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    I've been drinking almost everyday for over 7 years now. Everytime I try to cut back a strong resistance grows in me which feels impossible to battle. I am my own worst enemy. I know I need to change my drinking, but truth is, I can't stop from liking it too much. I thought about meds helping, but I have no insurance to help costs. I started taking Kudzo and feel a little difference but even so I still keep pounding down the beers.



    i have the same exact feelings



      I know what you're talking about. . .

      I'm very new here, so what do I really know yet? But, I started the GABA and L-Glutamine supplements a couple weeks ago, and I must say it has substantially decreased the craving. Not completely, but just so I'm not consumed with it for what feels like every minute of every day. You might want to try it too given you can just go get it at your local nutrition store. Hope that helps! Good luck! Hang in there! You are definitely not alone.




        It's hard I know. But don't feel alone. One reason I joined this was because I was too afraid to attend a meeting of any kind. I'm great at isolating myself. I thought, if I can reach out this way maybe it'll help. One reason I drink is loneliness.




          Thanks for the advice. Sometimes it seems like nothing can make a difference. I'm willing to try that though. Lot of my problem is past pain I'm medicating myself from. I've spent years in therapy, which worked in the 90's, but right now it doesn't seem to be working. Good luck to you.



            Thanks Kate!

            Hi everyone. . . And a special "thank you" to Kate for your support. I already feel less alone - And that's a big deal! Hang in there all of you! There is a lot of wisdom on this site. I'm just trying to make it to day 3without alcohol, which doesn't seem like such a big deal, but to me is huge. I can maybe make it for 2 days, white knuckles the whole way, but day 3 seems impossible. The point is you are not alone. . . Maybe we can all learn from those who have been where we are. . . Hang in there!



              Hi just wanted to say I live in england we don't have medical insurance so to get any drugs we have to see a doctor . Not something I wanted to do , went once and was made to feel like a second class citizen as free medical care may sound great to all reading this who have to pay for it but that also puts doctors in a superior postion as you are not paying them directly if you get my drift.!! not a positive experince. So when I came on here decided to source my own meds of the internet and after a bit of delving found some good sites that sell topamex for a reasonable price ( from $16.99), have ordered it as have equated its a fraction of what I would spend on drink and not give it a second thought. I wish you luck and hope like the rest of us you find a way . Just want to say as well I know just where you are coming from about liking drinking I love it especially the taste, but its all the crap that goes with it good luck




                Thanks everyone for your kindness. My problem is not so much the taste of booze, it's really not good. I love the ESCAPE booze sends me on. It's very hard to cut down a beer or two, let alone, skip a day or two.
                Guess I feel it's the only thing I have to look forward to after work.



                  I understand the part about being lonely too. My saving grace right now is that my son (16) decided he wanted to live with me as opposed to his mom. I hate days like today, Columbus Day in the US, as it is a day off and I have nothing to do, so I fill it with drinking beer. I have met a lot of people on this site, some that I have connected with deeply. I am not worried about getting to day 3, I am worried about getting to day 1. You are not alone RM however, YOU are the only one who can change you. As I preach this, I am saying "who am I to say this?" I know the answer, but need to find my own solution too. I wish you the best of luck, this is a nasty disease if you allow it to be.



                    Thanks for your thread Chris. I feel envious of you having your son living with you. (Funny how different perspectives can be). I am a man never married, living alone, was sexually abused by my older sister when I was 5. Really screwed me up with women. I keep being attracted to the kind that want to use me and manipulate me. Always end up being hurt. I know, I feel the same, "Who am I to say this", but take your day off and do something with your son. It's too easy to sit home on a day off and drink beer all day, I know from personal experience. Best of luck.



                      hi...all the best. Would appreciate any info on which websites you access cheaper vitamins and topamax...



                        Hi All,

                        I've read all these posts with complete empathy...It's like we all have our different lives and problems, but this particular problem seems to generate such common feelings/ cravings everyone, which is comforting, I guess.

                        I'm on day 3 AF. I'm on meds for withdrawl but the cravings have been really tough to cope with. RM01, I am also a beer monster. What I've started to do these last two days is drink that alcohol free beer they sell. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't taste half as good as proper beer and you obviously don't get a kick from it, but I'm getting used to the taste and it does seem to be having some kind of placebo affect to help lessen the cravings.

                        Hope your all well,

