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New girl

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    New girl

    This is the first time I've ever posted anything on an online forum - I found it by accident after entering 'antabuse' into my search engine. The reason I did that is because I have been lying awake for the past five hours unable to sleep because of last night's alcohol abuse coursing through my veins, feeling utterly wretched, feeling fat because when I binge drink I also binge eat, really hating myself, feeling embarrassed about my behaviour in front of my family, and in public, and wondering what on earth I can do to succeed in stopping drinking, having tried it so many times before.
    I always have the desire to stop on mornings like these, but it is a lot harder when you're in a social setting and you all know the rest...
    I really want to do it this time

    New girl

    Welcome Sparkle,
    You have come to the right place for advice and support in quitting AL/or moderating.. have you got a plan for what you want to do?
    Take one day at a time, read and post as much as you can.. this site has helped me heaps.. i've only drunk AL twice in the last month, and I did not get drunk those 2 times..
    Your life will improve without AL - no life is perfect, but no AL definately helps..
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



      New girl

      :welcome: Sparkle,
      Like Katie says you've come to the right place for help and support in helping to get rid of AL (alcohol).
      You've made a huge step today just by reaching out for help.
      Click on the link below to help you start to get a plan of action together.

      We've all walked in your shoes at one time or another, especially that dreaded 3 am waking.

      Keep reading,keep posting and let us get to know you.

      J x

      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        New girl

        Hello Sparkle, welcome and we understand believe me. In the morning it is a case of never again but by the afternoon resolve sometimes goes flying out the door. But the good news is you can stop this endless cycle and this is the place to do it. Stick around, read and post. You can download the book and read it, it will help you to put a plan of action in place that works for you.
        Keep safe
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          New girl

          :welcome: hi sparkle, good to have you here. its a great place with some great people. lot support and advice. i too stumbled across thes site and now have 17 alcohol free days under my belt. whatever your plan is we are all here for you.
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows


            New girl

            Hi Sparkle
            Glad you found MWO. I'm new also, I just woke up to my glorious 4th morning of AF feeling so hopeful and happy. This program is really working for me, the supplements have made a huge difference in the physical urge to drink. The wonderful friends here online help with the mental issues and they are all so wonderful.
            Stay strong and keep posting!


              New girl

              Wow! What a warm welcome to this site... thank you all for your kind words of understanding and encouragement. I have had a brief look at the site but when I get a bit more time I will explore properly. I have already seen some great pieces of advice, which I think will help me, and I think I will make a plan, as suggested... whatever I do, it really helps to feel supported by others out there who know what I'm feeling.
              I think the thing that worries me so much about giving up drinking is that I get so lonely a lot of the time and I don't know what will fill the void if I don't drink. I'm also considering the fact that I may be depressed but I'm so reluctant to go on anti-depressants. Any top tips for things I could try instead?
              Thanks again to all of you


                New girl

                Hey Sparkle - a lot of us got here the same way you did - I felt sick about myself, time & time again. I kept looking for answers. Daily said "I won't drink today" and always did, always hated myself the next day and then always did it again. (wash, rinse, repeat . . .) Anyway, found this, downloaded the book, read that in one evening, read posts, started cutting back on drinking, took supplements, kept posting, and now haven't had a drink in 18 days!

                I never came here really with that intent - it was all a happy accident. Of course, you have to want to stop in some little back room in your brain. I thought I needed to 'cut back' which - I do if possible, but I'm not sure that will ever be possible. I really need to stop. But, whatever happens, is better than before.

                The people here are grand - just keep coming back & you'll be better off than you were no matter what - even if you slip & fall - they'll help you get up again.


                  New girl

                  Hi Sparkle,
                  Welcome to MWO. What I love about this site is that there is no need to be embarrassed or ashamed on here, the people here really DO understand. We are all here to support you. Good job on taking that first step. Stick close to this site and post often. We look forward to getting to know you!
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    New girl

                    Hi Sparkle! Welcome - this is the best place ever... The people are AWESOME - so supportive! I wandered in last Thursday by accident, not intending to do anything immediately but have been AF ever since (Day 8 for me today). When I didn't post anything for a day someone actually sent me a private message to check on me! This is the best thing ever, seriously. Go to Newbies Nest - everyone hangs out there and you will love it! Good luck... you can do it! Coco


                      New girl

                      I'm new too

                      I'm very hopeful today that I will not drink my usual wine. I've just been thinking how wasteful I have been with the life that's been given me. I want to be healthy sooo bad. Hope this site will continue to inspire me.


                        New girl

                        Welcome TXgal
                        we are here for you and are glad you have found us.....
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          New girl

                          Welcome, sparkle! You have found a great site. Stay connected. Read and post every day. When i first came here 46 days ago, I made so many understanding, compassionate, caring, forgiving and encouraging friends! This has truly been my lifeline for me! As others have said, just try to get through one day at a time. Never look back and never look forward. If you want to drink, come here first and you'll find the support you need to overcome your desire to drink. If you fall and drink, get right back up and start over. Every day that you are sober you get stronger and stronger. I am reading "The easy Way to stop drinking" by Allen Carr. It is wonderful! You can get it on amazon. I also ordered the 6 week starter pkg that helps your body get in excellent health, found in the health store on this site. Many people are on medications that eliminate cravings. I started on baclofen today. So many people have written great things about using it. Tour the site, visit us in the chat room at night, especially when you are having a problem or craving. Keep posting and reading encouraging post like "attitudes and feelings" by hippie37. Best of luck and love to you. We are all here to help you.
                          I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
                          but I'm sure not who I used to be!

                          There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.

                          "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME." Phil 4:13


                            New girl

                            Hi Sparkle & TXgal,

                            Welcome to MWO, this is a great place!
                            I was very lonely, depressed & miserable when I found this site a year ago. Today I am a totally changed person

                            I had been treated with Rx antidepressant off & on for 5 years - it didn't help a bit & didn't lessen my desire to drink. In January '09 I ditched the AD & started on an herbal prep called Amoryn. I found & joined MWO in February & near the end of last March made the commitment to go AF! It will be one year on the 26th of this month
                            My life is not perfect but so much better! The crippling anxiety & depression are gone. I have no more guilt & self-loathing. It is all gone!

                            You can do the same but you have to commit yourselves! You have to do the work but the rewards are huge. Read the MWO book, make yourselves a good plan, commit yourselves then just do it!!!!

                            Please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread for support

                            Wishing you both the best!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

