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MWO Program Update

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    MWO Program Update

    Thanks everyone for the encouraging words. Here is my update for today. I started the day with the All One Powder, took the mid morning, lunch and midafternoon supplements as prescribed, listened to the cleansing one and two and loved them, I have never had a better time of meditation that I did today. I walked for twenty minutes, I drank lots of water, ate no sweets, plenty of veggies, whole wheat bread, lean meats, and fruit. I am going to take my evening supplements and listen to the "sleep learning" CD tonight. I feel good so far. I have been taking 25 mg of topamax for a while for migraine headaches but I am going to increase it along with the program as suggested. I do have side effects from the topamax so I started the supplements last week suggested in the MWO book to deal with those and they seem to be helping. I am also taking Lexapro since I have depression along with the topamax but it manages that and I am off of all pain meds since having neck surgery 4 weeks ago. So far so good.
    You can be who others think you should or who you were called to be. The difference is that who you were called to be is the real you.

    MWO Program Update

    Day 2 update. I didn't sleep as well as I had hoped, i believe in part to using my headphones while listening to the sleep learning cd's. The book advises against it, but I didn't want to disturb the hubby, but tonight he'll have to listen to, maybe it will drown out his snoring LOL. I started today out with the All One Powder again, took the mid morning lunch and midafternoon supplements, drank lots of water, ate very well listened to the Subliminal CD and the Hypnotique CD's 1 and 2. I took the lexapro and topamax. We are having baked chicken and veggies for supper, I have evening supplements to take and sleep CDs to listen to. I am feeling a little forgetful, the big test will be tomorrow because I start my weekend early and drink on Thursdays. Since I'm going to go AF as recommended in the book for a while, this should be interesting.
    You can be who others think you should or who you were called to be. The difference is that who you were called to be is the real you.


      MWO Program Update

      I made it another day. I took all my supplements and medications as suggested in the book, exercised for 20 minutes, drank lots of water, ate good, listened to the Subliminal CD, getting ready to take my evening meds and go to bed with the sounds of the Sleep Learning CD. I slept much better last night without the headphones and made it through my usual Thursday drinking day AF. I'm feeling better every day.
      You can be who others think you should or who you were called to be. The difference is that who you were called to be is the real you.


        MWO Program Update

        Well done Godschild!
        Your plan sounds spot on!!
        You don't mention refreshments -- are you drinking enough water -- that might be the reason for your headaches?
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          MWO Program Update

          Hey Godschild,
          Sounds like you are doing ok!!
          The forgetfulness could be from the Topa or the combination of it with Lexapro!
          The exercise really does help.
          Good to read that you are feeling better each day -
          Keep up the good work!

          Sober since 30/06/10


            MWO Program Update

            Hey DeeBee, Thanks for the info but I think you misread my post, I do suffer from migraines, it has nothing to do with the program, but the Topamax keeps them under control. I am drinking lots of water, it's actually the only thing I'm drinking right now. Thanks Amelia, I was thinking it was probably the meds too, glad to know somebody else thinks so, I'll keep hanging in there.
            You can be who others think you should or who you were called to be. The difference is that who you were called to be is the real you.


              MWO Program Update

              I didn't post yesterday, we had to make an 8 hour drive to get the grandbaby and didnt get home until 2am but I had a good day. I took all my supplements and meds, listened to the suggested CDs and slept really well. I woke up this morning however with a bad case of chest congestion and I have lost my voice so the only deviation I will make from my program today will be the 20 minutes of exercise. If I feel better tomorrow, I will make up the exercise that I have missed today. I have taked my meds and supplements today as suggested and I am listening to the subliminal CD as I type this. The good thing that has come out of my feeling so bad today is that I have decided to go ahead and quit smoking too. In the past few weeks I have given up a dependency to pain pills, so far so good on the AL and now I will be getting rid of the nicotine. I am going to be so healthy soon I will not know what to do with myself LOL!
              You can be who others think you should or who you were called to be. The difference is that who you were called to be is the real you.


