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    I found this on my endless search for some motivation and support on trying to quit or control my drinking. I normally drink twice a week saturday and thursday usually..and I go out with my husband on these day to the local pub. I dont typically drink at home. But now when we go I end up staying he leaves and I drink more until I am pretty much numb and I walk home. I get home curse my husband out for leaving me and say stupid stuff he gets mad and the process repeats itself every week. I have tried to tell him that a little motivation from him would help but he is resistant. I normally end up at the pub with him because he stopped there on his way home. He can drink a couple a go home I cant. I keep trying but it seems I cant.


    Welcome! This is a great place to come for support! Read as much as you can and post. People are always willing to help.
    AF July 6 2014



      :welcome: Sneaky,
      Its great that you recognised the problem and you want to do something about it.
      Google is a wonderful thing! and you have found a great place to share and learn.
      Welcome aboard!
      Liquid MISERY guaranteed to distroy.



        Hi snickie,

        Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!

        While it's nice to have support at home, it's not really necessary - you can do this!
        Download & read the MWO book if you haven't already. You'll learn a lot about the program & it's components. Look in the Tool box (located in the Monthly Abstinence section) for good ideas to help you make your plan.

        Please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread for some support. Lots of folks there just getting started as well. If you commit yourself you will be successful

        Wishing you the best on your journey.

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

