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    Went to the hospital yesterday and was put on vitamin b1 called thiamin and dizapan.
    Have the shakes bad today. can anyone tell me how long the withdrawl symtoms take after drinking everyday for a long time?
    This is why I wasn't able to quite before and still funtion daily. I hit rock bottom and know I have to get through this.It's really tough going right now.


    Hi Carleena - welcome to MWO

    I went on diazepam when I was going through withdrawals - it worked a treat. Everyone experiences different symptoms but they will lessen overtime.

    good luck and stick around, this is a great place to be
    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.



      Thanks Zeppie for the reply

      How many days did it take you for the shakes to subside? This is day one for me and i feel like my nerves are shot so far.:new:



        Hi Carleena,
        I dont really know about diazepam but just wanted to say stick with it from what i have read online physical withdrawals take around 3-5 days but that also depends on how much you drank.
        Try and drink lots of purified water, rest and small healthy meals.
        Good luck hope the withdrawals ease soon.
        Liquid MISERY guaranteed to distroy.



          Thanks for the advice overittoday

          I drank a bottle of vodka per day sometimes a bit more.
          Good for you for doing it on your own with out meds.
          I'm hoping I can go back to work my next Monday or Tues at the lastest. :thanks:



            Carleena, don't be afraid...I drunk every night a bottle of red wine to mix my blood with a taste of wine... When you start be sober you care about it, you think about it .. It's a state of mind, it's a status..
            The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
            /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/



              Hi carleena :welcome:

              I think you need more medical support coming off that amount of booze, speaking from lots of detox and rehab experience (although I've never gone cold turkey). Is there any support in your area for home detox using diazepam or librium?

              Wishing you all the best

              I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies



                Hi honey.

                It took me around 5 days or so to work it out of my system, and a few more days for the headache to go, but each day they did ease a little more, maybe the meds will help. I read before that it take 3 days for the last of the alcohol to be processed by your body so a few days after that I guess.

                Stick with it though, because it is so worth it, now when I'm tempted I thik of how bad I felt those first few days and I honesty don't want to go them again:l

                Hang in there and read everything you can here:l

                Just taking it day by day.......



                  Hi Carleena,
                  Welcome! Now, hang in there friend. Excellent that you went to the hospital to seek treatment. You should feel better when you wake up after each alcohol free day. The time factor is different for all of us, but for most folk's, we need to get the first 3 day's out of the way. These are the hardest, but nothing worse than a bad flu, no? Just tough it out, and try to keep your mind busy, and distracted. Reading lot's of inspirational stuff here, from people who have stopped drinking, etc, and/or book's, stories on people who have beat this might also help pass the time, and strengthen you. For me, the first day is the worst, then i slowly feel better, but the first 2/3 day's, we've just got to go through, and you can. Keep in touch with the hospital/doctor/nurse, if you're worried.

                  Be proud of this decision, and stand you are taking in getting your life back.
                  Stay in touch with the hospital/Doctor's etc, and best wishes!

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-




                    Sorry to hear you're feeling ill, but not to worry; the pain is temporary. Plus, the Diazepam (Valium) is excellent for withdrawal symptoms. If you find it's not working well, you can always increase the dose slightly.

                    In terms of length of withdrawal, it's hard to say. In my own worst withdrawal episodes, the really bad symptoms like the shakes are gone in 48 hours, with low-level anxiety, irritability and insomnia persisting for about 5 days. In most cases, I am basically normal after 3 days. I have noticed that my withdrawal symptoms were always at their worst when I had been drinking heavily and not eating well. As you might be able to tell, I have attempted to quit many, many times!

                    Thiamine is an important vitamin during detox, as it's frequently depleted due to heavy drinking, so your supplementation should start helping your body get healthier. If you have an appetite, you might want to try eating a breakfast cereal like Muslix (which contains lots of Thiamine) in as little as a single cup serving. Other than that, drink lots of water and be patient. It took us all a long time to damage our bodies, so we can't expect the pain to magically disappear right away. But believe me, toughing it out is worth it.



                      Guitarista;805090 wrote: Hi Carleena,
                      Welcome! Now, hang in there friend. Excellent that you went to the hospital to seek treatment. You should feel better when you wake up after each alcohol free day. The time factor is different for all of us, but for most folk's, we need to get the first 3 day's out of the way. These are the hardest, but nothing worse than a bad flu, no? Just tough it out, and try to keep your mind busy, and distracted. Reading lot's of inspirational stuff here, from people who have stopped drinking, etc, and/or book's, stories on people who have beat this might also help pass the time, and strengthen you. For me, the first day is the worst, then i slowly feel better, but the first 2/3 day's, we've just got to go through, and you can. Keep in touch with the hospital/doctor/nurse, if you're worried.

                      Be proud of this decision, and stand you are taking in getting your life back.
                      Stay in touch with the hospital/Doctor's etc, and best wishes!
                      Just wanted to say thanks about this 2-3 days...I still can't reach the evening of the day 3... Or Day 4.. But i'm on the way...:thanks::thanks::thanks::thanks:
                      The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                      /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/



                        THanks JimBeam911

                        On day two the morning of and I am struggling with eating anything. Still feel really ill in my stomach so i will try a little bit of toast and then go out and buy some Musilix.I really want to do this and it's the weekend so I can rest some and hope to be thru the worst by Monday or Tues as i am worried about losing my job if I don't work. I am in commision sales so no work no pay. I'm a single Mom with 3 teens so I cannot lose my income over this. It has come close recently.This obviously adds to my stress level and makes my have one or two drinks before heading out to do my sales calls which I realize is dangerous.
                        I appreciate your advice and will use it today to get through. Just trying to rest and watch the Olympics which are here in my home town.

                        Godd luck to you as well!!




                          Hi Carleena
                          Identified with you fully. My poison was a large bottle of vodka a day plus a bottle of wine lots of days. First day I gave up I had to 'drink' my lunch out of a mug cos I couldn't use a fork or spoon cos of the shakes, by day 2 I was much better and by day 3 everything started improving. Do stick with it and like Jim says, DO EAT! it is so important. I too am looking forward to the Olympics - should fill a few hours and take the mind off you know what!
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14



                            Thanks Molly

                            Did you take any meds and how long have you been AF?
                            Today I am struggling big time cause i'm alone just doing chores around the house and most likely tonight as well. Craving is still strong but I know i have to do this.
                            Going to try and get down to the Olympic sites this week,when my energy comes back.I live in Van just on the outskirts 1/2 from city centre.For now it's just T.V.:thanks::l
                            I appreciate you advice



                              I took Antabuse for the first 2 weeks, i started AF mid December so knew I had to cope with Christmas ( hadn't had a sober christmas for about 30 years) so the antabuse guaranteed I couldn't drink. The Doc prescribed librium and sleeping tablets which I also took on and off for about 3 weeks. I am AF since then except for one STUPID day in Jan which I still regret - a very low point - but am feeling strong now and it definitely gets easier and better by the day.
                              Lucky you living near the Olympic sites - enjoy it all tonight on tele, curl up in pjs on couch and think about how good you will feel tomorrow. Be strong, it really is worth it, in the short time I have gone without alcohol I feel so much better and confidant and yes proud of myself - go girl- onwards and upwards!!
                              keep posting will talk tomorrow
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14

