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Hi Back Again

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    Hi Back Again

    Hi everyone...I am back after a while. on here. I just want to re introduce myself again. I don't have too much of an attention span and too tired to write bio or go into details, but....I am on day 4 af and have anxiety and am so depressed that I thought maybe I should write something....I am aware that day 4 is rough and 5. I am tired . I want to go do things but my mind and body do not co- operate. I took most of this week off to do this....said I had flu.

    I used to drink 4-5 glasses of wine a day and 100% proof al on weekends and it started making me sick....sick if you do and sick if you don't. The harder stuff happened the last 2 months after an ongoing break-up with my bf (who is also not good for me)

    I am waiting for the "good feelings" to arrive. Since last time, I had 3 months under me and felt great! I know I can do this....but the old mind tricks are beginning. you all know what I mean.

    I just feel guilty for lying on the couch. I would appreciate others who feel like this. I am reading, too.

    Thanx for listening. :thanks:

    Hi Back Again

    Hi songbird,

    Welcome back, you know MWO is a good place!
    The first week is rough, I do remember but it gets better & better. Treat yourself well with lots of H2O, healthy food, some fresh air, etc. it all helps

    Spring is a great time to make changes in your life - out with the old in with the new!
    If the boy friend is no good for you just walk away. Focus on yourself & your needs right now.
    Please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread for some support. The Nest has been very busy lately, lots of people just getting started as well.

    Wishing you the best!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Hi Back Again

      Hey Songbird, I am glad you are back and af. You can do it, yes you have some tough days ahead, and the weekend is here. You can ride the craving waves, they will pass. In terms of your lethargy, try to get outside for some fresh air and sunshine, a nice walk? The depression is a tough one, perhas you can pick up vitamin D and Omega Oils supplements at a local store, and this may help.
      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


        Hi Back Again

        Hi Songbird,

        Congrats on your sober days! I am new here too so have no words of wisdom, but I am glad you are here!



          Hi Back Again

          I am on day 5....this is good, but I am now wondering why I easy we forget. The weekend is coming and I work in bars and restaurants. I have done this before....but this time it is hardewr. I don't feel "happy" I hate to say this but sometimes I don't want to deal with life....not suicidal, but not so much in a good know?

          I am on prozac, and valium. These help alot and I got out today and walked around, but felt "slow" in my a zombie. Is this still the withdrawl?

          Anyone else feel like this?


            Hi Back Again

            Sweetie! I know the valium will make you feel brain dead........what dose are you on?

            :h getting better every day


              Hi Back Again

              Maybe just Spring Songbird. Walk around some more.

              I found walking around helped me a lot to adjust to not drinking. My habits got so set one way. It was hard to change. The more I walked the easier it made it to change. And besides, I got to know the neighborhood real well, which made it more interesting to me. The bush that bloomed so nicely in May. The cat that sunned on the sidewalk one day. The tree that beaned me with a cone.

              When I drank, I thought I owned the world even when I lay in bed the whole day. When I stopped I found that walking helped me to re-discover the world outside the door. I'd say, keep it up, go a bit slower, and enjoy it one day at a time.

