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How long to recover your health?

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    How long to recover your health?

    Dear board,

    I have been drinking for 15 years and I will be 36 years old on Wednesday. My average Monday to Thursday consumption was 3/4 drinks per day, and 7/8 on Friday/Saturday and off on Sunday to recover. Now that's about 28/32 drinks per week. I drank fast (2/3 hours at most). I smoked weed everyday for 5 years age 20-25. How long do you think it will take my vital organs and brain to recover?

    Thank you.

    How long to recover your health?

    I'm going to say everybody is individual, but I have read that it takes at least one year for the brain to heal. You are still young. When I was 35 I was told that if I stopped drinking then I would be fine. Of course, I did not.


      How long to recover your health?

      When you stop drinking and doing drugs, sleep early and well, exercise regularly, eat simply and right....basically when you start living like a normal person, then after a few months or so once your body and mind get back to normal you get this incredible sense of cleanness. That's the best way to describe it, clean. You are so alert, alive, feeling good. It's almost spiritual. ps might i add that everyone would be different in there recovery and it might take some a lot longer than others,pps if it took you 15 years to get here,dont expect miracles..goodluck

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        How long to recover your health?

        Like Mario and AnotherD said different parts take different periods of time to heal. I stress here that I have NO medical training or knowledge WHATSOEVER, I hadn't heard previously that the brain takes a year but I well believe it - I find my sharpness mentally is the slowest thing to improve whereas like Mario says after a few months your body does feel recovered. Depending on the damage done to your liver ( and one person same alcohol consumption same weight etc might not recover at the same speed) my understanding is that it recovers surprisingly quickly, my doc says about 2 months providing there is no cirrhosis etc.
        Finally again as Mario says 'if it took you 15 years to get here...........'!?
        Good luck
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14

