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Negatives to drinking

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    Negatives to drinking

    Hi all, I've noticed a few threads recently of some members feeling de-motivated with this battle against AL.. We need to remind ourselves why we are doing this! And that is why I have started this thread.. Here is a list of some of the reasons why I want to quit:

    * Guilt - about "giving in" to the demon drink.
    * Remorse/Regret: saying stupid things i.e calling someone up when drunk and not making much sense or saying things you would not say when sober. Also, doing just about anything when drunk that you would not have done if sober.
    * Children/loved ones: not wanting your children or loved ones to suffer in any way due to AL.
    * Lack of self-esteem: AL compounds this (for me anyway) - makes me feel bad about myself.
    * DUI's/other legal issues due to AL.
    * Hangovers - feeling so ill the next day you cannot get anything done.

    These are just a few.. feel free to post and add your reasons for quitting.. to help motivate and remind us why we are doing this!

    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


    Negatives to drinking

    1) I don't want my daugther to wonder why mommy is walking and talking funny anymore
    2) I don't want to feel like shit anymore
    3) I want to remember things (my short term memory has gone to shit due to al)
    4) I don't want to be so drunk that I don't care about anything and so hungover that I don't care about anything but sleep
    5) I want to sleep!!!! Not pass out - actually sleep
    6) I like the way I feel sober
    7) I like the way my face is not a read bloated mess when sober

    Mainly - I don't want to die from this disease like so many others have.
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      Negatives to drinking

      I've read a lot about alcohol, and the more I read the more interesting it all gets. As a chemical it happens by coincidence to mimic a lot of body hormones and chemicals. So here's some you probably don't know about, or know but didn't think they were real:

      1) Alcohol stimulates your histamine system, so daily drinking gives you daily congested sinuses and "sniffles". If you explain to people you probably have "allergies", it is very likely that your nose will clear when you go AF.

      2) Alcohol degenerates into byproducts Acetadehyde and Acetone which your muscles can use for energy. Blood glucose is your body's main source of energy which is used by many types of cells. But Acetone (which is nail polish remover btw) can be used by muscles. So Alcohol is NOT fat, but it makes you fat because your muscles prefer to burn acetone rather than fat. When you stop drinking, your muscles will feel weak and "un energized" until your body gets back to being a glucose burning system. When you stop drinking, one of the best ways to adjust your body is to exercise A LOT, because this will push your metabolism to it's natural stasis which involves using carbohydrates for energy.

      3) It's a kid thing. We all grow older. By the time you get to the rest home, they will detox you anyway. I walk the dogs by the rest home nearly every day. We (the dogs and I) always say hi to the very nice old people who carefully walk around the block with their walkers, enjoying the Spring air. If you want to enjoy Spring Air while sober without a walker in front of you, it would be good to detox before you get to the "home". Your life expectancy is ever longer. Even if you get hit by a car, they'll detox you in the critical care unit. So it's not an issue of "if" but more like when. Do you want to do it on your time, or someone elses time?

      4) Sleep. As you age, sleep becomes elusive. Factoids indicate that more than 20% of adults have critical insomnia. Fiction says that in olden days most old people sleep in chairs by the fire. Why? Because as we age our breathing system collapses, and we can't breath right lying down! Our bodies, humanoid bodies, are energetic monkey forms made to collapse and die at age 40. For 50 million years, life expectancy didn't last beyond seeing kids to their teens. Now, just in the last 6000 years do humans regularly pass 50 years. Only in the past 100 years do we now pass 70. So we have these collapsing tracheas, weak chests, and overactive brains trying to sleep like we are Brangelina or Jennifer Lopez. Nope. Not. The way to secure sleep is to restore yourself to your monkey self. You have to make your body tired through exercise every day, and your brain tired through mental work every day. Alcohol is NOT exercise or mental work. Even when you do it right, good sleep is an elusive and valuable goal that will make your days productive and relaxed.

      5) Been there, done that. Smile and tell your nieces and nephews "You'll grow out of it. I did."


        Negatives to drinking

        Because I am complete control freak and nothing else is going to control my life anymore!