                MWO Program Update

                OK It's Monday, the start of another week. I still didn't feel so great yesterday so I took it easy, still took my meds and supplements and listened to the suggested CDs, drank lots of water and ate healty but I didn't get around to exercising. I fixed my supplement and med box for the week, increasing the topamax as suggested in the MWO book. This morning I started the day off as usual with the All One Powder, took supplements, meds and listened the CDs, walked for 20 minutes, I am amazed at how clear my mind is getting. I ate good today and drank plenty of water and was also surprised to find out that I had lost 5 pounds last week. Now an update on quitting smoking. The insanity to that is I have only been smoking for 3 months after quitting for 6 years. I am such a wimp and really don't like cold turkey withdrawals so this is my approach to quitting. I made the decision on Saturday after getting sick and I have been smoking about a pack a day, I cut back to a half a pack on Sunday, today I have smoked 5 and I hope tomorrow to be off of them for good.
                You can be who others think you should or who you were called to be. The difference is that who you were called to be is the real you.


                  MWO Program Update

                  Wow! godschild! Well done! I love your comittment to working your program! I too got really sick, not associated withdrawals, but a virus, right after becoming sober. I think being healthy was a shock to my system!
                  Good for you getting off the cigs! Gosh, 6 years smoke free is too much to jump back in!

                  I am enjoying following your daily progress report! It is inspiring to follow one who is so dedicated to getting this done!! Keep up the great work!!

                  Best Wishes,

                  xx Kate
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    MWO Program Update

                    Thanks Kate for the post, I was hoping that I wasn't getting annoying LOL
                    You can be who others think you should or who you were called to be. The difference is that who you were called to be is the real you.


                      MWO Program Update

                      godschild;822878 wrote: Thanks Kate for the post, I was hoping that I wasn't getting annoying LOL
                      Annoying? Not at all! This is your thread, and not only should you post whatever helps you, also know that it helps and inspires others to see someone doing so well. All power to you, keep up the great work
                      I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                        MWO Program Update

                        Thanks for the post eight days a week, I believe my purpose is to serve God by helping others and if my experience can help than I am happy to post. I didn't make my quitting smoking goal today, but I didn't drink and tomorrow is a new day. I followed my program exactly as suggested in the MWO book again today. I have spent alot of time reflecting today on the obvious changes that I can see in myself and what I believe is contributing to them and this is what I have come up with: 1) I am not having any alcohol cravings - I believe this is due to the supplements. 2) My mind is becoming clearer, my thoughts are not racing and my negative thoughts are becoming more positive - I believe this is due to the Clearing and Hypnotic CDs. 3) I am sleeping better - I believe this is due to the exercise and the Sleep CDs. 4) Weight Loss and Loss of Appetite- Exercise, drinking water, eating healthier and a side effect of the Topamax. 5) The compulsion to drink - The topamax. I know for some that are struggling to stay sober it seems that I have just started this program and immediately had success but I have had my share of alcohol problems. I entered my first treatment center 18 years ago at the age of 22 and for the next 11 years was in and out of AA, I have hundreds of those slip chips and I spent another 3 stints in rehab all to no avail. I went to AA drunk, I tried to get sober through church, I tried online meetings, I tried everything, finally at the age of 32, I threw myself in the program of AA, got a sponsor, worked the steps and went to church and was sober for 7 1/2 years. I started drinking again in October 2009 thanks to the help of some pain pills that I got dependent on after a car accident. One thing that I never did during that 11 years was give up, I kept picking myself up, dusting myself off and trying to get AF. I don't look at my relapses or drinking as failures, they were learning experiences. Well that is my two cents for today
                        You can be who others think you should or who you were called to be. The difference is that who you were called to be is the real you.


                          MWO Program Update

                          thanks so much for sharing your journey. you have not had it easy--perhaps it is time for some good luck for you! keep us posted.

                          i have started to topa but am still waiting for the supps to arrive. i am noticing a change in my appetite for sure.
                          :h getting better every day


                            MWO Program Update

                            Your off to a great start! Fight the good fight!

                            Day 4 af
                            "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                              MWO Program Update

                              godschild;823360 wrote: Thanks for the post eight days a week, I believe my purpose is to serve God by helping others and if my experience can help than I am happy to post. I didn't make my quitting smoking goal today, but I didn't drink and tomorrow is a new day...
                              I'm not sure about quitting smoking at the same time as drinking, I think that may be too much, but my friend, you will best serve your god and your faith by getting yourself fit and healthy, and then you can be an inspiration to others! And if that means writing whatever you need to here then that's part of the process!! Everything you write will help others, so don't hold back!!
                              I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies

