I embarass myself and my partner, I know its not fair on her but I end up in the same state quite soon after the last time so we end up going round in circles.
One of the reasons I drink quickly is to stop nerves because I dont seem too good at meeting new people and walking into place on my own or even with my partner( I was diagnosed with low self esteem) which really has an effect on everything.
Its driving me crazy my goal was to control my drinking/cut down but that doesnt seem to be working and the way that i feel the day after really out powers the pros of drinking so im thinking maybe it might be wise to stop all together and prove to myself and also prove to these other people in my group of friends that im not this complete drunken idiot.
My parents worry sick about my drinking habits as I am only 30 and I know it myself that there are other activities out there to do and I keep meaning to do them but end up in the pub.
I beat myself up inside for things that I have done when I am out drinking which is extremely unhealthy but I cant seem to stop doing it.