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Beginng Day 2 AF

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    Beginng Day 2 AF

    Hurray to all the AF's today. Good job everyone. And if anyone didn't make it AF today, tomorrow's a new day filled with possibilities. Keep you heads up and know we are here to listen and help.

    I'm a day 2AF and hoping to keep the number climbing.


      Beginng Day 2 AF

      Jolie, I'm doing well and feeling strong but also know it is very early in the game. Will post in the newbies nest tonight when I get home from work.

      Meech, I too hope to keep the number climbing. Let's hope we can all do it.

      Panno, M22 hope you both made it to day 3 af.


        Beginng Day 2 AF


        Morning lurk ,
        I used to have a fantastic alcohol counselor that used to set me little targets for the week.

        Nothing humungous, I could bake a cake, knit a hat, make a meal with something I've never used before. It really did help.

        J x

        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Beginng Day 2 AF

          Hi Panno
          Have you tired any relaxtion techniques ie meditation, yoga etc those thoughts are coming from somewhere but they are only thoughts and they are manfesting themselves into physical symptoms ie not been about to concentrate, tireness etc... I really recommend a book called The Power of Now it teaches you not to identify with your mind chatter but just to observe and let them go. This will help with understanding how the mind works and to sit with the cravings when they come up rather than react to them.
          I have read the book 3 times now and has helped me enourmously. I am 17 days AF today and am reading the book at the moment again!! Shout if you need to talk.
          Hang in there it will get better good luck with day 3 AF:h
          Liquid MISERY guaranteed to distroy.


            Beginng Day 2 AF

            Panno, hope you are here and committing to another AF day whether that's 3 or 1 or whatever. Cuckoo it's great to see you here and slugging away too. The only way to fail is to stop trying.

            When I first when AF after years of daily drinking, I had major brain fog. It felt hard to keep a thought going in my head. I would also mix up words in sentences. I remember introducing one person to another and somehow mixing it all up into something nonsensical. I assume that was part of the withdrawl process. For me, it got better on it's own after a bit of time. Of course you should see a doctor if you are concerned!

            Hang in there,

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Beginng Day 2 AF

              Day 3 here, too. Well, I don't like to look at it that way because it seems to cancel out all AF time prior to Sunday, and that doesn't seem right. Well, anyway, I just wanted to chime in and say that I got a lot out of the Power of Now book, too. Also, I highly recommend A New Earth. I'm on my 3rd time through. For me, the audio version is best. I didn't get much out of reading it myself. There is something about hearing the book as read by the book's author that works really well for me.

              Peace and strength.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Beginng Day 2 AF

                Dill I'm glad you commented on that book. I keep hearing such good things about it, and we actually have a copy here at the house! (Power of Now that is) Good nudge for me to pick it up!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Beginng Day 2 AF

                  Thanks for the resources. I shall check out that book. I think a friend (not a problem with alcohol but other big issues) has it and it has helped her.

                  Dill, Cuckoosnest, M22, Panno, Overittiday - Let's all do a great AF3 today.

                  Mama Bear where are you at right now? Be strong today. Thinking about you.

                  I just read on another post from StirlyGirl and it is something I'll repeat to myself tonight. Maybe it will help you all too:
                  It takes much less effort to get through "the witching hour" than it does to get through a whole day with a hangover."

                  I know we hear it and say it probably everyday - I don't know....just the way SGirl worded it, it really hits me where it needs too.

                  Great job Jolie - keep up the hard work. You are doing awesome.

                  DoggyGirl, JC, - have a great sober day!



                    Beginng Day 2 AF

                    hey Meech
                    I am hanging tough and thought about you last night.....kind of craving a beer...but have not caved so far
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Beginng Day 2 AF

                      Here's something to put your cravings in.


                      I'll be round later to collect it. Daily collections. Free of charge.

                      J x

                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Beginng Day 2 AF

                        Thanks Mama Bear!

                        JC - Love it :H :H

                        You make me laugh and put a big smile on my face.


                          Beginng Day 2 AF

                          love the trash can!!
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            Beginng Day 2 AF

                            What time would you like me to collect it and I'll replace it with an empty one.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Beginng Day 2 AF

                              Meech;807610 wrote: Thanks for the resources. I shall check out that book. I think a friend (not a problem with alcohol but other big issues) has it and it has helped her.
                              I just read on another post from StirlyGirl and it is something I'll repeat to myself tonight. Maybe it will help you all too:
                              It takes much less effort to get through "the witching hour" than it does to get through a whole day with a hangover."
                              I know we hear it and say it probably everyday - I don't know....just the way SGirl worded it, it really hits me where it needs too.

                              Great job Jolie - keep up the hard work. You are doing awesome.
                              DoggyGirl, JC, - have a great sober day!:h
                              Hi Meech. Was browsing some newbie posts and noticed my name. Glad you like what I wrote. I printed it in nice bright blue ink on bright pink paper and have it stuck up beside my desk where I can see it. This is usually where I drink while I'm doing stuff on line or playing games. Mindless things to pass the time til it's time to either drink or go to bed. so now I'm hoping seeing that every night will remind me that I only have to get through an hour, two tops and I can take my little pills and cuddle up for the night. And have a fairly good sleep and get up sober in the morning. Simple as that. Another thing that I read somewhere and posted was this - how we look at drinking. For us who are alcoholics and can't stop when we start, alcohol is a drug that is slowly killing us. For us it's poison. So if you think after a hard day at work, that you deserve to have a drink to relax, ask yourself this - if the bottle was marked poison since that is essentially what it is - do you deserve a drink of poison? Or after you've gotten the kids in bed for the nite, you "treat" yourself to a beer knowing full well that you won't stop until you've had 8 or ten and feel like crap the next day. Poison will do that. It will be hard work at first being AF. Adjusting to some things you won't do like carry a keg of beer along on a fishing trip or going for a glass of wine with a colleague after work. Have to work out how to do that and not get made fun of or made to feel uncompfortable. Not so bad. When I went AL free and we'd have parties to go to I'd just say that I'd rather eat the extra calories than drink them. So I would find a nice sugar free fuzzy water and put it in the most elegant glass I could find and that would be my own special cocktail or champagne. No one had to know and after getting a couple of drinks in them, the others just didn't care anyway. And I could always drive home if someone else wasn't able to.Anyway - something to think about...Stirly
                              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                                Beginng Day 2 AF

                                Plan on going up to bed tonight with some sleepy time tea and reading "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle.

