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Felt comfortable after 10 days AF and drank

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    Felt comfortable after 10 days AF and drank

    Made a fool of myself after drinking 6 glasses of wine. I couldn't walk straight. Felt so in control after 10 AF that I had a beer, which turned into 5, and then the 6 glasses of wine the next day. I feel disappointed in myself. I guess everyone of you that stopped drinking wasn't successful the first time around, right? How many time did it take? It is my fourth time trying, and I did 10 days, 14 days, 5 days and 10 days. Thank you.

    Felt comfortable after 10 days AF and drank

    keyners;822412 wrote: Made a fool of myself after drinking 6 glasses of wine. I couldn't walk straight. Felt so in control after 10 AF that I had a beer, which turned into 5, and then the 6 glasses of wine the next day. I feel disappointed in myself. I guess everyone of you that stopped drinking wasn't successful the first time around, right? How many time did it take? It is my fourth time trying, and I did 10 days, 14 days, 5 days and 10 days. Thank you.
    Hi Keyners,
    It certainly does take time and attempts to quit.. i had around 3 slip-ups last month but was not drinking anywhere near what I used to.. have faith in yourself - you can do this! you need to change your attitude to AL if you want to change.. see it as the evil poison it is! It does not do anything to improve your life but make it worse.. dont worry about the past, what's done is done.. you need to get back on the horse and remember how good it feels to be AF!! That's what i'm doing too - Day 1 again for me..
    Katie xx
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



      Felt comfortable after 10 days AF and drank

      Hi Keyners and KatieB, we did not get into this state overnight, only a few lucky people get out of it overnight. The rest of us struggle and fall back. Just make sure you're going in the right direction. KatieB is right - Al is an evil, life destroying poison. There's nothing good about it - regardless what the media says.
      make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


        Felt comfortable after 10 days AF and drank

        Morning Keyners
        Don 't be worrying, a slip is a slip, personally I had two major ones and after the last one my doc actually said it might be a good thing! I think what he meant was that my self disgust was SO high that I had a reference point to look at the next time the evil little monster came around to call! Looking back I don't think my head was 100% in the right place before those two 'slips', I know it is now and its a great feeling, doesn't mean the monster goes away tho!!!!:ignore:
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Felt comfortable after 10 days AF and drank

          Hi Keyners,
          With me i have made so many slips in the past 10 years, beat myself up, tried to make sense of it, gave up drank for longer periods of time again then gave up again when it was getting too much.
          But everytime i get back onto the horse i am stronger and wiser then the time before and i just know as long as i stay postive and know that i deserve better i will find the light eventually and so will you. Don't ever give up on yourself. We are all humans learning at our own pace.
          Just get back on your horse and know that you will also find your way.
          Stay strong its not easy but worth it!
          Liquid MISERY guaranteed to distroy.


            Felt comfortable after 10 days AF and drank

            Hey Keyners,
            Know the feeling. Am in the same boat at the moment. Only that my slip up turned into many months and now i'm back to trying again. did 3 months AF last year and slipped. I was getting to comfortable. All I can tell you is, I am trying again, starting today. Join me. Together we can do this.
            AF since 15th March 2010

            The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


              Felt comfortable after 10 days AF and drank

              Hey Keyners, keep your head up, it's OK, as the saying goes - you can get back on your horse again.

              I have tried for years, without success, at doing this - so I know from where you come. Hang in there,
              Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                Felt comfortable after 10 days AF and drank


                I too feel like my resolve is stronger and stronger with each slip. For me, it takes a lot less to get a buz now and boy do i feel like crap the next day (never bothered me before). Just hang in there and keep coming back here - it will be your salvation. We're here for you!

                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                  Felt comfortable after 10 days AF and drank

                  Hi Keyners,

                  Sorry you are feeling poorly but I'll bet you have learned something important about yourself!
                  Regardless of how many times it takes just keep trying!

                  Revise you plan & jump right back on board. Don't listen to the junkie talk in your head anymore! NO, we can not have just 1 or 2 just doesn't work that way we most of us. The recommendation is to wait at least 30 days before attempting to drink moderately. Give it at least 30 days this time before you consider modding. After my first 30 days I asked myself if I was ready for just 1 glass of wine, the answer was NO! For me staying AF is much easier than attempting to moderate.

                  Wishing you the best,
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

