Regards to all Flo
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Drink driving !
Drink driving !
Hi just shared this in a private message to somebody who said she found it realy helpful and determined not to drink and drive something she had done in the past, and realised it might be of help to others. Just recently lost my driving licence for 2 yrs due to drink driving. It has been the most awful experience of my life ( I am in my 40'). I was aressted put in police van and cells for the night ( no blanket pillow and a toilet in the room with no seat which smelt just vile ( I felt like an animal) phtographed, finger printer DNA sample taken, shoes taken away treated like a real hardened criminal ( i know what i did was wrong but i have never even had a parking ticket or been in a police staion before, so was in a totally alien enviroment) I had to attend court five times eventually got banned for 2 years a huge fine, I have to give in my job, had my name in the local paper, now can't take my kids out the places they want to go and see friends, am paying a fortune for public transport, as well as having to hang around in the cold and sometimes frightening places for it to turn up . Spent many weeks not wanting to go out as felt so ashamed but what I had done.Would have lost my house but fortunately have savings that I will now have to live on untill i get a local job. Have estimated that all of this will cost me appaoximately ?5,000 ( about $8,000) . The worst part was having to explain to my kids what had happened and see their faces when I can't take them somewhere, and know that as their mother I should be setting a good example. I am not telling this story for any sort of sympathy, as what i did was wrong and totally irresponsilbe and selfish and that I am lucky that I did not kill or injure myslef or anybody else or I could have been sending this from inside a prison cell and not the comfort of my own home, but just as a true account of what hapeened. Anybody who thinks that the cost of a cab is too much when they have been drinking , should think again , because I stand in testomony to the fact that if you do drive the cost you could end up paying ( and the money is secondary) will far out way any cab fare . If this makes one person stop and think ,what has happened to me will not have happened in vain .
Regards to all FloTags: None
Drink driving !
Your Not Alone
Flo I know you did not write that for sympathy---but I still feel sorry for you. So many times that should have been me! I did't stop drinking and driving until my brother got his second DUI --opened my eyes. Still years later I did a few more times. It was when my son called me on it I vowed never again--Here I was supposed to be his good example--very humbling. Like you said cabs don't cost much! I'm new and very computer illerate--want to post to introduce myself--can't seem to make it work. Don't be to hard on yourself for all the positive reasons you listed.------Christy
Drink driving !
Dear Flo,
If anyone understand what you are going through I do!!! About 11 months and 1 week ago, (seems like yesterday) I was arrested for DUI. I am also in my 40's. I was driving drunk of all nights on Halloween. Like you, handcuffed, fingerprinted, and spent the night in jail. My husband was out of town, so my teenage daughter was by herself all night long and had to get herself ready for school the next day. The DUI alone, I felt like a terrible mother. For the last 11 months I have been driving a car with marked plates. If nothing else I learned a valuable lesson and best of all found this place. Abby
Drink driving !
Aunty Flo,
If nothing else, your story has scared the heck out of me. It has always been my worst fear. I am so proud of you for holding your head up and being where you are today. The best thing you can do is share your story. That must be tough, but it is greatly needed I am sure. Like Lucky, I will remember it and read it often.
Thanks again,
By the way.... BIG WELCOME!!What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....
Drink driving !
drink driving
first time on site and decided to look for some help on the web as I drove to work last week at 9.45am after drinking two large glasses of gin and tonic......I don't know why i would do that, i have a new job, new car, great family and a drink problem. I thought i was sober but i swerved in front of another car, such a stupid thing to do. I came home more sober than when i went saying that that was the wake up call i needed, i'd now stop drinking and drank another three or four large glasses that evening.
I read the posts about sabotage and i think there's some streak of self destruction running through my system that makes me do stupid things. The drinkings not to black out stage but it's a bottle of wine or three or four large spirits a day, it's increasing by starting earlier and earlier though.
I guess i know what i have to do but it's like a sensible me and a completely suicidal me kicks in.....seems from reading the posts i'm not alone though so need to start planning the next steps
Drink driving !
Hi everybody, thank you for the great replies, support, understanding and sharing your stuff with me. Have seen that loads of other people have read it as well. Want to say to Keephanginon, you are not alone, this incident happened to me seven months ago you would ahve though it was enough to stop me drinking ! but no only came on here a week ago, even convinced myself I was going through such a stressful time waiting to go to court etc, that I needed and reserved a drink ! how mad and self distructive is that ? so don't be to hard on yourself. We can't change what we have already done, but we can change the future a bit of a cliche I know but I have to believe that or I would just give up and thats not an option my children need me. What is the marked plates thing ?? persume your plate is marked that you have DUI here in England there are no chances if you are caught drink driving you are banned, but can imagine driving with marked plates must prety awful to as people know what you have done. Incidently did not drive because I did not want to pay for a cab had a drunked row with my now ex boyfriend and he went home I got in the car and followed him home ! how stupid was that, but being honset I had done it a few times as my drunken state just makes all common sense go out of the window. Once again thanks to all