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My detailed Case (Alcohol + Nicotine) help call

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    My detailed Case (Alcohol + Nicotine) help call

    I've bought a bottle of alcohol-free Cabernet today and it's way too sweet for me, more like grape juice from concentrate, and I hate sweetness, sugar or not, so it's clearly not a long term solution, but I'll make some experiments mixing it with the driest red wine I can find (Pinot Noir probably) to see if I can manage to get a drinkable thing for dinner with less alcohol. Generally speaking I think Americans are completely addicted to sugar and super sweet things (US manufacturers add them in nearly everything, from bread to mayonnaise) and that has always been a huge annoyance to me (I grew up abroad so I wasn't force fed with that kind of stuff since early age). Fortunately my wife who has the same problem now cooks everything, including her own bread. Well, at least I won't die from obesity, just cirrhosis or lung cancer.

    Inpatient detox/rehab is not an option as I would obviously become uninsurable (I'm self-employed), at least until 2014 when insurance won't apparently be able to discriminate against pre-existing conditions anymore. In the worst case scenario if I have to do it I would go abroad (particularly easy for me as I have multiple citizenships), but I want to give high dose Bac a try first as it seems to work for nearly everyone in my situation. I'm now at 70 mg and raising.

    No panic attacks since last time, just usual cravings, shaking during the day and some light sweating and insomnia, I don't think Bac has any effect on me yet... Remember that the dose applied to long term seriously alcoholic rats was a daily 5 mg per kg of body mass, that would mean 500 mg per day for me ! I hope I won't have to go that high but I don't expect anything before I reach a way higher dose.

