I so hate the shit and everyday i go back and do it all again?
My parnter wasn't home last night so hey what a great idea do get pissed... don't have to worry about dinner so i just went and hung out with my staff and talked a whole heap of bullshit.
What a idiot, am i bored with life? i don't know? I have so much to do daily that i procrastinate terribly and end up 'having a beer' to relax and ease my mind - there has to be other ways to do this.
I have no hobbies, i have no time - although got all the time in the world to drink.
Evil shit - i hate it and hate me more.
Going away tomorrow with my son there should be no al around but don't worry i have considered taking a stash of my own for a bit of a confidence builder. Very nervous but need to be positive for my boy and act in control and full of self worth... help i CAN do this :upset: