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I am posting BEFORE I drink (the wine I just bought)

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    I am posting BEFORE I drink (the wine I just bought)


    This thread was so great and really shows the crazy thinking we all go through when we start craving alcohol. I agree with you that sleeping well is so important and a direct result of staying AF. You have not only helped yourself but others. Thanks so much for taking the time to post. Have another great AF day. You deserve it.


      I am posting BEFORE I drink (the wine I just bought)

      anotherday.:goodjob::wave::groupluv::yougo::applau d::kudos: BRILLIANT. SO WELL DONE TO YOU. SEE, YOU CAN BEAT THE EVIL BEAST. KEEP IT UP. ITS ANOTHERDAY. YOU CAN DO THIS XXX
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows


        I am posting BEFORE I drink (the wine I just bought)

        Anotherday;823472 wrote: For being the last one to judge, you sound judgmental. I am not drinking nor am I going to drink tonight. I think I'll let this post just go over my head. I don't have to "give it another go." Oh, and if I wanted an excuse, your post would be it.
        I'm very sorry you took it that way Anotherday. I think I didn't explain myself well. I've been in your shoes (trying for abstinence) many times, and so I absolutely sympathise with every word you wrote. I've failed time and time again on that road, and it seemed to me you were setting yourself up to fail in oh so many ways, and were asking for a kick up the rear to make sure you didn't, so I tried to give that in the same way that my rehab counsellors did. They did a fantastic job; obviously I didn't.

        Imho, you clearly are looking for excuses to drink (I've been there myself enough times to see the pattern). Don't want to hear that? Fine. But cut with the sarcy remarks about my message giving you an excuse to drink, please. Nothing to do with me, or what anyone else posts here, it's up to you, and you know that.

        Again, I'm sorry that what I wrote wasn't welcome. I put a lot of effort into that post, and if you think I'm one who judges others just visit my own thread here.

        Anyway, all the best

        I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


          I am posting BEFORE I drink (the wine I just bought)

          Awesome, Anotherday.

          eight days a week;824015 wrote: it seemed to me you were setting yourself up to fail in oh so many ways, and were asking for a kick up the rear to make sure you didn't, so I tried to give that in the same way that my rehab counsellors did.
          Counsellors have a great deal of training and education behind them. Prior to that, they self-select based on whether their interest will carry them through the cost and dedication required. During the training process, they continue to self-select based on skill and and commitment. A keyboard and a point of view does not substitute for any of that.
          "Kinda brainy, but with no common sense..." by permission of Anotherday


            I am posting BEFORE I drink (the wine I just bought)


            Anotherday;823472 wrote: For being the last one to judge, you sound judgmental. I am not drinking nor am I going to drink tonight. I think I'll let this post just go over my head. I don't have to "give it another go." Oh, and if I wanted an excuse, your post would be it.
            hi anotherday,your feeling s are normal,so are the ones that come from others,it tok me a long time to realise what keeps my head from drownding,someone else,another i beleive youve found it to,just talking to someone else.sometimes is enuff,remember people with addictions,need no reason to,we have to find reasons not to,kinda of a vicious circle,both ways,ive said it to others,as of the last year im usually on here,email me.send a private message,or someone else.that is part of this program,not coming to a site and saying your alchoholic,you are one,when you say you are,trust me,ive been trying to figure that out with the help of AA friends for years now,everything else i got but that part,hope it helps gyco:goodjob:


              I am posting BEFORE I drink (the wine I just bought)

              canadiangirl;824248 wrote: Awesome, Anotherday.

              Counsellors have a great deal of training and education behind them. Prior to that, they self-select based on whether their interest will carry them through the cost and dedication required. During the training process, they continue to self-select based on skill and and commitment. A keyboard and a point of view does not substitute for any of that.

              I have a great deal of experience and education behind me, and my commitment is without doubt.

              'A keyboard and a point of view does not substitute for any of that' - well, I could turn that right back at you, canadiangirl. In fact, I could ask you why you bother to be a member of an online community, or even make that point at all, as what you appear to say makes it completely redundant to do so

              Again, I just tried to make some points based on what I've learned myself in rehab. The OP seemed
              to be crying out for some 'tough love' if he wanted to keep his abstinence up, and so that's what I offered. I stand by many of the points I made, if not for Anotherday then for others in the same situation. I've seen it hundreds of times, the exact same thinking, and I've been through it myself a number of times.

