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Beginng Day 2 AF
Beginng Day 2 AF
My mind is wondering all over - I can't concentrate, I'm tired even though I had slept all night, I ache all over. I'm not wanting a drink right now but I'm thinking about 6pm tonight after work - how can you stop this??? I know I should be making a plan but I just can't seem to focus on one thing long enough. I am at work and got a busy schedule today but just can't get down to it !! Think I will go for a walk around the outside of the office and hopefully be a bit clearer when I get back. Thanks for listening. I am reading this back before I press the send button and it just sounds gobbledy gouch!! :thanks:Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.Tags: None
Beginng Day 2 AF
Hi Panno, thats the withdrawal effects you're experiencing by the sounds of things, plus a big dollop of habit hanging on there.
Walking is a good idea, drinking lots of fluid (not coffee, will make you jittery) and eating some carbs to keep your blood sugar levels stable.
When you get home, try a hot bath, a good book and a film, easy stuff just to get you through. It WILL get better, but it can be tough to start.
Hang in there !Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009
Beginng Day 2 AF
Hi SO & JC the fresh air did blow away a few cobwebs and got 2 jobs out of the way when I got back - coffee is my fall down so I have filled a jug of water and put it on my desk. I have finally made a list of my work load and will try and work through it best I can today. Rambling on again but it sure helps cominig on here and reading postsxxxxx
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Beginng Day 2 AF
I battle depression and the biggest problem with it is the inability to concentrate. I have to read things over and over and I feel foggy. Not drinking and taking anti depressants helps clear the cobwebs. I used Paxil for a long time, but just recently switched to EffexorI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Beginng Day 2 AF
I have suffered depression in the past and found concentrating hard, maybe its time to visit the docs. All I keep doing at the moment is looking at the clock and not the big list of things to do at work that I have made!!!! hopefully I will act on them tomorrow and get them done - at least I was able to make the list today which I was pleased about. All I seem to be doing is shuffling paper on my desk and just hoping I don't weaken tonight - think it would be much easier if we didn't think about it all the time - would really like to post day 3AF tomorrowLearn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Beginng Day 2 AF
Hi Panno,
Told you I'd be lurking about around this timeHave you got an oven timer that you can use. I used to put mine on for an hour,let it ting....then see how I felt......set it for another hour .....
Best of luck this is doable.
J x
:lIt could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Beginng Day 2 AF
Hi J I'm still at work at the moment but the oven timer is a really good idea, just had a hot cross bun sugary and carb so hoping that will last me the next hour - thanks for lurking its a great comfortLearn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Beginng Day 2 AF
Together we can do this.
I understand completely. I am getting out of work right now. All day I have been telling myself that when I get out of work I will cook a big meal to buy some time, so I am on my way to the market to buy the groceries and while im at it I will rent a movie for my daughter and I to lay in bed and watch...In the back of my mind I am saying "It is snowing out perfect day to have a drink".Also, my husband has a doctor's appointment at 5pm so he will not see me drink tonight but the bottom line is that I will still know that I had a drink tonight. For the first time last week I did a 2AF and it felt WONDERFUL!!.I am shooting for a 3AF this week. Why don't you join me? We can do this together. Write me back.
Beginng Day 2 AF
Hi M managed the evening - cooked, bathed and ironed it's 10pm now and I've resisted temptation twice this eve so feeling pretty good with myself right now. I'm so pleased I found this site it's really encouraging me and I would be happy to join you for 3 AF hope you enjoying the movie xxxLearn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Beginng Day 2 AF
Hi Panno and M22, today is day 2 AF for me too. Would love to get a week AF in but I'm in the same boat with the thoughts swirling around in my head and me trying hard to get a handle on them.
Mama Bear and Panno, I also suffer from depression. My doctor recently prescribed be lexapro but haven't started taking it yet because I am taking topamax to help with the cravings.
Jackie, it is nice to see you popping up so often. Jessie and Startingover, always good to see you two.