          Negatives to drinking

;815364 wrote: I've read a lot about alcohol, and the more I read the more interesting it all gets. As a chemical it happens by coincidence to mimic a lot of body hormones and chemicals. So here's some you probably don't know about, or know but didn't think they were real:

          1) Alcohol stimulates your histamine system, so daily drinking gives you daily congested sinuses and "sniffles". If you explain to people you probably have "allergies", it is very likely that your nose will clear when you go AF.

          2) Alcohol degenerates into byproducts Acetadehyde and Acetone which your muscles can use for energy. Blood glucose is your body's main source of energy which is used by many types of cells. But Acetone (which is nail polish remover btw) can be used by muscles. So Alcohol is NOT fat, but it makes you fat because your muscles prefer to burn acetone rather than fat. When you stop drinking, your muscles will feel weak and "un energized" until your body gets back to being a glucose burning system. When you stop drinking, one of the best ways to adjust your body is to exercise A LOT, because this will push your metabolism to it's natural stasis which involves using carbohydrates for energy.

          3) It's a kid thing. We all grow older. By the time you get to the rest home, they will detox you anyway. I walk the dogs by the rest home nearly every day. We (the dogs and I) always say hi to the very nice old people who carefully walk around the block with their walkers, enjoying the Spring air. If you want to enjoy Spring Air while sober without a walker in front of you, it would be good to detox before you get to the "home". Your life expectancy is ever longer. Even if you get hit by a car, they'll detox you in the critical care unit. So it's not an issue of "if" but more like when. Do you want to do it on your time, or someone elses time?

          4) Sleep. As you age, sleep becomes elusive. Factoids indicate that more than 20% of adults have critical insomnia. Fiction says that in olden days most old people sleep in chairs by the fire. Why? Because as we age our breathing system collapses, and we can't breath right lying down! Our bodies, humanoid bodies, are energetic monkey forms made to collapse and die at age 40. For 50 million years, life expectancy didn't last beyond seeing kids to their teens. Now, just in the last 6000 years do humans regularly pass 50 years. Only in the past 100 years do we now pass 70. So we have these collapsing tracheas, weak chests, and overactive brains trying to sleep like we are Brangelina or Jennifer Lopez. Nope. Not. The way to secure sleep is to restore yourself to your monkey self. You have to make your body tired through exercise every day, and your brain tired through mental work every day. Alcohol is NOT exercise or mental work. Even when you do it right, good sleep is an elusive and valuable goal that will make your days productive and relaxed.

          5) Been there, done that. Smile and tell your nieces and nephews "You'll grow out of it. I did."
          Brilliant post Boss Man. Where have you been????
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Negatives to drinking

            I'm staying sober because I am only now realizing a normal, balanced life where everything falls into place properly. All apects are vastly improved from the mess I made for myself before. I am working more efficiently and making more money. My finances are now in great shape as I don't spend recklessly like I did before. I'm back to doing fun activities the alcohol had previously washed away. I feel great and I am thinking as an optimist for the first time ever. I used to be such a pessimist. There is absolutely nothing that is not 100% improved by becoming AF. For anyone that may be waivering in their quit, give it a chance, it will be a life changer.
            2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


              Negatives to drinking

              love this thread. i have terrible sniffles. never been able to put it down to anything in particular. never heard of alcohol connection before but hey, you never know. all the reasons to quit are so bloody ovbious. why cant we see them when we are drinking.
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows


                Negatives to drinking

                There are so many negatives to drinking alcohol for me and so many others:

                Losing time, when I drank four to five days a week, I felt that all I did was work and drink.
                Blacking out and forgetting the night before. Did I have fun? Even if I did, I can't remember.
                Drunk and dial. Calling people and not remembering the conversation and worrying about sounding like a fool.
                The horror of the 3:00 a.m. wake up: sweaty, achy, heart pounding, tossing and turning.
                The anxiety, panic attacks, guilt, remorse, depression. Mood changed 100% AF - for the better.
                Pretending the next day that you are O.K. and dying inside.
                Physical symptoms that get worse over the years: weight gain, skin redness, pain in your side, bowel problems, sniffles, stomach upsets.
                Loss of respect from friends and family.
                Loss of respect for yourself.


                  Negatives to drinking

                  Now that i can afford to look back, my whole life was in a negative spiral down for a very long time. like a lot of my friends here to many to mention but most of all of the above included.

