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    Hi Odaters!

    snowy and crappy here today but of course not enough to close anything down for the day (bummer). I have a big presentation at work coming up on Thursday so I have to get it all organized and ready to go. As well as the day to day crap that comes up. Uuuugggghhhhh. I wish I could win the lottery. Ah well.

    Day 17 here - still going through a bit of that foggy head which apparently is normal. it's wierd, there are mornings when I really feel like I know everything I did but it's almost like I'm dreaming it? Hard to explain but I guess because I have spent so much of my time drunk that I'm questioning everything even still (did I call this person? Did I do that? etc.)

    Al still jumps into my head daily but it is becoming much easier to get past the thoughts the longer I stay AF. Looking forward to the next couple of weeks! And I'll be here to get support as I'm sure I'll need it!

    Have a great day guys!

    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


    Hello Uni and all to follow
    Well done on your AF time Uni!!! Sounds like the symptoms that you are experiencing are due to Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. I learned alot about it in rehab. It usually lasts about six months, but some symptoms can persist for years.
    I have been very busy; going to AA meetings and trying to find a job. I am trying to learn how to knit, but I am not doing well so
    We are expecting snow and rain here. I just keep telling myself that Spring is right around the corner. Have a Great Day All.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)



      Well done on the 17 AF days Universal. Today is the beginning of day 1again for me after a blip yesterday your post gives me hope :l
      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.



        Hello ODATers - thanks for the starting the thread Uni.

        We are are having a record breaking nice February here. Sorry for stealing all the sunshine!

        I have a busy evening away from home this evening which makes the AF path much easier. So far I continue to have only limited success but for now One Day At A Time!
        Drinking has been my hobby for several years now. It's time to get a new hobby



          Hello ODATers. Thanks Uni for kicking things off today and :goodjob: on 17 AF days! Oh I remember that foggy feeling when I first stopped drinking - especially bad the first time I stopped drinking. (had a BAAAAD relapse after 60 days that lasted 8 months!) I would mix my words up in sentences. Sometimes funny, sometime embarrassing. Sea, it's interesting that *it* has a specific name and is a documented withdrawl symptom. It will pass! All the best getting your big presentation ready to go.

          Panno, hope your Day 1 goes well.

          Luv, shame on you for stealing all the sunshine! Actually, today is a rather pretty late winter day here. We've gotten a fresh blanket of snow over the last couple of days (but not TOO much) and it's clinging to the tree branches like a Christmas card, and snowing very gently. I should get the camera out.

          Sea good luck with your job hunt. I'm stuck at home with a really bad cold and am missing my AA meetings and the friends I've made there.

          Hang in there everyone. This DOES get easier with time. Hanging in there and not giving in during the early days means you won't ever have to do the early days again. (as I learned the hard way in 2007/early 2008!)

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.



            Definately ODAT for me right now. I can't seem to get off this every 3 or 4 days merry go round and I am getting frustrated....
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem



              mama bear;810910 wrote: Definately ODAT for me right now. I can't seem to get off this every 3 or 4 days merry go round and I am getting frustrated....
              What are you doing differently this time? As an example, have you read the MWO book and are you implementing the elements (some or all) of the MWO official program? (supplememnts, hypnosis CD's, diet / exercise recommendations, prescription meds) What are you doing different when the inevitable urges strike? (do you have a pre-written list of possible things to do that you look at, and pick something to get your mind off of it?)

              This is not easy - hang in there! Keep adjusting your plan to find what works. Don't keep just repeating the same old things and getting the same old results.

              Unfortunately, urges will happen. Some of the tools mentioned above plus others not mentioned can help ease the urges a bit. But I don't know of anything that will remove urges completely. Initially, (for me anyway) some tough choices were required to get through the early days come hell or high water.

              The good news is that this DOES get eaiser with time if you just stay AF.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.



                I love you are always so positive.....
                I think my issue is that I think I can control it.....only one or two...and then bam......I have to convince myself that AL is poison for me....this is only my second week here and I have cut way back,,,was drinking every night ....waiting anxiously on topa to arrive....doing everything else
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem

