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Time for action

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    Time for action

    Hi there. I've been snooping around this site for a while, but have decided it's time to get on and do something. Some of you seem to be having great success and some not so great, which is normal I guess. But I really like the support and lack of judgement.

    I'm from NZ and there doesn't seem to be anything like this that is local. AA is quite offputting for me, so thought I'd see how we go in here. I'm going to download the book and I have some of the supplements already. My question is how important have you found the hypnotic CD's to be. Were they important at first, but you no longer use them. Do you continue to use them daily? :new:

    Time for action

    Welcome Dancing! I have not used the CD's bought you will get lots of replies from those that have! Hope your journey is succesful - mine has thanks to MWO!


      Time for action

      :welcome: hi dancing. good to have you here.this is a great place. lots of great advice and support. i have found reading lots of posts and taking on board the info provided has been a huge help to me
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows


        Time for action


        :welcome: dancingon, I'am a newbie too, so I can't answer your questions but I assure you some one will. :welcome: aboard it's a great ride here! runningwind
        The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


          Time for action

          :welcome: Hello Dancingon, I personally dont use the CD's but many do and find them a very good help.

          Under the section "Monthly Abstinence" there is a fabulous thread called Tool box and in there are some tremendous tips on staying AF.

          I can honestly say this site changed my life and i dont know if I could have gone AF without the amazing support and understanding I have got here.

          So glad to have you on board and you too Running wind!
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            Time for action

            Hi dancingon,

            Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
            I'm glad you decided to join us, we're a pretty good group

            I will be one year sober later this month & couldn't be happier! The support I've received here is priceless.
            To answer your question, I highly recommend the CDs. They were very, very helpful in the beginning in helping me believe that I could stop drinking & improve my life. I still use the CDs from time to time if I feel the need for a little emotional boost. I found the Clearing CD & the Hypnotic CD very useful.

            Please feel free to drop in the 'Newbies Nest thread & say hello!

            Wishing you the best on your journey!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Time for action

              :thanks: chillgirl for that welcome. I see your post all over and hope to get to know you better. runningwind
              The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                Time for action

                Thanks everyone.
                I haven't read the book yet, and think I probably need to order the CD's to start with.
                It's amazing how your plans to start can be undermined. I'd smashed my last wine glassand have deliberately not replaced them, and I'd finished the wine, so that was going to be it. Then a friend turns up - as a thank you she'd bought me a set of wine glasses and two bottles of wine, one of which she insisted on opening. Oh well, at least after she left I didn't drink the other bottle by myself.
                I'm feeling stronger already just talking to you guys.


                  Time for action

                  Hi DancingOn,

                  I think that you will find that many people on here are having success in many ways. Some do the MWO plan, others take meds, ect.

                  I basically quit cold turkey. I have also been a member of MWO for three years.

                  For me personally, I suppose I just hit my bottom. It wasnt that bad of a bottom meaning nobody got hurt or anything, but I guess it was just the straw that broke the camels back so to speak.

                  I even have a couple of meds prescribed by my doctor that have not been opened.

                  Dont ask me how, but cold turkey it was for me. And im pretty happy with it.

                  Best of luck in whatever path takes you to your own success!!!!



                    Time for action

                    Yes, I'm beginning to realise that there is always going to be someone or something to delay starting AF or to make you relapse. There will always be a birthday party approaching, a stressful situation, a row with your ex, or you don't have your CD's yet. I realised that after a couple of days taking the vitamins and Glutamine I could easily resist. Yet, I hesitate because my husband and I broke up in November and shortly will be selling our house. He will be here an awful lot finishing things and cleaning things over the next few months and that's going to be stressful. The trick I guess is not to see alcohol as the answer to stress. My health and my kids are more important, and I'm not carrying this into next year.


                      Time for action

                      Hey DancingOn.

                      I think it was Universal who said how she handles not drinking. She said "I just tell myself, I dont drink"

                      So simple but yet so powerful. I think once you can get in some sober time behind you, you (me too) can get to that place where we are just at peace with the decisions we have made to stop the madness.

                      Im just a few weeks sober, but boy the changes are awesome. Im really loving sober life. You can get there too!

                      I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                        Time for action

                        Thanks Overit. You're absolutely right. I'm starting tomorrow.


                          Time for action

                          Dancingon - you are right - there will always be a reason to have another (or 30 drinks!) - I've been drinking all my life because, it's football season, it's summer, it's a wedding, it's the holidays, it's a date, it's my birthday . . . . .

                          I found this site & wasn't sure exactly what I was going to do. I cut back at first, bought supplements & read the book, took my last drink on Feb 21 and haven't had a drink since. I chose to try medication to help me & so far so good. But i can tell you that the last time I went more than a few days without a drink or anything has been over 10 years (and back then I smoked and did other things). Now I don't do any of that, so this is doubly amazing to me.

                          I feel really good & could not have even dreamed it without the support of the people here. Overit is another good example of someone who came & just did it! Fabulous! A lot of folks here can help guide you. Good luck - it's been very exciting for me so far. The first few days are the toughest for sure.

