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Not sure about medication portion

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    Not sure about medication portion

    Hello! I just finished reading RJ's book. I really enjoyed it however I am not interested in the medication portion of the book. I am very excited about the supplements, hypnotherapy, and exercise portion though. I just don't want to have to take meds when I am already on prozac. I am in the early stages and want to learn moderation. I guess I would say I am a bindge drinker. I can go weeks without a drink and sometimes have just one or two. It's the times when I overdue it by having 5 to 8 that make me nervous. I am 120 lb female that can't handle that much. Any advice would be great. So again I want to do the program except for the topiramate. Thanks

    Not sure about medication portion

    Hey Madeline - I am new here. I have ordered the drugs, but they haven't arrived yet. I can tell you though, that I just got the Kudzu yesterday & started taking it. It has really taken the edge off already if that's possible! I can't believe it, but I can honestly tell you that I don't want a drink right now. Usually I've had at least one at this point in the evening, so I feel very hopeful. I may not even need to try the drugs. I'll have them here, just in case, but it's looking like the supplements alone may work. I haven't tried the hypnosis CDs yet, but have received those too - so I'm sure they can't do anything but help at least a little.


      Not sure about medication portion

      Thank you


        Not sure about medication portion

        :welcome: Madeline! When I first got started I did everything by the My Way Out book EXCEPT taking the Topa. Supps, Hypno CD's, Exercise and diet recommendations. I really think this program helps take the edge off. I don't think ANYTHING is *magic* unfortunately - this takes a lot of work. BUT - the tools really help I think.

        I have since modified what I do but I'm sober and that's what counts. If I can do it, I know you can too. Welcome!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.

