaps even discovering yourself fully for the first time, what you enjoy what you would like to fill your time with.

      Five days is a wonderful start but still early days so don't be hard on yourself if you feel you have not lived up to your initial expectations.

      I found reading threads in the long term abstinence section Long Term Abstainers - My Way Out Forums and people's stories to be inspiring Tell Us Your Story - My Way Out Forums, and the toolbox is another valuable addition to your armoury.

      Take heart from others who have achieved what you wish for yourself.
      I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


        Rock bottom

        Glad you found us and remember, you are not the only one and you are not alone. I have been taking Baclofen to help reduce cravings of alcohol and it seems to be helping (Day 4AF). Any questions or support you need, dont hesitate to reach out.


          Rock bottom

          Hi Hillsidetime,

          Welcome to MWO & congrats on your 5 AF days! You have made a great start!
          Please take care of yourself, stay well hydrated, eat something healthy. You have made a great decision for yourself & your family

          Please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread for some extra support - we'll be happy to help in any way we can.

          Wishing you the best!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Rock bottom


            Thanks to those who have responded to my entry. I am hanging in there. The weekend is coming, so, I know I have to stay strong. I have said no a couple of times this week, and have tried to keep telling myself that it is time to stop, period.
            Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


              Rock bottom

              Welcome to your group here Hill......I enjoyed meeting you in chat is true come back and we are there for you when you need the believe.....there are many stories here that inspired me!!!!
              :heart:AF since May 31 2008.....Happy and Healthy


                Rock bottom

                I can relate. I DID lose my wife (not blaming that on alcohol, but it sure fueled some binging) but I came within an inch of losing my kids, house, and job. That is DEFINITELY attributable to alcohol. That was 4 months ago. I struggled for months trying to cut back and moderate, but ultimately had to hit the bottom just to see what kind of a crap hole I was digging myself into.

                Today I am a happy dad with custody rights, finances in check, and a plan. It's pretty simple for me. Don't drink, and everything else improves. Welcome to the group, you will find nothing but kindness and support here.


                  Rock bottom

                  hi I can only can say the same as the others, stay close to the board, as you've already found out you get amazing support here. Weekends are hard, but find the strength. I found writing down all the things I felt helped, now when it gets hard I'll read through and ask myself do I really want to be there in the morning? Hang in there.

                  Just taking it day by day.......


                    Rock bottom

                    Hello Hillside,
                    Welcome from me too. You have found a good support already (this website). Stick around, make friend, read up and learn. You can use this to fill some of the time that drinking used to take up.
                    I really like what Gearhead had to say:
                    Today I am a happy dad with custody rights, finances in check, and a plan. It's pretty simple for me. Don't drink, and everything else improves. Welcome to the group, you will find nothing but kindness and support here.
                    Keep on at it Hillside. It will get better. Treat it like a hurdling event. You know that every now and then there will be an obstacle to overcome. Each one you get past, gives you more experience to get past the next. Before you know it you're winning the race!

                    Sober since 30/06/10


                      Rock bottom


                      MWO has been a lifesaver for me - you have found such a wonderful place with caring people who are all going through battles just like yours. It's not easy to change something that has been a way of life for you for so long but coming here is the first step! Take it one day at a time. My best suggestion would be to try the supplements mentioned in the toolbox (L-Glutamine really seems to be working for me - you can get it at any GNC store). Finding things to fill the time when you would normally be drinking is another suggestion. Also watch out for withdrawal symptoms - I was lucky enough not to have anything serious but if you say you stopped "cold turkey", please don't hesitate to see a doctor if you think you need to. Hang in there - we are all here to support and help you. Good luck on your "new adventure" (that's how I like to think of it anyway). You will love waking up with a clear head, no guilt, and an inner peace that is truly wonderful.

                      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                        Rock bottom


                        hillsidetime;804152 wrote: I am going cold turkey. Last weekend I came within an inch of losing my kids, my wife, my dignity. I am an alcoholic. Through my drinking over the past 20 years I haved used up 8 of my 9 lives, to use a cat metaphor. I have tried so many times to reduce, or slow drink less; it doesn't work for me. I am on day 5. I know I have to find something to fill the habit that drinking used to be, so I am working on it, but it is such a huge lifestyle change.
                        hi hilsidetime,i read your thread yesterday and i gave myself a day to understand so i could say something that mt help you,cold turkey is hard to do,ive done it umpteen dozen times or so ,over the the last,30 years,youve admitted you have a problem,that is an accomplishment inits self,alchoholic,time will tell,as you proceed with sobriety .you will find ,doing it on your own dont work,youve found a great site,wonderful people just like you and me,utilise them,read there stories,if your a rader there are many books out there on alchoholism,councilling helped me,one on one,,AA,i no many dont like AA,but it is an alternative,you mt find listning somthing will click,i did after being in and out of the program for years,a lady the other week said,somthin i herd for years,easy,dont drink the 1st drink,treatment,helped me understand me,cause this allergy,or desease is treatable,were here for you,i hope what i said helps,once you get some control,you will see joy like youve never seen b4,it takes a lot of work and time ,i wish you well gyco


                          Rock bottom

                          I would like to thank you for taking the time to write your words of kindness and support. I have made it through a Friday night, af, and it was tough at times. It is great to be able to share and feel that I am being heard. I am going to defeat Saturday tomorrow.
                          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                            Rock bottom

                            You've got the right idea. One day at a time. You;ll be amazed how quickly they start adding up. I added the gym for exercise and daily AA meetings to break up my usual evening routine after work. Try the kudzo or l-glut for the cravings. Drink herbal teas to relax. Whatever works for you. Try a few things and make a plan. It can be done.

                            Best of luck.


