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here we go again

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    here we go again


    johnnyh;821955 wrote: hi guys.

    Here I am back again from an almost year long binge. about this time last year I was 3 months AF and thought to be "over the mountain". An innocent celebration, a compromise to have some drinks as it's the first time I'm seeing my sister in a long time. And soon back on the old railwaytracks.

    It's taken me months of battling, quirreling with myself to set an end to this and finally come back here. Righty now i'm at crossroads. Went to Church this morning, heard a very inspiring sermon and was sure that when the preacher talked about ppl's mountaints they gotta climb my mountain was and is my alcoholism. I'm still slightly hazed from last nights beers, wine and spirits and half way between thinking of getting myself a beer to get this hangover done with and half way between quitting right now. I just don't know if I have the strenght to do it all again! i'm thinking of going to go to my doc tomorrow for some antabuse and anti depressants but am also thinking that by tomorrow i might have changed my mind.

    Cunning, that's what alcoholism is. i was so proud of myself last year. |I felt so much better. I can still remember it. but come the next day, the thirst is so strong.

    need some help guys!
    hi johnny,youve started the process yourself,:goodjob:i like what you said at the beginning,an innocent celebration, and in the end you some it up,need some help guys,just coming here,dont make you alchoholic,you admit yourself,train wreck when you drink,this is long lerning process my friend,you got half the battle beat,your recognising the problem,and now youve taken action,wish u well,stik around longer this time,your never alone in this battle gyco:welcome:


      here we go again

      Hey Johnny,
      Good that you have come back here.
      There is a strong part of you that knows the booze is so bad for your body and your mind....your life in general.
      Gather your strength and go for that first day AF again. Day 2 is much easier without that dreaded hangover. Keep reading and posting.
      You can do it. You have done it before. Take yourself back to that time and remember how great you felt!!

      Sober since 30/06/10


        here we go again

        Thanks. I actually went and read some of my old posts. It saddens me on the one hand to see how motivated and upbeat I was at the time, on the other hand makes me look forward to feeling so great again. Can't wait to get over the first two weeks. But I know. one step and one day at a time. Try not to get ahead of myself again. Thanks for the support
        AF since 15th March 2010

        The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


          here we go again

          The great thing(s) also about this site is it is totally non-judgemental and it so easy to just drop in and read, chat or post without feeling like you have to say your name and admit what you and everyone else knows already. I guess if you say it enough times you will believe it or it's supposed to humble you (booze has already humbled me enough). Any way cheers to a site that is very helpful, supportive and easily accessible when you have the time. I hope that I will be smart enough to use it as little or as much as I feel needed to stay sober.
          :thanks: to all the helpful and amiable people I have access to here who aid me on my trip to anywhere except abusing the addictive ethanol and its volatile consequences.

