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the unending craving......

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    the unending craving......

    when, oh, when does the want for just one more glass of wine pass? I'm thinking that moderation is not gonna work, and the thought of NEVER,ever having another drink scares the beejeesus out of me.

    the unending craving......

    I'm not sure it will ever work for me, so right now (I've just started), I'm telling myself I'm taking a 'little break' from drinking. Last week, I cut way back, and today is my 2nd full day with no drinking at all. I've made no grandiose statements about never drinking again, since I know that will just freak me out & I'll probably crack open a bottle of wine right now! I'm just going to address it as a little 'sabbatical' and see where it goes . . . .much less threatening. I do know that for awhile, I'm better off not starting at all if I want to explore my options.


      the unending craving......

      Welcome Sailaway

      I have tried moderating in the past after going AF on a number of occasions. I too hate the thought of never having another drink, but I know what happens when I do have a drink. I do not stop. I keep going till I am completely off my head. Moderation does not work for me.

      I have now been AF for 52 days and I still have thoughts of wanting a "nice" glass of wine. However I know I won't be nice if I give in. Wanting a glass of wine gets less as the days go by. Sometimes I may not even think about it for a week at a time.

      I do know that each time I have given up has been harder. This is my third serious attempt. My first serious attempt was a "breeze" compared to now. I know if I fall off the wagon this time I will go through hell attempting AF again. I don't want to do that to myself.

      Don't think about never drinking again. Just take it one day at a time and promise yourself a drink tomorrow if you can get through today without. Continue on like that and before you know it you won't have thought about having a drink.
      Alcohol is poison to my life - AF 04 January 2010


        the unending craving......

        Hi Sailaway,

        Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!

        Have you read the MWO book yet? You can download it from the Health store for about $12.
        Learning to moderate after an AF period of 30 days or so is difficult, some can do it, a lot of us just can't. Personally, I asked myself if I was ready for just one glass of wine after 30 days, the answer was a resounding NO! I'm finding it much easier to remain AF!

        The first few days are tough but the cravings will pass. Be sure when you make your plan to include lots of ways to distract yourself. Take lots of deep breaths, drink a glass of water, get some fresh air, etc. the cravings pass in 15-20 min. Just hang in there

        Please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread, lots of folks there just getting started as well!

        Wishing you the best on your journey!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          the unending craving......

          Sailaway, my thoughts are just what Sky posted. I too remember feeling like you do - how will I ever survive without my wine and vodka??? :upset:

          It not only gets easier with time, but you might just find a whole big world out there that is waiting for you. Over the years I had no idea how much I was limiting my experirence of LIVING by sitting on my butt drinking wine/vodka day in and day out. "Living" didn't just come and fall in my lap when I quit drinking. I had to push myself out the door to go find interesting new things to do. But I did it, and it's so worth it! Now I can't imagine ever going back to those drinking days.

          It won't always be this hard...take the plunge! Then go find out what GOOD things life has in store for you.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            the unending craving......

            Hey Sailaway, I know exactly what you're going through. It's a process, every day. Just remember that your mind is a powerful thing, it makes you THINK you can't live without it when in reality you CAN. Your body reacts to what your brain tells it, and it's telling you that you NEED one more glass. That there's no way you can possibly relax or go on without it.

            There is such great support here, you're in the right place! I'm 3 days sober and my brain is still telling me that vodka is necessary, that I cannot have a normal life without it. The fear of never have another drink will go away with time, when you start to remember what life is like without blurred vision all the time. This is what I'm counting on, getting to know MYSELF again.

            Just keep in mind, you can hide from everyone in your life. Seclude yourself and spiral downward and no one may even realize it. But you have to be true to yourself, the person you know you are and want to find again. And everyone here can be there for you through this! You are not alone

            Take it one day at a time, Sailaway, we believe in you! There's a book that helped me see what I was doing to myself called Drinking: A Love Story, by Caroline Knapp. It's absolutely astounding, I hope you read it.

            Take care and God bless


              the unending craving......

              Hi Sailaway,

              I totally relate to how you feel. I am trying to pull out every trick in the book to make alcohol seem way less appealing.

              Here is a strategy that are actually working for me, as far as my desire for wine.

              I am a wine and vodka drinker. I literally THREW AWAY my wine openers. So now, if I HAVE to have a drink of wine, I HAVE to get the yukky screw cap kind. (WAY less appealing). I refuse to go and buy another wine opener.

              When I break down and buy some of that yukky screw cap wine, its not as good tasting, and I am finding it (wine) less and less appealing.

              Crazy little tricks that sometimes just WORK. Dont be afraid to try some crazy tricks to turn you off of the booze.

              GOOD LUCK!!!!


