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Advice for depression

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    Advice for depression

    Hi all,

    I'm looking for advice on how to feel better as quickly as possible...stubborn depression has driven me to drink in the past and of course that just makes it worse. I know going for a walk would help but I am stuck at home with a sick child. I had an earlier post that I was going to help her roller skate a little and I know that will help. The sun is shining and that should be helping. I need to get outside. Sometimes I think it's not so much alcohol that I crave, just something to help me numb bad feelings. I know I need to accept and deal with my feelings. I probably sound lazy and impatient - I'm just looking for relief that is relatively fast. Is that wrong?

    Advice for depression

    I think we live in a world that is ever more urgent about wanting and expecting *whatever* RIGHT NOW. Reality is that RIGHT NOW is not the way it works with most things. I think it's normal to WANT that, but not very practical to EXPECT that.

    If I let these types of thoughts run loose in my head, I get very frustrated and irritable:

    * Why is MY life so hard?
    * Why does't my husband/mother/friend/co-worker/boss APPRECIATE me?
    * Why won't these kids/husband/family/etc. just do what I want them to do when I want them to do it?
    * Why won't my husband/kids/friends/whoever do things that will make me HAPPY instead of just frustrating me all the time?
    * Why am I so bored and lonely? When will life be fun / fun again?

    This is pity party, self centered thinking. If I allow this to go on in my head I will be chronically disappointed and frustrated.

    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    The courage to change the things I can,
    And the wisdom to know the difference.

    Grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change,
    The courage to change the one I can,
    And the wisdom to know it's me.

    It's up to me to figure out what makes me happy and content.
    It's up to me to find activities that are gratifying.
    It's up to me to accept the realities of the choices I have made and make the best of things.
    It's up to me to keep my life in good perspective and see that there are a lot of good things about it in addition to the challenges.
    It's up to me to figure out how to make the best of every day and to stay sober, which is a huge part of making the best of every day for me.

    This may or may not have any relevance, but it's what came to my active fingers on the keyboard just now.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Advice for depression

      Hi Someone Else

      I just replied to one of your other posts saying that I can relate to stay at home motherhood. My kids are off sick too this week and although they are well enough to go back tomorrow,the school is closed Thurs/Fri formid term break, arrgh!

      Try to find any form of distraction you can and get outside if you know that will make you feel better. I know that getting outside always works for me, even if it is only getting the kids out on their bikes for a few mins. Anything to break the day.

      If you cant get out try to find something else to keep your mind off..Work on your list of things that you should be happy about, plan something nice to do over your long weekend,anything to cheer you up. Stay on this site, phone a friend.

      Have you tried using any supplements?..I am only looking into them now..there is a very good thread on amino acids that you could look at if you are not using any already.

      Keep Strong, you mentioned that you do not feel the need to drink after you have put your daughter to bed so do anything you can to get through the next few hours. My hardest time is actually after I put the kids to bed so my only solution lately is to have a bath and go to bed early.

      Sending you positive vibes

      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


        Advice for depression

        Thanks! I'll work on it...


          Advice for depression

          5-HTP - works like a dream for me
          I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


            Advice for depression

            Hello SE,
            Everyone posted such great advice for you...I needed to hear what each person said. I thank you for your honesty. And if I may, Sam-e has worked for me. Take care and hold on! They dont stay small for long!
            A mother of 3, ages 12,16 and 23.
            **p.s- I didnt mean to rhyme (lol)!!!


              Advice for depression

              thanks! Maybe I should take that instead of Effexor. i don't think you are supposed to combine them, although I have, not knowing, and didn't feel any ill effects.


                Advice for depression

                The Mood Cure by Julia Ross is an interesting read. There is a thread about it in the "What We Are Reading" Section. IMO,the info in that book is consistent with a lot of the science behind the My Way Out supplementation and diet recommendations.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Advice for depression

                  Thanks everybody. I'm feeling a little better - getting dressed, makeup on and out of the house helped. Knowing I'm going to see hubby for a little while tonight before the next business trip helps, too. Looking forward to not having AL on my breath when I see him. We were going to go to the park but then my daughter started feeling sick again so we came home. So I guess it is good that I kept her home from school. Poor little sweetie.


                    Advice for depression

                    Good music always lifts my mood - that and a secret dancing session in the kitchen where no one can mock my moves. This might improve your mood to help you look at the bigger picture.

                    Take Care

                    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                      Advice for depression

                      Some form of exercise always helps me for instant relief! a feel good dvd. Have you tried meditating on a daily basis works wonders for observing the madness going on upstairs and puts you in a better state of mind. Music, incence some candles (at night of course) all mood enhancing tools.
                      Doggygirl def. resonated with me! thanks DG you lifted my spirits.:h
                      Liquid MISERY guaranteed to distroy.


                        Advice for depression

                        Thanks! I don't know why but I have been forgetting to put music on and I love it!


                          Advice for depression

                          Hi Someone......
                          DO NOT MIX SAME WITH can cause seratonin syndrome and put you in the hospital. When I told myt doc about MWO she was very supportive but said to watch out for anything containing seratonin.......I take Effexor too,,,,
                          track me down if u need to chat
                          and take care of that precious baby.......smooches!
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            Advice for depression

                            thanks! Don't worry, I'm going off the Effexor. I want to try DLPA though.


                              Advice for depression

                              I know

                              this site is great and has much to offer. I feel that like life one size does not fit all so I am always looking for the right thing for me. Here is a link to a very well done book that offers help for different 'Bio types' of alcohol problems. Personally I found that the Essential Fatty Acid tact was the one for me. With the formula and the support from friends and a board like this I am finding it much easier to say no. Depression is a big part of the book. The author Joan Larson is a Ph.D and took up the task of finding a cure for alcoholism after her son committed suicide at 18. It's easy once you understand but you will have to be patient and read and study the book for best results. It has helped me. Luck to you, I hope this helps!
                     Seven Weeks to Sobriety: The Proven Program to Fight Alcoholism through Nutrition (9780449002599): Joan Mathews Larson: Books

