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Here we go with the battle

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    Here we go with the battle

    I'm feeling it. I'm still at work and am dreading the ride home. I CAN NOT stop at a liquor store. I CAN NOT convince myself that I'll only drink a couple. I have to stop this madness.

    I'm scared that I'm gonna fail. I need to do this, I need to do this, I need to do this. My liver just reminded me that I need to do this. It hurts a little bit. The fact that I'm still foggy from my recent binge is reminding me that I need to do this.


    Here we go with the battle

    Well, just make up your mind that you will not stop no matter what. Then drive right home and post about your success. You can do this.


      Here we go with the battle

      Hang in SB. I am certainly not perfect, but can tell you that this shit has cost me dearly and I pay for it everyday. Why not just drive home and get right back on here? The "pros" will soon follow with great advice. You are not alone and I am truly learning that with this place.


        Here we go with the battle

        Both my laptop and desktop are not functional, so I won't be able to post from home. ((((((


          Here we go with the battle

          Hi Super Bernie. Do whatever you have to do to drive right on past that liquor store and go straight home.

          Since you don't have a computer at home right now, can I make a suggestion? There are some awesome recovery related books out there. If you have a library nearby you could probably find a lot of different reading options there. Or a book store.

          Even today I need to keep my head in the sobriety game. My Way Out helps me, AA helps me, and I also read a variety of recovery related stuff. Gotta stay one step ahead of AL!!!

          Do you have any sober friends you could call on the phone? Since you won't be able to "talk" on My Way Out, maybe there is someone in real life you could talk to?

          Just a couple of ideas for you.

          Maslow, I am so happy to see you here and posting and reaching out to our fellow travelers!!

          WE CAN DO THIS!!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Here we go with the battle


            you need to do it and you can. Find the fight in you. Train as if you are in the battle of your life. Want to survive?~~~ Not that your post was funny but it reminded me of a past problem. Every time I went past a booze shop or a pub my car would pull in the lot and I always seemed to have money. So I got rid of the car thinking the steering wheel was broken. That year I bought 10 different cars. They all had the same problem so I walked for a year. :lol3: I wish you well & if you don't succeed at first ~~ do it again.


              Here we go with the battle

              Why not have a healthy snack before you leave work and take a bottle of water with you on the ride home. That way hunger and thirst will not be an issue and you won't find yourself thinking about the bottle shop. You can do it! No booze tonight.
              2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                Here we go with the battle

                I managed to steer clear of the liquor last night. whew!! had a really hard time sleeping though. off and on all night. finally got to sleep and then my alarm went off. upside to this morning, i remembered everything from last night and i don't feel like i licked the pavement. slight head ache though. not sure if its because i didn't partake.


                  Here we go with the battle

                  That is TERRIFIC SuperBernie!!

                  You are likely to experience some discomfort as you deny alcohol to your body. Unfortunately, many of us have to go through some "pain" to eventually get to the HUGE "gain" that sobriety offers us. Don't give up before you get the payoff!

                  Difficulty sleeping is not uncommon. Here are a few ideas that might help - I'm sure others have more ideas:

                  * Exercise. Endorphin power rocks - I always feel good after exercise - it's great for my overall mood. And I think my body sleeps better when it's a little worn out physically.

                  * Melatonin or Valerian root might be a natural way to help things along at bed time. Lots of people do well with Melatonin. But if that doesn't work for you (it gives me strange dreams) then Valerian root is an alternative that DID work for me. You can get those at a health food shop or even a regular drug store.

                  Hang in there! To me, some restless nights are a fine tradeoff for the horendous hangovers. And it DOES pass eventually.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.

