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    just found an old exercise bike in the cellar. got it out and pedalled for five minutes on the easiest setting. cant believe how exhausted and huffy puffy it made me. sooooo bad. i used to cycle loads. about 12 years ago i spent 4 months cycling, on a tandem around SE asia (thailand, laos,cambodia) doing about 60 miles a day. god was that really me. i must get my old photos out and remind myself. i cant even see that person in me but im sure i didnt dream it. sitting here with a cup of chamomile tea and a smoke (hmph could this be where im going wrong). i think i should use some of this wonderful AF time getting on my bike and kicking some wheelie ass. latterly i used to cycle with booze in my drinks bottle. not a good plan x
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows


    :H:H:H Don't kill yourself with exercise Spud!!!!!
    Take it one day at a time like everything else.
    I'm trying to get myself in gear too
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      SO UNFIT

      Hi Spudulika, (Do you remember that?)

      I was about 20kgs overweight (if not 25) when I started this journey. I have joined a gym and I am doing a couch to 5km running programme. And I love it.

      I have posted about this before, so apologies if you have already read this.

      The running programme is a podcast with instructions and music. Week one is simply run for 1 minute / walk for 90 secs. Do this 8 times. (With a 5 minute walking warm up and warm down.) Each week the run section gets longer.

      It's totally do-able.

      Also, on my excercise days, I end up feeling great and when witching hour comes, I do not wish to poison the body that I have worked on making fit that day.

      Since the end of Jan, I have lost 4 kgs (9lbs).

      Dust off your bike and give it a go. Don't be too hard on yourself to start with.

      If you decide to cycle round Australia, drop in for a cup of English tea when you get to Brisbane.

      BTW - Are you in the Lake District?

      Spam xx


        SO UNFIT


        I think the smoke might be where you are going wrong. It's where I've gone wrong.

        Take heart, we didn't get ourselves into this state overnight and will not get ourselves out of it overnight. I am aiming for Christmas to be back down to where I was. I must be patient. There is a LOT of work to do as I have 66 more lbs to lose.

        I have three closets full of clothes I cannot wear. I live in my "uniform" and shop at Goodwill in the hopes I'll find something I can wear (as I won't pay good money for fat clothes). I am just looking at my situation philosophically and saying, Hmmm, so this is where my addictions and mental health issues lead. I am looking for a permanent solution to this and must be gentle with myself in the meantime. It'll happen, all in good time. And you will get to where you want to be, all in good time.



          SO UNFIT

          wehey.. ive just discovered herbal cigarettes. i always smoke roll ups with a menthol filter tip, i really dont like 'real cigs' (would smoke anything when drunk though). ive tried herbal ones before and thought they were awful. these are herbal menthol cigs. so i unwrapped them, put them in my roll up with a menthol filter tip and hey what d ya know i quite like them. not sure how the nic craving will go. since being AF ive been smoking loads, so even if i have one now and again or mix the tobacco with real stuff its all a bonus. as for the exercise i have no option than to take it easy... too bloody nackered. have not put on too much weight so thats not a big issue, but it would be nice to get into some of my old pre pot belly clothes (thank god for elasticated waists). gonna start with exercise bike as it doesnt involve hills and cant sneak off to the pub for that well deserved beer
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows


            SO UNFIT

            spam..oh yes i remember spudulike. spuds i like too flipping much. yes i live in the lake district. about 30 minute drive to windermere. i love it. gets a bit busy in the summer, even up the mountains, but being local i can always find a lovely quiet place xx
            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
            Keep passing the open windows

