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Good Morning

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    Good Morning

    Good Morning all,
    Today is going into my 9th day AF.. and also the day I'm meeting my friends at an 'RSL' (pub)for lunch.. I plan on staying AF, and will use my willpower to not have any AL whilst there.. I am going to concentrate on eating, and looking after my little boy.. I feel so much more energetic since having no AL.. and its great to wake up in the morning with no guilt or physical symptoms of a hangover.. I really want to stay this way, as I have destroyed my life so many times with AL - I want to see what I am capable of achieving with no AL in my life!! Here's to a successful and happy day with no AL!
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


    Good Morning

    Good on you KB

    Having had some af time recently I've noticed how small my life is becoming. I want to get out there and live life not just go through it in a blurry haze. Previously I didn't want anything to interfere with my drinking time!!!!!!

    You enjoy your little boy - your sobriety will be the best thing you could possibly do for him. His childhood will go by so quickly - you don't want to miss any of it.
    Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


      Good Morning

      Good for you! I hope you had a fabulous AF lunch!
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        Good Morning

        Morning KB!

        I don't normally check in in the mornings, but I just wanted to say have a great AF day! The feeling you'll have when you can tick off another day and start tomorrow unhung, is MUCH better than a temporary AL fix. Go KB!

        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



          Good Morning

          I did it!

          Well.. what a success.. I managed to meet my friends, had a lovely lunch of fish and chips.. and no AL! I went up to the bar and ordered and lemon, lime and soda.. and it felt great! My friend's were surprised I think (but didn't say anything) - that I did not order my usual glass of wine with lunch..
          And then I got the train straight home without stopping at any bottle shops.. i feel very proud of myself!
          I just have to keep continuing as I am, and not give in to temptation.. as I know I will just go on a path of self-destruction if I give in..
          Next hurdle is the weekend alone.. but i'm working on Sat night, so I won't be able to drink tomorrow..
          I am 'missing' alcohol in the sense of the feeling of relaxation and self-confidence it gives me.. but with my history, its just not worth it.. I have to try other means of gaining self-confidence.. and keep seeing my counsellor who is working on my low self-esteem.. thanks again for all your support.. this site has definately given me some motivation to keep away from AL.. hopefully forever
          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


