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trying so hard to quit

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    trying so hard to quit

    Hi, I am a twenty four year old wife and mother of three boys. I have been trying for about a month now to completely quit. I seem to do very well until someone comes over or I am around someone who is drinking. Then I feel as if I'm missing out on the fun. And I give in and drink. I want so desperately to quit. I've tried severals times before and its never been this hard. I need some advice on what to do when the hard times hit. I would really appreciate it. Thank u and god bless, daily

    trying so hard to quit

    Hi Daily and a big welcome to you! :welcome:
    I am only starting out myself so although I can't give you much solid advice I just wanted to say hi and give you some encouragement. Please concentrate on the fact that you are doing well most of the time and work from there. It's baby steps and you are in the right place now for lots of help and friendship as you take those steps. Please come into the Newbie Nest thread. It's friendly, warm and safe there and you will find lots of people who will give you specific advice based on their own successes.
    Chat later and God bless :huggy


      trying so hard to quit

      Hi Daily - having had a drink problem for 20+ years, I've been through times when I've moderated successfully, and abstained for 2-3 months at a time, but something always gets me back on the wine, so I know how hard it is,and how incomprehensible it is to drink against your own decision! This time round, I've found this website hugely helpful, so make sure you have a good look round - the tool box on the monthly abstinance forum has some great advice. I've also found the 'rational recovery' approach helps - google this and go to their website - it's not for everyone, but I am determined this is my last 'attempt' to be AF and the RR approach does not allow relapses. So, welcome, and I'm sure the wisdom contained in this website will help you! Take care, JT
      "there's a crack, there's a crack in everything...that's how the light gets in" Leonard Cohen


        trying so hard to quit

        Thank u so much. Its so nice to hear the welcomes and encouraging words. I wish luck to everyone and god bless. Daily


          trying so hard to quit

          Hi Daily
          I too, am a newbie, and still not AF, but I have made so many new friends and am starting to make positive changes in my life.
          Hi Sister Sophie......smooches... Daily....Sophie and I started this journey on the same day and have a special bond...
          Take it a day at a time and do not beatyourself up if you slip......Lord knows I have done it enuf!
          Smooches from the South!
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            trying so hard to quit

            Hi Daily and :welcome: Have you downloaded the My Way Out book to give that a read? The My Way Out program consists of recommendations in 5 key areas - diet, exercise, nutritional supplements (most of us are sorely deficient in key nutrients that then promote cravings), hypnosis CD's, and a prescription medication called Topomax.

            I personally started out doing everything by the book with the exception of the Topomax - I'm a bit prescription drup phobic which is just my personal issue.

            If will power alone isn't cutting it, you might want to try the My Way Out program, or one of the other more structured programs such as Rational Recovery or AA. Don't be afraid to try different approaches until you find what works for YOU. I applaud you for addressing this problem while you are young rather than letting AL rob you of your family and your life for decades as I did.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              trying so hard to quit

              Hi daily,

              Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
              You are a very young mother of three boys - you have every reason in the world to take control of you life right now!
              Forget the partying those days are over!!!!

              If you haven't already download & read the MWO book for about $12. It explains the components of the program.
              Look in the Tool box (located in the Monthly Abstinence thread) for good ideas to help you make your plan.

              I found it necessay to rid my home of all AL & vow to stay out of the wine stores - glad I did too!
              Make the commitment to stop now daily - do it for yourself & for your young children. Thy need a happy, healthy, sober mother.

              Please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread for some extra support. There are lots of people there just beginning as well.

              You can do this!

              Wishing you the best on your journey!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                trying so hard to quit

                Hi daily and welcome,
                Glad you are here for yourself and your three boys.
                I take my hat off to you for recognising your problem at a young age!
                Lavande has given you all the great advise.
                i just wanted to say welcome and also wishing you well on your journey.
                Liquid MISERY guaranteed to distroy.

