I'm no longer suffering withdrawl symptoms, I'm sleeping regularly, my body doesn't ache, and I no longer feel dazed and exhausted. This is so refreshing to have a clear view on life right now, and I want to stick with it.
One thing I'm noticing, however, is that my mind is trying to tell me that I can regulate my drinking. That because I've made it this far I can "reward" myself for doing so well. One won't hurt, right? That's what my brain says to me. But I know that if I choose to take that route I will just end up in the same place I've been for years: lost and still aware that a problem exsists, and that I will have to start all over again. I think to myself when this happens "wow, I've made it 4 days. How's it going to feel when I make it 4 WEEKS, then 4 YEARS?" Keeping that kind of outlook helps me focus on what I ultimately know is right for my life: not drinking. I feel great right now and I want that feeling to continue!
I want to encourage everyone who is just starting out, like I am, to hang in there and stay positive! Every day presents a new challenge, yet every day you gain strength for the next. Do what's right for YOU, and nobody else. Be true to yourself, no matter what!