                  :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                  Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                  I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                  This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                    Negatives to drinking

                    redhibiscus;815489 wrote:
                    Pretending the next day that you are O.K. and dying inside.
                    There are some things in this site that really mean so much and this is one of them. This will definately go on my "why I don't want to drink list."



                      Negatives to drinking

                      Thanks Katie for this post.

                      Also, thank you for everyones posts following. Im going to go back tonight and really read them all (running late for work)

                      Along with all your great posts, I would like to add one more.

                      Im at day 8 AF today. Now thats a first for Overit! Its so true about the week mark, something magical really does happen if you are ready and want it. It becomes easier.

                      Ok my chime in. I recently posted how I have cried, dreamed, begged, hoped, and prayed for this to happen for me.

                      Then, its as if God heard my prayers and I feel I turned a corner into a real and lasting sobriety.

                      Since I believe in God, and it feels like God is answering my prayers. Wouldnt it be foolish to turn my back on my answered prayer?

                      Have a wonderful sober day friends.

                      I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                        Negatives to drinking

                        Katie, thanks for starting this thread.

                        Boss Man, Awesome post !! Tell it like it is !! That's a keeper. Thank you !!

                        Negatives: Way to many !! Makes me sick just thinking about all of them !!
                        Miss October :blinkylove:


                          Negatives to drinking

                          ) It's a kid thing. We all grow older. By the time you get to the rest home, they will detox you anyway. I walk the dogs by the rest home nearly every day. We (the dogs and I) always say hi to the very nice old people who carefully walk around the block with their walkers, enjoying the Spring air. If you want to enjoy Spring Air while sober without a walker in front of you, it would be good to detox before you get to the "home". Your life expectancy is ever longer. Even if you get hit by a car, they'll detox you in the critical care unit. So it's not an issue of "if" but more like when. Do you want to do it on your time, or someone elses time?
                          Boss Man-That really adds new meaning to the term "Golden Years"!

                          No one has mentioned the actual cost of drinking. I have saved almost $2,000.00 in the 7 months I have been AF. I think people tend to forget this is a costly habit in every way. Emotionally, physically, mentally and financially.
                          AF since 7/26/2009

                          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                            Negatives to drinking

                            redhibiscus;815489 wrote: There are so many negatives to drinking alcohol for me and so many others:

                            Losing time, when I drank four to five days a week, I felt that all I did was work and drink.
                            Blacking out and forgetting the night before. Did I have fun? Even if I did, I can't remember.
                            Drunk and dial. Calling people and not remembering the conversation and worrying about sounding like a fool.
                            The horror of the 3:00 a.m. wake up: sweaty, achy, heart pounding, tossing and turning.
                            The anxiety, panic attacks, guilt, remorse, depression. Mood changed 100% AF - for the better.
                            Pretending the next day that you are O.K. and dying inside.
                            Physical symptoms that get worse over the years: weight gain, skin redness, pain in your side, bowel problems, sniffles, stomach upsets.
                            Loss of respect from friends and family.
                            Loss of respect for yourself.
                            Thanks red...I can relate soooo much. Now I am on day 5 AF! Feeling so much better...


                              Negatives to drinking

                              I can also can think of so many more negatives to drinking.. the list is endless really..
                              lilmea.. so true, drinking AL costs an absolute fortune.. and not just on the AL itself.. thanks to my DUI, i'm paying of thousands of dollars as obviously insurance doesn't cover it.. so you have to think of those costs as well - the possiblity of damaging someone elses property when drunk etc etc.. or a DUI like mine..
                              redhibiscus.. thanks also.. I can relate to all the points you listed.. in particular the not remembering.. what is the point of drinking so much you cannot even remember you had fun? When sober, the fun lasts so much longer as you can recall your memory and play it over again and again.. and its 'genuine' fun and not 'chemical' fun..
                              Also, the losing respect for yourself and from family and friends is a good point too.. that's the main reason why I want to give up.. I am tired of getting "that look" in someone's eyes after they have seen the drunk side of me, or after they have had a drunk phone call from me - the look or tone of voice that shows they do not respect me anymore.. and this is when the AL affects the self-esteem, and therefore self-respect.. it's hard to feel good about yourself when you know AL is controlling your actions.. I want to be able to have relationships with people without AL affecting my personality.. people will have to like me as I am, and I do not want AL to have anything to do with that!

                              K xx
                              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


