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Testing the waters

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    Testing the waters

    Hello all, my name is Doug. I've just found this site and am interested by what I've read so far. Something has to change in my life so I thought I'd take a closer look at this program.

    I got home last night to find a letter on the counter. My wife took my three boys to my folks house for a few days. She wanted to get my attention . . . and she did. I'm going to take the time that she's gone and develop some type of plan to pull my head out of my arse. I need to quit drinking altogether, I think.

    I don't drink on a regular basis. I'm a binge drinker. If I start, I don't stop. I haven't had many lately. We don't keep any alcohol in the house as my wife doesn't like it when I drink. If she is away, or if I think I can pull it off . . . . you know what happens. This last weekend she was gone on Sat and I picked up my bottle of Segrams the Thurs. night prior. I had a few pulls but was controlled until I put the boys to bed. Then all hell broke loose. Nothing happened, but I was passed out till 10:30am. The boys got up on schedule and took care of themselves but I'm ashamed that I basically abandoned them. Anything could have happened and I wouldn't have even known, much less been of any help.

    Anyhoo, this is my first step of late to do something about it. I've been through treatment/AA a couple times but it never really seemed to take.


    Testing the waters

    Welcome Doug, I know your pain. I think a lot of us here do. I see you are from the NW. Where from? I live in Seattle. You have come to a good place. Stick around.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Testing the waters


      :welcome: Welcome Doug-
      Glad you found us. I'm relatively new here myself and have found this community full of wonderfully supportive people. RJ's program is a godsend and has helped many of us with our problem drinking.
      Good to have you here.



        Testing the waters


        Hi Slugdug, and :welcome:

        So glad you found this place. All of us are in the same boat, and if you hang out a bit, get to know us, you'll find that most of us are on the same journey, albeit at different places. Grab a cuppa coffee, have a sit and join us for a bit! Finding this place could be the best choice you've ever made!


          Testing the waters

          Thanks all for the welcome!

          Lush, I'm in Monroe. Good to see a local

          Yeah it's a funny thing how the mind can work. My wife and I have an ongoing joke about me being the king justifier. You know how people make an L with their pointer finger and thumb and put it up to their forheads to signify some one being a looser . . . . yeah my wife does that but makes a J for me. It's a slippery slope.

          I've done so well lately . . . I deserve a drink. Been there too dang often. Usually what starts off as a drink or two turns into the entire 5th of Seagrams 7 straight down the hatch.

          This is an interesting way to communicate with other drunks. I've never really said much at any AA meetings as I'm a bit of a wall flower. I've always spewed my thoughts out better by writing them out. I sure get the feeling I'm going to appreciate this forum!

          I'll be looking more for information about this program and the costs of the materials etc. Sounds like it's working well for a whole bunch of you folks.



            Testing the waters

            Hi Doug and welcome!! Sounds like your wife is using the tough love approach by giving you that scare.
            It also sounds by your 'justifier' story that she can be humourous some times about it your drinking as well. Now and then a good laugh at ourselves and our situation really does take some of the stress away.
            Let us know often how you are getting along.

            Sober since 30/06/10


              Testing the waters

              Yeah she's a good woman. I don't know what I'd do without her . . . I'd like to keep from having to find out.


                Testing the waters

                Hi Slugdoug, & :welcome: .

                I was pretty darn close to divorce when I found this web site about 10 months ago. It's been the best thing to happen to me since I discovered chocolate & sex! I actually have my life back . I can even have a glass of wine or two if want, ....and still hold my head up in public while I buy it @ the store... without feeling like a leper! I have my self respect back. That's a very good thing to have! No matter where you are... but especially in a small town... with a lot of "busy-bodies".:H

                Welcome again. & Hugs, Judie

                Best of luck to you & your Sweetie...
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Testing the waters

                  Day one. Fri 13th. I'm in the same boat. I hope this brings us good luck today. Keep in touch

