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Drunk dialed 2 ex boyfriends last night. I'm done

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    Drunk dialed 2 ex boyfriends last night. I'm done

    I am completely at bottom. I have bacfolen but I have only been taking one a day so I am still drinking heavily at night. I was so hungover I didn't even take my daughter to school today. I feel like complete shit a bout myself, Has anynone been where I am and do you have any words of wisdom to make me feel like I have hope? Thanks...:new::upset:

    Drunk dialed 2 ex boyfriends last night. I'm done

    Oh baby.....we have ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL been there. I don't take Bac, but I know you are not taking enough.....the hope lies in the beautiful face of your daughter who loves you and needs you.....
    Now get up, take a shower, have a good cry if you need to , get some coffee, and keep talking here....join us in the Newbies Nest...we are here for you and we will listen and help....
    you f'd what......shame on get your fanny in gear!!!!
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      Drunk dialed 2 ex boyfriends last night. I'm done

      hiya scared - unfortunately some of us need to hit bottom before we can make a start, I know I did. Get a plan organised and give 30 days AF a go. Join up with threads and post and listen.

      Welcome this is a great place to be
      It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


        Drunk dialed 2 ex boyfriends last night. I'm done

        Hi Scared.....we have ALL been there before......I have hit bottom way more than once....and I know what a sickening feeling it is....there is nothing like it. Try to forget about the stupid things that are in the past and move forward. If you have a craving for a drink just remember how you are feeling at this exact moment and tell yourself it's NOT WORTH IT!!!! Hang in there!!!!
        AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


          Drunk dialed 2 ex boyfriends last night. I'm done

          Hi Scared,

          I can TOTALLY relate to what you are going through right now!! I have made more drunk phone calls/texts/emails than I can even remember. And the morning after is when the scared and embarrassed feelings set in...the "Oh sh*t, what did I do?" Hopefully you didn't do too much damage last night?

          Just get past the hangover and work on a plan of how to stay sober. There is a lot of advice on this site. I find that the first few days you really need to pamper yourself. Soak in a hot tub with epsom salt in it. Drink lots of fluids, and eat (whatever you want) when you get hungry. Stick close to this site. We are here for you!

          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Drunk dialed 2 ex boyfriends last night. I'm done

            Hey Scared, welcome!!

            As Mama Bear says....we have all been there on the drunk dialing front!!!
            I am still mortified about drunk dialing an ex boyfriend (and that was almost 8 years ago).
            What made it worse was that I phoned his mum's house pretending to be someone else (a past work colleague of his), really pissed, to get his mobile number, then rang him STRAIGHT away. When he asked how I got his number - I lied and etc etc etc.
            Mortifyingly embarrassing.....but you know, we have all been there and done that.

            Missing the school trip is not good though. But, at least you didn't compound the situation by driving while possibly being over the limit.

            Use both events as a lesson and give yourself a kick up the backside and get your plan in order.
            Start to slowly build up your Bac dosage.

            Hang around and let us know how you are getting on.

            Sober since 30/06/10


              Drunk dialed 2 ex boyfriends last night. I'm done

              Mama Bear new that it was just a matter of time that I chimed in. You have found the best bunch of friends that you will ever meet. Yes we have all been there before and we are all here to not go there anymore. The good news is that you are here and that you have baclofen! I too have baclofen and have done very well on it. I think its time you tell yourself you are done with alcohol and start increasing your dosage of bac. Do you know what doses you should be taking?
              Glad you are here!


                Drunk dialed 2 ex boyfriends last night. I'm done

                Yes dear, I've done so many stupid things while under the influence in my life. Many people on this site are making it (staying AF). It's hard work, but it can be done!

                I'm sorry you are feeling so crappy today. Hang in there and post here often! :l


                  Drunk dialed 2 ex boyfriends last night. I'm done

                  scaredaboutsideeffects;819961 wrote: I am completely at bottom. I have bacfolen but I have only been taking one a day so I am still drinking heavily at night. I was so hungover I didn't even take my daughter to school today. I feel like complete shit a bout myself, Has anynone been where I am and do you have any words of wisdom to make me feel like I have hope? Thanks...:new::upset:
                  hi scared, sounds like you having a rotten day. great that you have come here. thats a very positive step. when you hit the bottom there is only one way to go. UP... so get climbing. we are all with you x
                  Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                  Keep passing the open windows


                    Drunk dialed 2 ex boyfriends last night. I'm done

                    Scared, feel like crap today but forgive yourself and get going on being AF tomorrow. We have all been there, done that. I have been posting my "stupid moment of the day" memories. Yikes. I will laugh some day I hope about my stupid moments and I hope you get to too!


                      Drunk dialed 2 ex boyfriends last night. I'm done

                      Hi Scared, welcome aboard, as they say if youv'e hit rock bottom climb up, stay here and read, post come to chat, we all know what your'e feeling, love and hug's Twitch,xxxx


                        Drunk dialed 2 ex boyfriends last night. I'm done

                        How are you doing today Scared? Let us know!

                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          Drunk dialed 2 ex boyfriends last night. I'm done

                          Thanks guys. I have upped my dosage of bac to 4 times a day at 10 mg. However, I get really sleepy so it is hard. I haven't had a drink since then and I am still beating myself up for doing the drunk dialing but not as much. I just want to love myself and not care what other people think of me and just do it. Thanks again:thanks::h:l


                            Drunk dialed 2 ex boyfriends last night. I'm done

                            Use the drowsiness effect of bac to your advantage, when you are sleepy, you dont get the urge to drink! thats what did it for me.

