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Beginng Day 2 AF

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    Beginng Day 2 AF

    I am currently drunk and cant find where the hell to post it.... Maybe there should be a sppot to put that...Its crazy how I can still type cohertly...i just need to stop... I cant... Not on my own... My girlfriend (fiance)and I got into a fight about past relationships and documentations (cards and letters and as I was putting the letters and misc shit in a pile to burn I read them an realized th e problems were at the late hours in the morning... i hold job high in the military and function well if not well above the average.... I drink cuz I think that drinking helps me to focus,I know thats wrong... I know that one day it will cost me everything... Im going to stop tying now cuz its hard for me to type cohentyly


      Beginng Day 2 AF

      Why oh why !! Left work last night around 6 and went straight to the shop - I knew exactly what I was going for and even though I kept telling myself to turn around I didn't - so hence I am now back to day 1!! What makes us do that? I did not get drunk and I can't even say I enjoyed or disliked it I don't know what I felt but I did drink the full bottle (wine!!) I don't even have a hangover!

      What makes it worst I work in a place where there is a gym and a pool no less than 600 yards away!!! Tonight I will use it!

      Anybody got any answers as to why I did that - I was feeling so good, I was catching up on work, I am feeling healthier and less tired so why did I risk throwing that feeling away?:upset:
      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


        Beginng Day 2 AF

        When I used to drink (I love being able to say that). I would know from the minute I woke up I was going to get a bottle of wine (or 2) come hell or high water regardless of how long I'd been sober.
        It may have been that you were feeling so well you thought a little drink would do no harm
        Still onwards and upwards.
        J x
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Beginng Day 2 AF

          Hi J

          I am determined to beat this and my plan is one day I will be saying 'when I use to drink'

          P x
          Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


            Beginng Day 2 AF

            If any one here got it right the 1st,2nd,3rd........ time round. This place would be empty.

            Planning,changing routines there's the key.

            J x

            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009

