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ODAT Thursday

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    ODAT Thursday

    Happy Thursday ODAT'RS.

    I feel honored to start this thread today, and also because I feel I may need some extra encouragement to get through today (?)

    Today is day 9 AF for me!!! Im really thrilled about that and so happy to have actually made it one week! I honestly dont think I have ever made it this far so its pretty cool.

    Last night was tempting. My job is a huge trigger and I think the only think that kept me sober was knowing I have a doctors appointment this morning. I could not go talk to my doctor with a hangover.

    I know I need to get stronger, I can do it... I just have to believe.

    Have a great day friends!

    ODAT Thursday


    I bleieve in you!!! It is REAL! This is YOU! Claim it and own it!! YAY!!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT Thursday

      well done you!!! day 6 for me, the longest in 10 year;s, have a wonderful day everyone, see you tomorrow!! love and hug's Twitch xxx


        ODAT Thursday

        Hi Guys!

        Overit thanks for starting the thread - and good job on 9 days! Good on you for resisting the urge last night and I hope your doctors appointment goes well.

        Twitch - good job on day 6!

        I am still fighting this stupid cold which is dragging me down. Also, I am finding that I am getting hit with a bit of depression right now. I think it is that being sober really makes you face certain things that I was able to cloud over while drinking. I would rather be sober, I jsut have to figure out how to deal with some things in my life. But at least I will be doing so with a clear head.

        I hope you all have a great day!

        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          ODAT Thursday

          Hey guys...very discouraged cause I drank last night....I cannot believe how hard a week seems to be for me....
          my job is aslo very stressful and upsetting, so I caved last night and now I am sitting here crying and disgusted with myself.
          But every tear I shed gives me more detemination not to be this sniviling hungover twit. I WILL get back to the pre-AL me....strong, happy, funny,smart and energetic......thx for listening
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            ODAT Thursday

            You will love and hugs Twitch


              ODAT Thursday

              thx twitch xoxoxoxo
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                ODAT Thursday

                universal;816095 wrote: Hi Guys!

                Overit thanks for starting the thread - and good job on 9 days! Good on you for resisting the urge last night and I hope your doctors appointment goes well.

                Twitch - good job on day 6!

                I am still fighting this stupid cold which is dragging me down. Also, I am finding that I am getting hit with a bit of depression right now. I think it is that being sober really makes you face certain things that I was able to cloud over while drinking. I would rather be sober, I jsut have to figure out how to deal with some things in my life. But at least I will be doing so with a clear head.

                I hope you all have a great day!

                True uni, and then move past them.. Put yer BGPs on!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT Thursday

                  Today is back to Day 1 for me am scared, shakey and cold I loved being sober
                  Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                    ODAT Thursday

                    bravo Janka...are you feeling better
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      ODAT Thursday

                      Hi ODATers!

                      Well done for all of you who made it past day 1.

                      Like Janka and Mama bear, Day 1 for me. I was doing really good, not AF but at least no hangover in the past almost 3 weeks. I guess I kinda forgot how awful the hangovers feel. I am determined to make today an AF one.

                      Love to all.


                        ODAT Thursday

                        Hi everyone

                        Just a quick check in. Have had a very busy day chauffering my teenagers around. Beautiful sunny day and am so glad to be unhungover. To those of you struggling, forget about yesterday and tomorrow has not come, just concentrate on today, remember ODAT.



                          ODAT Thursday

                          Love ya guys :h

                          Oh Mama Bear... We've all been there soooo many times down that road. I wish I could send you a BIG OL BEAR HUG!!!!!

                          :l :l :l

                          You know what ya gotta do, just do it!
                          I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                            ODAT Thursday

                            I consider myself hugged!!!
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              ODAT Thursday

                              Way to go

                              9 and counting. Keep stringing them out OverIT!! Stress is everywhere. At least it is never very far away from me. It always likes to travel with it's companion anxiety. Now how do we deal with them? We first have to learn to live with them and then decide how we will deal with these foes. Alcohol and exercise used to work just fine for me for years. Now I can't drink like I used to or exercise as I did for years. I have options but alcohol is not one of them. So my plan is to find things that work for me to make my life better if not just manageable. I am experimenting with meditation, breathing exercises, positive thinking, different forms of exercise, vitamins, good diet, new friends & whatever else I can think of. I think a mix of positive steps plus eliminating negative things such as procrastination & ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts.) will be the impetus I need to succeed. Today is 15 AF days for me. Keep up the :good job: OverIt and think of how you will feel in 30 days ~~ 60 days plus X more. Satisfaction over a job well done never hurt anyone!

