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    I've been in withdrawl for the last few days after a HEAVY week and a half binge. In the last 3 nights I've been only having 4 pints of strong lager but its not enough to make me drowsy so I havn't slept in 3 days. It's not that I'm tired, but I don't feel... myself. And the nights are so long...and confusing, if that makes sense.

    Basically I've had enough. I wanted to start abstaining for a while but is my body telling me it's not ready? I'm seriously considering trying my old method....about 10 pints should help though I might try only about 6/ 8 (if possible) to see if that helps...but I'm worried that would just make withdrawl even harder. Would anyone have any advice on that? Would another farewell drink really be that bad if it helped get back to normal?





    Francis, not only does that sound familiar...I just "woke" from my second recovery night ten minutes ago and know exactly where you're coming from. I've usually just drank until I made myself so sick that I just had to abstain for a while....but I can't recommend hurting yourself either as it's just not worth it. I have in the past been able to taper down but there's a point where you might as well quite because it's not doing the trick anyway. it hurts but it will get better (at least I'm counting on it). sounds like we are both on the right path at least.

    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)



      Me Too, but keep going, you're doing good

      I've been doing between 4-6 lite beer (considered Pop in my house, I?m not the only drinker in the house) for .... today is day 4! I'm on again off again with the sleep, Really Strenuous physical activity helps, for the sweats I keep a fan on, and I have my window open, and I don?t know about you but when I can?t sleep, THAT is when all my negative, pessimistic thoughts creep in, makes for a real pisser of a next day, I?ve been distracting myself with a good book, and I find by doing that I will dose off periodically through the night, if I don?t, the negative stuff takes over and I don?t have a hope in H--- of getting any sleep at all. Don?t drink more if you can help it, you?re doing good, keep going.

      I wrote a reall long post in "about withdrawal", it was more about the irritability, and about the anger that seems to crash down on me sometimes, but you may find it interesting because some of my solutions for getting rid of the anger has had a bonus effect of helping with the insomnia issue.




        The pessimistic thoughts are a killer, plus I really suffer badly from my nerves and anxiety - I've got a constant knot in my stomach and have been having to hold the pint glass with two hands two avoid spilling it all over the place. Still havn't decided what to do about the drinking to sleep thing yet. I'm thinking I might go to the off- liscence just before it shuts and get..about 6/ 8 cans. That way, even if they're gone I wont be able to get anymore...I dunno.

        Thanks a lot for the advice guys. I've only been a member for a day but its meant a hell of a lot to meet people who actually understand



          oh yeah i forgot. I read you're other posts last night Kat...jus...totally



            sleep gets better slowls

            hi again, well for me I'm FINALLY getting what could be called some "real" sleep. last drink was monday obstained since and finally at about 1:30 this morning I drifited in and out of sleep 'til 5:30. I've been using valerian and other herbal sleep aids and I'm not so sure how much they're doing but I feel a hundred percent better. first day I'm not visibly shaky too. hang in there!
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)



              Insomnia was really the whole reason I started drinking to begin with many years ago. Lately I've found that melatonin helps. It's cheap, and you can get it in any corner drug store. Start with about 3mg, if that doesn't work take another 3. Like most meds it doesn't mix well with booze, so be careful and read the label. Nighty night.



                What I did was tell my doctor I was having trouble sleeping at night on a consistent basis due to stressors (you gotta admit, stopping drinking is stressful), and they are usually very quick to give you a script for a sleep aid if you ask. They will usually offer. The new stuff they have out now is awesome and because it is time-released (unlike sleep aids you buy over the counter), it KEEPS you asleep all night so you are not waking up periodically. If you dont want to tell you doctor you are trying to stop drinking, just chalk up the inability to sleep to stress, anxiety, etc. My doctor prescribed me "Lunesta." It is great -- highly recommend it. It really helps to get through those first few weeks when you are trying not to rely on the alcohol to get to sleep. Then you can begin to taper off of it as your body adjusts to not having the alcohol every night. But you cant drink on those meds, so determine ahead of time to take them about 30 minutes before you want to be asleep, and not drink in addition to it. It works great.

                Best of luck and welcome!
                What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....

