AF3 for Meech
Cuckoonest - Sounds like a plan. I'm snuggling into my bed with a good book and a sober brain. :thumbs:
Thank you Stirly-Girl - Honestly I said your words a couple of times when I got the cravings tonight and it was much easier to shrug off that little AL slimey beast like it was last week's garbage!
Thanks for the poison idea. It really is poison and I'm sick of killing myself with it.
For me being out with people doesn't tempt me too much and I have a even mix of drinkers and non-drinker friends. It's hometime after the kids are in bed or about to get there. I usually start drinking at supper time but in pretty good control (2 drinks) until the kiddies are in bed and then the drinks get quicker and quicker.
I am feeling really strong. This is day 3AF is much easier than last time. Cravings are still there but they are weaker and I am stronger.
Back off Alcohol I don't feel like being your friend anymore. :durn:
Talk to you all tomorrow! :l You are all very special healthy part of my life now. :h