However, a few things have come to light where I feel as though I just can't go on like I have been. First, my assistant has left to start her own business and without her, I can't drink like I used to (nor should I).
When she gave me her notice, effective Oct. 1st, I told myself I was going to quit drinking for awhile. Like SO,SO MANY promises to quit or cut down, I not only have not done that but in the last week I drove under the influence of alcohol ...twice (something I don't do) AND ....I had a date last night where I decided to start drinking in the afternoon. When he picked me up he asked if I had been drinking and I lied and said "no". We went out and had a few beers before going to hear his friends band....only the bouncer wouldn't let me in because he said I was too intoxicated...I was swaying and my eyes were glassy....Now I didn't think I was that drunk, but that's a story for another time. I ended up confessing that I had been drinking before... and there goes another potential relationship down the drain...
Needless to say, I feel like sh*t about myself. :upset: I can't believe I drank and drove,; new low. And, I can't believe I was denied access to a club because I was too intoxicated!! New low.:upset:
Without going into too much detail because I don't want to be writing a novel here, I had my astrological chart read this week and addiction showed up. Apparently the cosmos want me to change.

I've been on this website before and have the book, CD's, Topa and most supp's. Problem is, I am not consistent. As soon as I see them having a positive effect, I back down and go back to my old ways. I drink everyday just want to know how to get through those first few days and then how to get through all of the social events that include alcohol. So much of my social life involves alocohol.
Thanks for any thoughts.....I just don't know how to do this
