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My Own Way Out

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    My Own Way Out

    Well, after almost of year (51 weeks) of being AL free and having no challenges what-so-ever, I feel compelled to share my findings both experienced and researched. First, let me say that anyone who is being successful with a 12-step program, please don't change anything and just file this away as information. However, for anyone who has not been successful with a 12-step program or anyone who is wanting to stop, I want to share the following. There are a FEW programs in the US that take a different approach and I think that for many people it is a much better approach. I have been AL free and had no cravings after drinking heavily for 25 years. No sponser, no meetings, no follow-up needed. The great news is that it IS because of me that I drank and it IS because of me that I have stopped-it is not something that I have no control over-I have total control over it!

    I am going to mention 2 alternatives-the first is the rehab I went to-it is at Florida Alcohol Rehab & Drug Treatment Centre Mental Health Programs - A.T.I or Florida Alcohol Rehab & Drug Treatment Centre Mental Health Programs - A.T.I. This rehab approach basically gives you the tools you need to realize that you are in total control and will help determine WHY you drink. It is GREAT regardless of your issues-drinking, drugs, PTSD, loss of a loved one, depression, etc. Charles, who leads the clinic is the most gifted individual that I have ever met. They only do 10 or so people at a time so it is very personal. There is no formal follow-up because it is not needed if you really understand that you control it and can face your issues-no matter WHAT they are. They also have an at-home program, though the following one may be better.

    The second is the other place I looked to go to and may have a good alternative if you don't want to go to rehab-it is called the Jude Thaddeus program and they have 3 programs (including an executive program-only 5 people at a time and no group sessions) AND a DO IT AT HOME program. You can learn more at Drug Rehab, Alcohol Rehabilitation, Addiction Treatment Center Alternative, Recovery Program, Alcoholism or Alcohol Recovery Programs - Drug Recovery Programs, Home Recovery Programs, Self Help Addiction Program, Online Recovery Program. I ordered and studied the book just for my own information and it is great-I recommend it even to those of us that have this thing beat. Oh, and before someone says something, once you understand that drinking is no different than overeating, cheating on your spouse, smoking, obsesing with golf, etc. it is not that big of a deal. It is the underlying issues that have to be dealt with-control them, and the drinking is a non-issue.

    I hope this information can help at least one person who has struggled-I really post this because I see people still struggling and personally I kept trying to stop the same way-if you do the same thing you will get the same result. I stepped up, took responsibility, and I am the happiest that I have ever been in my life.

    Also, these are not perfect programs-they will NOT change you....they will give you the tools you need to change. If you are not ready to change, don't waste your time or money. Finally, I have no affiliation with either program other than attending the first one. No one has asked me to poast this information. It comes from my heart on valentine's day weekend.


    My Own Way Out

    Vette, thanks for sharing this.
    Its so important to have a variety of solutions to our problems and ones that have worked for someone are invaluable.
    And you are absolutely right in saying that none of these programmes change you, but give you the tools to make the changes needed to live a good life.
    51 weeks sobriety is fantastic, keep up the good work!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      My Own Way Out

      Hello Jeff,

      Thanks for the websites, certainly helpful and local! Seems alot of us FLoridians sure do like to hit the bottle. Could it be the weather? Im not really sure!

      Clearwater here, thanks for the information.



        My Own Way Out

        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          My Own Way Out


          I was re reading your post this morning, this time a little more throughly. Congratulations on your huge success! I am in awe of your acomplishments.

          What you wrote has made alot of sense to me, and very well written by the way.

          I have recently come to the conclusion that my drinking problem is definately connected to an over eating problem as well.

          In fact, at my recent doctors visit I explained how my food addiction (sometimes cannot stop eating) is very similar feeling with my drinking problem (cannot have just one, want more, and more).

          I currently have filled a prescription for Antabuse and am doing a weight loss program through the same doctor. I am hopeful to find huge success. (praying!)

          As we are all individuals with our drinking problems, it certainly makes sense that different types of treatment will be different for that individual.

          I am just a newbie starting out, but hope to post of my success soon.



            My Own Way Out

            Thanks for the post Jeff...I researched some of the online/home programs and have purchased the Jude Thaddeus Home Recovery Program. I am looking forward to learning even more about how to overcome this dreaded monkey on my back!

            I will let anyone who is interested in my finding know how this program is once I read it.

            Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


              My Own Way Out

              Great post!

              After taking full responsibility for my own drinking, for the first time I have been able to achieve what for me counts as a significant period of abstinence. Blaming factors external to oneself is counter-productive in the long run. WE were the ones who picked up drinks of alcohol, WE consumed enormous quantities of the stuff, and WE refused to stop despite any problems that had surfaced in our lives. Now it is up to US to decide the kind of life we want; a life soaked in gin, or a productive one where life is faced fearlessly and with a clear head.

