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Just tired

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    Just tired

    Hello, I am brand new here. I am glad I found this place. I am hungover today and of course feeling terrible after being 3 hours late to work and making an a** of myself last night. I finally realized I do have a problem and have had one for some time but always made excuses or reasons for drinking on a tuesday night or any day that ends in a y. I am mostly a home drinker but given the chance I will drink socially as well. A week ago I drank so much that I fell and cut my face, think that would stop me? Nope! I was back at it 4 days later. I drink anywhere from 2-4 times a week. It has gotten to the point that when I am about to drink or thinking about drinking I feel so guilty but after a couple that feeling goes away but after the excessive drinking till passing out the guilt is back. I can never have just a "couple" a couple to me is 6. It is really straining my marriage and honestly I am not being the best mother I can be b/c I am hungover alot. I dont feel I am a bad mother but I do not want my daughter to look back on her life and realize mommy had a problem.So today is the first day and I really think I am finally ready.

    Sorry if that came across as rambling!

    Just tired

    Ramble on, Sista!

    :welcome: Excuses!

    Well done - glad you stumbled (no pun intended) upon us

    Yes, the excuses or reasons or justifications or... I do remember them well. Believe it or not, even after 6 months they still pop up now and then. But, you've taken 2 important and difficult steps already... you've acknowledged you have a problem and you are reaching out for help. Looks to me like you're on your way out

    Have you read the MWO book yet? SO much good info there and an enjoyable, easy read. Supplements (and medication for some), some soul searching and exercise have proven to be very helpful on this new journey.

    Do make yourself comfy here, join the Newbie's Nest, have a look at the Toolbox thread, and take comfort in the realization that you are not alone. Not by a long shot.

    Wishing you resolve, strength, and unbridled success!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Just tired

      Thank you! I stopped for a month last year but started again. I am hoping this is it for me (keeping my fingers crossed)!


        Just tired

        Then make it so
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          Just tired

          hi & welcome excuses,
          you will find this a community with lots of advice & support,keep reading the threads and post daily to let us know how your getting on,weather its good or bad.hope to see you around and let there be know excuses, :-)

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            Just tired

            Hey Excuses, your drinking pattern sounds alot like mine - not every day but enough days of the week that I was always recovering from drinking in some way. I am telling you, being AF is sooooo worth it. But just as it has become a habit to drink, recover, drink, recover, it can become a habit to be AF. Sleeping well, handling your life honestly, with integrity, feeling good physically, repairing relationships and finding your real sober self is a journey worth taking. And believe me, our kids know what is going on. Good luck to you, use the tools on this site and keep posting.


              Just tired

              :welcome: Excuses,
              All of what you are talking about i think most of us here can identify with. AL stucks the life out of you and then spits you out only to find the strength to do it all over again. I'm 18 day AF and have to say it has been an interesting ride so far. If you want something bad enough you will find it within yourself to do it. There is lots of support and advise here stick with it check out the tool box i loved reading all the information in there. Get the supplements and do some exercise.
              The chat room is also good to keep your mind of the demon in dangerous times.
              Good luck with your journey there will always be supports if you need it.
              Liquid MISERY guaranteed to distroy.


                Just tired

                Excuses;807665 wrote: Hello, I am brand new here. I am glad I found this place. I am hungover today and of course feeling terrible after being 3 hours late to work and making an a** of myself last night. I finally realized I do have a problem and have had one for some time but always made excuses or reasons for drinking on a tuesday night or any day that ends in a y. I am mostly a home drinker but given the chance I will drink socially as well. A week ago I drank so much that I fell and cut my face, think that would stop me? Nope! I was back at it 4 days later. I drink anywhere from 2-4 times a week. It has gotten to the point that when I am about to drink or thinking about drinking I feel so guilty but after a couple that feeling goes away but after the excessive drinking till passing out the guilt is back. I can never have just a "couple" a couple to me is 6. It is really straining my marriage and honestly I am not being the best mother I can be b/c I am hungover alot. I dont feel I am a bad mother but I do not want my daughter to look back on her life and realize mommy had a problem.So today is the first day and I really think I am finally ready.

                Sorry if that came across as rambling!
                Wow! I feel like I have written this myself. I grew up with an alcoholic fatherand I don't want my girls growing up seeing the same thing.

                Now I am taking baclofen and using some self control and not drinking as much.

                Best of luck. Pm me any time. I totally understand.
                AF July 6 2014


                  Just tired

                  Thanks so much for all the great advice and support everyone! It's funny today I feel wonderful and positive, I didn't argue with my husband this morning and I wasn't rushing around to get to work on time. I actually felt ok when I woke up. I really dont know why I sacrifice this feeling for a few hours of drinking. I am nervous but feel good abouth this. I usually can get past the first few days ok, it's actually day 3 & 4 that are hard for me, especially with the weekend coming up. I may be on here alot! Thanks again for all the kind words!


                    Just tired

                    Good morning excuses! It's wonderful to read your post about the GOOD things that come with a sober morning. Enjoy your UnHungness today!

                    I know it's baffling to try to figure out why we toss out the good stuff that comes with sober days for all the bad stuff that comes with drinking for people like us. That's just AL. Cunning, baffling, powerful. Hang onto the positives of your morning like it's your life line!

                    Have a good day,

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Just tired

                      Welcome Excuses......I feel your pain and have mirrored your behavior more times that I care to admit.
                      Have a good, powerful day and know that we are all here for you
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Just tired

                        Good stuff! keep it positive!
                        Have a fab AF day!!
                        Liquid MISERY guaranteed to distroy.


                          Just tired

                          Hi again, Excuses! You're story is my story, friend. Look me up this weekend if I can be helpful....I may need a lifeline myself. I might even venture into the chat room. I refuse to to come to work Monday with a hangover!


                            Just tired

                            Hi Cecelia! I will be popping in and out throughout the weekend so if I am here and you need someone just let me know! You will be fine, you seem to really want this as bad as I do and I believe if you want something bad enough you can do it! Besides just think how wonderful you will feel Monday morning getting through the weekend!