              I apologise again to Anotherday if what I said was unhelpful. That wasn't my intention at all, I just offered what I thought, honestly, might help. I appreciate looking back that it might have been read as judgemental, but that wasn't at all what I meant to convey - I am the very last one to be in a position to judge, even if I wanted to (which I absolutely don't).

              I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                I am posting BEFORE I drink (the wine I just bought)

                Apology accepted, but the OP was in no way crying out for any sort of tough love. Therein lies the danger of Internet forums and making assumptions. In fact, had it not been for the support from the others in the thread who made no assumptions, I may well have just decided to drink! If there is one thing that irks me it's virtual strangers who take it upon themselves to dispense "tough love." It reminds me wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much of AA and my experience with that goes back three decades. Like I said, however, no worries. Just an FYI for your travels. And I am a she, btw.


                  I am posting BEFORE I drink (the wine I just bought)

                  Anotherday;824449 wrote: Apology accepted, but the OP was in no way crying out for any sort of tough love. Therein lies the danger of Internet forums and making assumptions. In fact, had it not been for the support from the others in the thread who made no assumptions, I may well have just decided to drink! If there is one thing that irks me it's virtual strangers who take it upon themselves to dispense "tough love." Like I said, however, no worries. Just an FYI for your travels. And I am a she, btw.
                  All I can say then (again) is that you need to take more responsibility for yourself, and not rely on 'virtual strangers' to stop you drinking, when you've already given up on stopping smoking and bought yourself a bottle of wine. If you put up a plea on a message board you'll hear some uncomfortable truths, perhaps, as well as the pats on the back. Your message concerned me a lot, so I wrote what I thought was best.

                  A trained alcohol counsellor would tell you no different.

                  Anyway, I'm glad you're doing well
                  I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                    I am posting BEFORE I drink (the wine I just bought)

                    Do i detect romance in the air? :h

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      I am posting BEFORE I drink (the wine I just bought)

                      romance ?? can i be bridesduck and wear my best hat?
                      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                      Keep passing the open windows


                        I am posting BEFORE I drink (the wine I just bought)

                        Guitarista;824458 wrote: Do i detect romance in the air? :h
                        Thanks for making me LOL! :H

                        Anyway, I see a trained alcohol counselor eight. In fact, he ran this state's largest rehab for 20 years and he'd never dream of saying the type of things you said to me. If he did, he'd be fired so fast his head would spin. Don't take this the wrong way, but you are not a trained professional I am assuming. Please correct me if I am in error. It is always good to be aware that at times we project our own stuff onto others and make false assumptions about what others need or want.

                        I am signing off of this thread but I do so appreciate everyone's input, even the input I did not appreciate. I learned I can deal with even unpleasantness, even that which would normally send me running for a drink and I did so (deal with unpleasantness) without the drink.


                          I am posting BEFORE I drink (the wine I just bought)

                          spuddleduck;824474 wrote: can i be bridesduck and wear my best hat?
                          Check out my avatar for a suggestion on this year's Easter bonnet. It's so "you"!
                          "Kinda brainy, but with no common sense..." by permission of Anotherday


                            I am posting BEFORE I drink (the wine I just bought)

                            Another Day,

                            Congrats on holding off and holding on!!! Hope things went well with the counselor!!!! It shows your desire to change to have brought all this to the forums in the first place.

                            Can I come a little to the defense of Eight Days? There is trouble in this media. Without voice inflections it is hard to interpret how something is presented. When I read his (assume he) entry I did not interpret it the same way you did. I have been where you were UNCOUNTABLE times saying I am not going to drink . . . I think . . . but I do have this bottle of wine . . . . From my spot I thought some of his observations were on the money. At least they would have been forme.

                            I have recently rejoined this site. Have been on and off it for several years. I have always gotten lots of encouragement no matter what I did. Sometimes, though I needed a gentle shake!!!

                            At any rate, good for you!!!!!!!!!

