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ODAT Thursday

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    ODAT Thursday

    Morning all, another lovely, sunny day here in the UK, still on my sickbed tho and now my naughty 15 year old has been sent home from school on suspension, I am NOT going to drink tho, once I would have calmed down with a bottle but not today, he hasn't done anything serious ,just lot's of silly thing's, have to have a long chat I think, anyway hope everyone is doing well ,everyday it get's easier, love and hug's Twitch xxxx

    ODAT Thursday

    Hi Twitch and all ODAT'rs to come

    Another beautiful day here too. Hope you are soon feeling better Twitch. Congrats on not turning to the bottle regarding your 15 year old. I have a 15 and 17 year old and believe me at times they would drive anyone, not even an alcoholic to drink!! Deep breaths, this too shall pass.

    Hope everyone has a great AF day.



      ODAT Thursday

      Good Morning All
      Celebrated my son's 18th nirthday last night with a nice dinner and three beers....that was all. Not AF, but an improvement.
      I have a question.....about 4:30 yesterday I felt like I had an electric current running through me and wanted a beer soooooo bad...after 4 days AF...lasted about an hour...was really that a craving? Good do you ignore that???? or get past it......
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        ODAT Thursday

        Morning, Twich, Rustop, Mama Bear

        Hope you feel better Twitch. Ahhh the teenage years, cant wait for that. I have a 5 year old who already got in some trouble for naughty behavior.(nothing too bad)

        Mama Bear, im not sure what that was you felt. How is the Topa coming?

        Im happy to say I was in a tempting position to drink, but by the end of the day I did not. I tried a Klonopin when I got home, just a half of one, so I didnt really feel anything? Next time I will try a whole one.

        Have a good AF day friends!


          ODAT Thursday

          Only on 4th day of topa....just a strong metallic tatse in mouth so far....
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            ODAT Thursday

            Morning ODATers.

            I'm glad to hear everyone doing so well! Mama, I think that is a craving - I used to have them pretty bad in the first 7 days AF - now they are all just psychological.

            I wish this week would just end already, It feels like it's taking forever!!!

            AF Day for me today - taking things odat.

            Have a good one guys!

            Love and hugs,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              ODAT Thursday

              You know, I am at over 2 weeks now, and I can honestly say, I have not had one craving, or I guess I should say, not a very strong craving. One that I could not say no to quickly.

              Now that is really bizarre to me, because for the past 20 years, I would get a craving, and that would lead to either a bottle of wine, or a bottle of vodka.

              My craving would start with a thought, then there was no way in Hell I would turn away from it. I would drive to 10 liquor stores if I had to get what it was I wanted. My brain would be set and firm in " I am HAVING a drink, damn it"

              Is that what you felt Mama Bear? Just a strong pull to get that drink on? I know those are so hard to stop and control.

              I have no idea how I am doing this gang. I just pray I can keep it up, and remember, I also have good old Antabuse to pop if I need it.


                ODAT Thursday

                Hi all- Fluff checking in- Mama isn't the topa supposed to take cravings away?
                Hi to Twitch, Mamma,Rust, Universal, Overit-great on 2 weeks!
                It's always YOUR choice!


                  ODAT Thursday

                  Topa doesn't kick in right away from what I have read....
                  yeah Overit....that's kind of what it was like....but real anxious, or "excited" feeling just came out of the blue....
                  my pattern has been that of an every other day drinker......about 12 to 15 beers one nite and none the mext....since I become focused on quitting, that 2nd day is a HUGE hurdle for me....most of it is mental.....just want to get a week under my belt....will keep taking Topa and coming here.....not gonna give way....I think Topa takes about 2 weeks to really stop cravings , but we all know it's up to us....there is no magic bullet....
                  Love and strength to all
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    ODAT Thursday

                    Evenin all! I got through the first couple of weeks purely because of Antabuse. I KNEW I couldn't drink and that made it so much easier - just a thought.
                    Twitch, I too have a 15 yr old and like yours nothing serious, but I never know whats comin next!! Just a normal teenager really, lucky we love them isn't it!!
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14

