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    Hi Carleena,
    Hang in there sweetie. Take your diazepam around the clock, not just when you feel shaky. When I was in the hospital detoxing, they woke me up at night to give me diazepam. My worse day was day 3. Detoxing at home, I've had seizures twice on day 3. I drank 2 bottles of wine a day.
    I wouldn't worry about eating as much as staying hydrated. Drink stuff like gatorade, powerade, to get the electrolytes.
    Is hospitalization a possibility?



      Carleena, I am a bit disturbed about the advice you are getting re the Diazepam. Please stick to the prescription and advice your doctor gave you. Benzos (diazepam is one) are not to be mucked around with. If you feel the dose he suggested is not helping, then seek further MEDICAL advice.
      Alcohol is poison to my life - AF 04 January 2010



        Hi sky

        what do you know about it please?
        I am dealing with huge stress and went to hospital to get help for now.
        Seeing an addictions doc on Monday which I made the appointment awhile ago but couldn't get it due to them being fully booked.
        I am also seeing a coucellor Monday morning as well to get some help with my stress levels.
        I was really scared when I made the choice to go to Emerg. and they gave me the diazapam to get me through until Monday along with Thiamine for the B vitamins missing.
        Any advice would be great .:thanks:



          carlenna, the diazepam should take the edge off the anxiety and keep the shaking down. YOu do need to take it around the clock per the dosing the doctor gave you. If you still feel shaky or really agitated, or develop a fever or start hallucinating, you need to seek medical attention immediately. If you have mulitivitamins take them too. Alcoholics are also low on folic acid.
          Did you read MWO? That really helps with the vitamin supplements and anti-craving supplements, such as l glutaming and kudzo. They've worked for many here.

          Best of luck. Keep reading and posting.




            Just take the diazepam as prescribed.
            Alcohol is poison to my life - AF 04 January 2010



              Hi Sky

              I am but struggling tonight. My daughter stressed me out some tonight wanting a ride somewhere to go out tonight .But it is his her Dad's week and it is his turn although he was at the bar. She took the bus this week with a cake for her friend in a box. I felt so bad I couldn't feel well enough to take her because I am trying hard to recover for Monday or Tues for work. I felt so guilty I went and bought a half mici of vodka to destress.
              Have drank it all now and since it wasn't as much as my past I am trying to not worry about it. Tomorrow I have to sit my teens down 15,16,17 and tell them I need some space from being at their everybeck and call when they are with their Dad. I am a good Mom when they are with me and take them whereever they need to go.
              Feeling guilty about this so had a a few drinks. This is only day 3 for me so I need them to work with me. Tomorrow I will sit them down and try and put down some boondaries about calling me for every little thing as I have to get better. I told my one daughter why I wouldn't come to get her to bring her to her friends with the cake which would have taken me 1/2 hour and I just didn't feel up to it before.
              However I have now taken 3 drinks because I felt so guilty for not wanting to come out and drive while trying to heal this weekend.
              Now I have drank some because of it and I feel bad about that.
              I just can't be there for them all the time when it's their Dad's turn and he was at the bar.
              Anyway just sharing.



                Hi Sky

                I am but struggling tonight. My daughter stressed me out some tonight wanting a ride somewhere to go out tonight .But it is his her Dad's week and it is his turn although he was at the bar. She took the bus this week with a cake for her friend in a box. I felt so bad I couldn't feel well enough to take her because I am trying hard to recover for Monday or Tues for work. I felt so guilty I went and bought a half mici of vodka to destress.
                Have drank it all now and since it wasn't as much as my past I am trying to not worry about it. Tomorrow I have to sit my teens down 15,16,17 and tell them I need some space from being at their everybeck and call when they are with their Dad. I am a good Mom when they are with me and take them whereever they need to go.
                Feeling guilty about this so had a a few drinks. This is only day 3 for me so I need them to work with me. Tomorrow I will sit them down and try and put down some boondaries about calling me for every little thing as I have to get better. I told my one daughter why I wouldn't come to get her to bring her to her friends with the cake which would have taken me 1/2 hour and I just didn't feel up to it before.
                However I have now taken 3 drinks because I felt so guilty for not wanting to come out and drive while trying to heal this weekend.
                Now I have drank some because of it and I feel bad about that.
                I just can't be there for them all the time when it's their Dad's turn and he was at the bar.
                Anyway just sharing.



                  menate i know how you feel i went cold turk a few times and its not worth it. go to gp and get some valium evenx if you mix it with a few drinks only a few you will feel heaps better and sleep all night. thats just to get you out of trouble in meantime afterthat go see a phyc who can give you meds to stay off or at least cut down. lots of love



                    Morning Carleena
                    Hope you feeling a bit better today? Do be careful with meds tho, they can mix adversely with alcohol and I agree with Sky I would stick to amounts Doc suggested, drink the water you can have as much of that as you like!!
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14



                      I am finishing up day 1 of medical detox

                      I have an anxiety med, Campral and diazepam- 3 1o mg a day. They aren't working as well as I would hope. I can so relatee to this post bc I drank everymorning before work to deal with the agressive selling pressure at my job. I am having LOTS of anxiety and craving, mixed with a lot of automatic reflexes to get a drink, and then going wait, no I'm not getting a drink. Please feel free to PM me, sounds like we are in the same boat at the moment.
                      I ain't afraid of no ghost....



                        Hi MarriedGirl
                        The meds are just a support for the first few days, they don't take it all away, but the anxiety and cravings are very normal at first, if you can accept that and then realise that every hour that goes by without alcohol your body is recovering in an amazing way. The first couple of days are by far the hardest, everything seems to be thrown at you, anxiety shakes headaches etc etc etc! but they go away very quickly and in no time you will start feeling so much better - trust me I've done it a few times! I too used to drink before going to work, at work, going home from work and all night every night, its a hard habit to break but you've done the hardest part realising that you want to do it.
                        Keep posting here, everyone understands and what I love about this place is the understanding and kindness that is there for everyone. Am going to work now (thankfully sober) and will check in this evening
                        Have a good day
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14

