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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Good morning ODAT'rs!

    Sorry I wasn't here to start the thread yesterday, I have a brutal cold, sore throat, the works and called in to work and stayed in bed all am. I did end up going into the office in the afternoon as I have a HUGE presentation today so I needed to go and get it finalized before this morning. I am still feeling yucky today and it's supposed to be a crappy snowy day so I may come home to work after I'm done the presentation. We'll see how it goes.

    Day 19 here. Feeling good on the AL front. The cravings are starting to subside and the thoughts I have now are more along the lines of "why would you even bother?" which is making me feel good. I am feeling pretty confident that my relationship with AL is over - and it feels good and I don't miss it!

    Have a great day guys!

    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT - Thursday


    Awww uni, I can't believe you got sick the week of your presentation! Good luck with that today! You'll be great!

    "Why even bother" indeed! Why go out of your way to sabatoge a good thing, to diminsh that natural "feel good" you have. There is absolutely no reason at all. :l

    Hang tight everybody!! Go for the O today!!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Thursday

      Good morning ODATERs - thanks for starting the thread Uni and good luck on your presentation!

      "Why even bother?" That sounds like a good strategy for my evening. It's my friday today and I'll treat myself to staying up late (until 11, wow) and watching the Olympics.

      Anyone else joining the ODAT thread today?
      Drinking has been my hobby for several years now. It's time to get a new hobby


        ODAT - Thursday

        Morning....mind of I join in? I need to take things odat. I was going strong at almost a week and foolishly drank last night. The silly thing is I didn't really feel like it. I just did. Can't explain it. But today is a new day.
        AF July 6 2014


          ODAT - Thursday

          I know what you mean christyacc.... I'm not sure if I will ever know the answer to that "why" question. The mor important thing is to know I cannot. Ever.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT - Thursday

            Oh yeah, have a

            drink. That's how the internal argument goes. So look at the argument. Many influences (friends, your environment, family members, Madison Ave., your addictive nature, pain, bad health, negative life experiences, parties, celebrations, disappointment, promotions, demotions ~~ yada yada ~~) try and persuade you it is okay. Go ahead have one. Some people can do this but there are many who simply cannot no matter how many times we try. I love this forum b/c I read and it makes me think deeply on the issues all the posts bring up. When I think w/o the alcohol and all it's negative consequences I feel empowered. That power allows me to make decisions that give me control. So in keeping with the ODAT model I propose to build a wall. A wall between me and alcohol. Each day will be another brick. As all good builders do I will stand back every so often to appreciate and also to check my work. Today brick 10 is being put into place. More bricks = stronger wall. Building and accomplishing things reminds me that I have no time to waste in life.
            Strength to everyone via ODAT.


              ODAT - Thursday

              Brick 9 today - my wall gets stronger everyday.


                ODAT - Thursday

                Congrats Hyper and cecilia....
                I like the bricks visual.....gotta use that
                Definately ODAT for me!
                Have a good weekend!!
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem

