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    Hi everyone. This seems like a very nice place. :new: May I stay?
    I really can't say too much about myself that I haven't already read in dozens of other posts. I want to say: Like she said, or Ditto on that.
    Anyway, I'm a pretty heavy daily drinker - far more than is good for me. No one is telling me to stop, perhaps because I have successfully isolated myself over the last few years to the point that this is the case. But I know that it's time to stop. I've been through some very tough times, but they are mostly over now. What I have left is: tendency to depression, severe and occasionally debilitating anxiety, chronic pain (more or less in remission at this point), and - did I mention? - heavy daily drinking. I think that taking care of the drinking may help with the rest of the legacy. To that end, I'm tapering down gradually (that's the plan) and once AF, I will decide the next path in the journey. If anyone has any experience with tapering off, and would like to share, that would be great! Meantime, just glad to be here... :thanks:
    "Kinda brainy, but with no common sense..." by permission of Anotherday


    Hi canadian girl. I have no experience (not successful anyway) with tapering. (1 drink = 1Xinfinity for me) BUT - I too was a daily drinker and I very much isolated myself in the end. I was also mightily depressed - considered suicide and had a plan.

    It was not easy to stop drinking but it has absolutely been worth it. I have my life back! If I can do it, so can you.


    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.



      Welcome from a fellow Canadian!

      This is a great place to come so you don't feel alone. That's one thing I always feel....but not here.

      There's always someone around when you need someone.

      Best of are more than welcome to PM me at any time.
      AF July 6 2014



        Welcome Canadiangirl,

        I am also Canadian Your situation sounds quite a bit like my own, in terms of isolating oneself to drink. I can't offer any advice on tapering off, as I was never able to succeed at cutting down my alcohol intake, so I just quit cold turkey. But if you can successfully taper off, I'm sure you will ease the pain of withdrawal symptoms. From a detox standpoint, tapering off before complete cessation is far more healthy. Good luck.



          Hi everyone! Thanks a lot for your responses.
          @ Doggy Girl - I'm glad things are working out or you. I, too, had a "plan". Half-baked as it was, if things had gotten really bad, maybe... Thank Goddess it didn't, for both of us. Can you imagine how selfish that would have been, the lifetime of guilt and sadness we would have left our families and friends with. Makes my blood run cold. I have read a number of your posts, and I look forward to getting to know you.
          @ Christy - I have read your Bac diary - we are almost neighbours! I will take you up on the invitation to PM. Thank you very much.
          @ Jim Beam - Yeah, the tapering down is all about the withdrawals. About 10-12 years ago, during another period of heavy drinking (interspersed with a period of "social drinking", whatever that is) I went away for four days with some friends and didn't drink. The withdrawals were a bit scary, and now that I'm so much further ahead, I really think I'm in the danger zone. That being said, I'm fairly optimistic. As long as I've had my daily fix, I can usually go to bed with booze in the house. In fact, we now make our own wine and there is regularly dozens of bottles in the basement. What I intend to do is (cue the maniacal laughter) gradually reduce my daily fix until I can quit without medical intervention. I'll let you know how that goes!!!!
          Glad to be here, and good luck to us all.
          "Kinda brainy, but with no common sense..." by permission of Anotherday



            Hi Canadian Girl,

            Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
            I had a very heavy wine habit going myself until this time last year! I did push myself to taper down over a few weeks, was glad I did too. But, at some point you do have to just 'bite the bullet' & do it!!
            You won't be sorry - your life is about to get so much better

            Wishing you the best on your journey!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:




              I know withdrawal can be tough, but there are lots of effective medications available to make it easier. In my own case, 2 mg of Ativan once per day for three-five days can completely obliterate any withdrawal symptoms. Aside from Ativan, Librium and Valium also work well. I mention this only because I found taking medication in the short-term far easier than tapering off. But whatever works.



                Thanks for that, Jim. I do have Ativan at home (anxiety, dontcha know). Now I know that it can be part of my toolbox!
                "Kinda brainy, but with no common sense..." by permission of Anotherday

