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Thinking ahead

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    Thinking ahead

    Ok, maybe I should not be thinking ahead, but I am. I was just wondering, there are so many of us with less than 30 days and I know Overit must have around 48 right now, but where are the people with 60 days or more? Are they just quiet? It makes me happy to see sig lines that say AF since XX08 or XX09 as I know there are some people here that are doing the AF free thing long term. Question is to these people, are you able to do this with MWO alone? Or do you need something like AA too?

    I keep thinking at some point the days won't matter (or counting them) and then I'll just have to live life. Then what? This makes me feel sort of panicky.

    I don't know what I'm asking for here. Just thinking out loud as I feel uneasy. I'm on day two of not smoking so comes with the territory, but I bet I'd think of this anyway. Thoughts??

    Thinking ahead

    Anotherday;823166 wrote: Ok, maybe I should not be thinking ahead, but I am. I was just wondering, there are so many of us with less than 30 days and I know Overit must have around 48 right now, but where are the people with 60 days or more? Are they just quiet? It makes me happy to see sig lines that say AF since XX08 or XX09 as I know there are some people here that are doing the AF free thing long term. Question is to these people, are you able to do this with MWO alone? Or do you need something like AA too?

    I keep thinking at some point the days won't matter (or counting them) and then I'll just have to live life. Then what? This makes me feel sort of panicky.

    I don't know what I'm asking for here. Just thinking out loud as I feel uneasy. I'm on day two of not smoking so comes with the territory, but I bet I'd think of this anyway. Thoughts??
    Most likely the people who have some longevity have passed the stage where intense support is a necessity I quit smoking on New Year's Eve 1999 - for the first couple of months it was a challenge, and if I'd had a forum like this one I probably would have spent a lot of time reading, posting, interacting with others going through the same thing. I haven't thought about smoking for years - even while drinking. So, I think we'll reach a point where MWO downgrades from a lifeline to a resource, and further from a resource to a comfortable place that we no longer visit often, but remember will be there if we need it. In other words, I hope in 3 months I won't be here wallowing every day as I am now, but will know it is here if I need to come back to it.


      Thinking ahead


      Does 8 months count as longevity. I check in 3 times a day. First just have a bit of a look round and say hello.
      My signature is my own personal reminder of where I was and how far I've come and still to go.

      Some people here have become real friends that I have met face to face, some are friends are by e-mail or phone call.

      There's no time limit set on where,why and when you come here. MWO is working for me and hopefully it'll work for you.

      J x

      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Thinking ahead

        i really hope that if i do conquer this beast and become long term AF that i would still come here to support others. maybe not daily but often. i have found such help and inspiration from long term AF people and would dearly love to give the same back to others in the future. though if continuing coming here affected my sobriety i would have to look after number 1. thanks again to everyone here x
        Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
        Keep passing the open windows


          Thinking ahead

          Hi Another Day

          Im on week 11 and like you I find it helpful to see where others are on their AF journey.

          I found MWO a month before quitting and it totally gave me the support and confidence I needed. It completely changed my world which I had thought before was one of isolation and despair. For the 1st time in my life I could talk about what I was going through and people understood. I dont think I would be here and still AF without this site.

          I did attend AA for the 1st 2 months and found the support there was fantastic as well and sharing face to face with the group has done wonders for my confidence.

          Like JackieClaire I still check in here everyday and cant imagine that changing in the foreseeable future.
          I wish you well and hope the support you find here helps.
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            Thinking ahead

            spuddleduck;823194 wrote: if though if continuing coming here affected my sobriety i would have to look after number 1.
            So true Mrs Spuds. That would be the one and only reason for me too.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Thinking ahead

              Well thanks everyone. It makes sense that as people get a handle on this addiction they might not check in as frequently or talk about it as intensely or talk about how many days it's been, etc. I was just wondering if it was more like no one could get a handle on it and that's why I wasn't hearing more from people with longevity and yup, 8 mos is sure longevity in my book


                Thinking ahead

                AD - Doggygirl has been sober something like 22 mos & is on daily. There are some people who stay linked for a long time - even a lifetime. All people are different - staying linked to these communities doesn't necessarily mean they haven't moved on. Sometimes they use the group differently than they may have in the past though. I have friends who joined AA when they were quitting initially & used it for support, now they support others & have built a network of sober friends that they see totally outside of the group for a variety of activities totally unrelated to quitting drinking - the AA group was simply the springboard for their newfound friendships.

                I've known others who sever completely and need to separate from the 'chit chat' about it to feel free of it. Who knows what I'll do - my mantra is - step one - don't drink. I'll worry about the rest later. All I know is this little community out here has really saved my butt. Who knew that I could be successful at all by just coming here. In my real life I have no one to talk to honestly about this stuff, so for me this is really great.


                  Thinking ahead

                  Wow, Sheri, congrats today on ONE WHOLE YEAR! :goodjob:

                  I like your plan. Checked it out.

                  Everything you say makes sense.

                  I am not going to stress over stuff. Wonder why this or that. I am just going to get through today and the next two days and not smoke (or drink needless to say if I don't smoke) and trust that I'll know what to do in three days.



                    Thinking ahead

                    Ya Sheri!! Huge congrats to you!
                    :h getting better every day

