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Failing miserably

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    Failing miserably

    I have tried to get through day one several times and have not done it. I usually started the next day with a wicked hangover and once I felt better late in the day, would drink again. Today I started my first day at 11:30am and have gone 8 hours so far. I have no alcohol in the house and I just took some calms forte. I usually wake up 9 or so hours after my last drink with my heart racing and in anxiety. I'm hoping that the calms forte will alleviate this.

    I have to work tomorrow so will only need to make it past the store and home to have day 2 under my belt.

    I will keep posting and am not looking forward to the withdrawal symptoms. Any advice would be appreciated.:thanks:

    Failing miserably

    Keep going.

    Since it's the first time through, have you tried valerian? It's a bit stronger as a relaxant. I find it really knocks me out. Unfortunately it makes me a little seasick feeling so I don't prefer it.

    The chemical changes in the first 4 days are really big. Be prepared to be uncomfortable. Anxiety, rapid pulse, lack of sleep are all pretty normal. After about 5 days these symptoms ease.

    Keep it up. The result is well worth it.


      Failing miserably


      It's a real struggle. I am only on day 2 and what says is completely true. Thanks for saying that about big chemical changes.

      Struggles, hang in there. I didn't think I could even get one day in but I was here all day yesterday and made it through. In a few more hours I'll go to bed and wake up and it will be day 3.

      We can do this!



        Failing miserably

        struggles--you found a good place......i haven't gone af for more than 5 days in at least 5 years.

        today is day 5 for me.

        get the starter pack and get going. it works. you can beat this hairy monster known as alcohol!

        :h getting better every day


          Failing miserably

          Thanks for your encouragement and heads up on what to expect.

          I actually feel weird on the Calms Forte, sort of sea sick. Is this normal?

          I'm normally in bed by 8pm, passed out so this is new to me, staying up.

          I'm really scared. I need to do this for me and my two little ones, 7 and 8.

          I was going to take the B vitamin, but it gives me energy so I will wait until morning. Right now my stomach is very unsettled and bloated and I have a headache, but nothing unbearable.

          Thanks again!:h


            Failing miserably

            struggles;818126 wrote: Thanks for your encouragement and heads up on what to expect.

            I actually feel weird on the Calms Forte, sort of sea sick. Is this normal?

            I'm normally in bed by 8pm, passed out so this is new to me, staying up.

            I'm really scared. I need to do this for me and my two little ones, 7 and 8.

            I was going to take the B vitamin, but it gives me energy so I will wait until morning. Right now my stomach is very unsettled and bloated and I have a headache, but nothing unbearable.

            Thanks again!:h
            Yes, staying up is hard! I hear you there! My stomach was bloated too yesterday on day 1 but is fine today. Yours will most likely be tomorrow too. Try not to be too scared and remember that fear is part of the detox process - it is normal and to be expected. Can you lose yourself in a book or watch a movie?


              Failing miserably

              Struggles, great job on day one. Keep the AL out of the house, OK? Can you call someone on the cell phone to talk to while you are on the way home to make sure you don't make a detour? Drink buckets of water and eat healthy foods. IT WILL GET BETTER!!!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Failing miserably

                This thread will be helpful to you:
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Failing miserably

                  struggles--your babies are worth it!

                  stay on this website and talk. it helps so much!
                  :h getting better every day


                    Failing miserably

                    Made it to Day 2

                    Today is the first day I have been AF in years! The calms forte helped me last night and I finally got a good nights sleep. I'm awake and feel okay. I have to work today so my tempting time will be on the way home. I will take the supplements today and focus on the 3 or 4 hours that I have available to actually drink. Can you believe I used to come home and within 3 hours consume 12-18 beers and head to bed? WOW:upset:

                    Please keep me in your prayers today.

                    Any advice for Day 2 will be welcome!
                    enguin: I posted the penguin because it's my daughter's favorite animal. When I look back, maybe it will keep me inspired.


                      Failing miserably

                      Day 2 was bad for me, struggles....and 3. I felt bloated and fat while everyone says you lose weight, I was gaining. When day 5 came around everything seemed to normal out. I do have meds from doc though for anxiety. I was really tired, and nauseous. I took dramamine for it, but if you work it makes you sleepy.

                      I don't have kids, just cats, but they needed food too and I was too sick to get it....I did though.

                      One day at a time. I am writing this so you you don't feel alone. I was where you were last week.

                      Keeping busy with work helps, and just don't go to places where there are reminders of al....that is my downfall during first days. All of a sudden I notice too many Liqor stores and even supermarkets get hard to be in...normal. Good Luck.


                        Failing miserably

                        Struggles...u sound just like me
                        Be strong the penguin!!
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Failing miserably

                          You made it through day of the toughest.

                          Now get your plan together for days 2 and 3. Drink lots of water and exercise.

                          Your kids are so worth it! Keep in touch--you can do it.

                          :h getting better every day


                            Failing miserably

                            Topa is here ....YAY...will keep u posted!!!
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              Failing miserably

                              To all struggling through the first days, someone replied to me that we did not get into this problem overnight, so can hardly expect getting out overnight. It is important to keep going in the right direction though. Are you using any of the recommended meds?
                              Mama Bear, keep us posted on your progress with Topa.
                              make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.

