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I am an alcoholic

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    I am an alcoholic

    Just realised, well no knew a long tiome ago that ive ahd a serious drink problem. Im OVER IT!!!! Its taken me 20 years of getting pissed and enjoyoing (NOT) myself to relaise that my fun is all alcohol. I can have fun without it. I look at my beautiful daughter and can see wht real fun is! Being cheeky, smart and why the fuck did I ever have a drink!!!!!! Im so pissed off with myself as went to a function last nigh! Swilled about 10 wines and cant remember getting home, massive argument with wife this morning , go into work and have a breakdown and have to leave (2nd week of new job!!!!) Sucks eh!!!! What a complete wanker I am!!!!!! Prompted me to go to amn AA meeting, just got back from that and feel destroyed by what I am. An Alcoholic..............
    I dont know what to do next, I'll keep on going I suppose and see how things pan out, you know what I want to do now! Get drunk and say fuck everybody but I cant because I dont want to loose my family and I need to keep my job to pay for my kids upbringing! OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am an alcoholic

    Welcome Over it....MWO is a great place to find support you need with words of encouragement and education. Many people here have been right where you are and they did find their way out. Others, like me, are on a path and have good days and dog days but we keep coming back. We come back to straighten ourselves out and commiserate with others that struggle with AL.

    It sounds like you know what you want to do, now it's time to make a plan and begin a new life. I look forward to seeing you on the boards and maybe one day we'll meet up in chat.



      I am an alcoholic

      cheers, you certainly will, Im gonna kick this beast so far up its arse!!!!!


        I am an alcoholic

        :welcome: over it,

        Just adding my hellos.
        Believe me when I say that we've all been where you are today. A huge step you've made today by reaching out and asking for help.

        Click on the link below to try and get a plan of action together.

        Keep posting,keep reading and let us get to know you.

        J x
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          I am an alcoholic

          over it;823426 wrote: Just realised, well no knew a long tiome ago that ive ahd a serious drink problem. Im OVER IT!!!! Its taken me 20 years of getting pissed and enjoyoing (NOT) myself to relaise that my fun is all alcohol. I can have fun without it. I look at my beautiful daughter and can see wht real fun is! Being cheeky, smart and why the fuck did I ever have a drink!!!!!! Im so pissed off with myself as went to a function last nigh! Swilled about 10 wines and cant remember getting home, massive argument with wife this morning , go into work and have a breakdown and have to leave (2nd week of new job!!!!) Sucks eh!!!! What a complete wanker I am!!!!!! Prompted me to go to amn AA meeting, just got back from that and feel destroyed by what I am. An Alcoholic..............
          I dont know what to do next, I'll keep on going I suppose and see how things pan out, you know what I want to do now! Get drunk and say fuck everybody but I cant because I dont want to loose my family and I need to keep my job to pay for my kids upbringing! OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Hi Over it,

          It can be quite a shock to realize that one has a big problem with alcohol, but if you drink it will only make matters worse.

          I'd suggest spending a lot of time here. I'm only on day 11, but the good people on this site helped me to get to this point. It is good to have you here and I hope you visit and post often.



            I am an alcoholic

            Hi over it,

            Wecome to MWO, this is a good place!
            If you haven't already, download & read the MWO book from the Health Store right here. It explain the components of the program.

            Read lots of threads & feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread for support too!

            Wishing you the best on your journey!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              I am an alcoholic

              Hi Over It! From Overit!

              Nice to meet you. As both our names implies, we both are really OVER IT!!!

              Im glad you found this website, it has been a God Send to me and so many others.

              You will find much support, and answers to questions, and well, just about whatever you need! We are a close knit bunch, jump on in.

              Well Over it, I am getting close to a month sober. Zip, Nada, nothing to drink! It feels great! You can do it too!

              Looking forward to knowing you better,



                I am an alcoholic

                thanks guys for your support! Its all out iin the open now, funny enough just got a text from a guy I met at AA, telling me to come tomorrow and the next day and the next day!!!! :-)
                Im goona miss the piss but am looking forward to a life now of clean and cool living! Gave up pot 6 months ago, must admit having my last wine and from tomorrow clean windows. I need to because if I dont my life will fall to bits and I dont want a daughter looking at her poppa as a drunk f***d up divorced bum.

                Lets get on this rollercoaster ride and you guys at the back scream support for the ones down the front!!!!

                Over it and out xxxxx


                  I am an alcoholic

                  :welcome: hi overit. glad you've found us. this is a great place for support and advice. ive found huge help and inspiration by reading lots and lots of posts. we are all here for the same reason. go kick this beast up the ass out of your life. x
                  Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                  Keep passing the open windows


                    I am an alcoholic

                    When I first decided to get sober, it was because I didn't want to turn out to be a drunken good for nothing father to my little girl. I was determined I was not going to let my daughter (who was about 3 then) grow up having to deal with my alcoholism as my (then) partner 'had' too and my family and friends. I put all my effort and focus on becoming the father I wanted to be to my little girl. What I didn't do was put all the focus on me as a person. In doing so I managed to stay sober for short periods before eventually reaching out for the alcohol again.

                    What I've learned is that I had to get sober for ME and ME alone. In doing so I am becoming the father, brother, son that I've always wanted to be. I'm being real to myself fist and foremost so I can be real with everyone else.

                    You don't put the oxygen mask on your child first if a plane is 'going down' you put the oxygen mask on yourself first so you can help your child. The same is said about recovery. You have to get well for yourself first before you can help anyone else. My recovery comes before anything because without that I'm useless as a person to anyone. I'll end up falling back into old behaviours and eventually I will drink again.

                    Accepting I was an alcoholic (and not just cognitively) took some time for me. I was still in denial for a long time because I was caught up in the delusion that blocked me from seeing it. I would tell people "I'm an alcoholic". I was made up with myself going to meetings and telling people I was doing great!. But what I was doing was masking any kind of acceptance of my alcoholism through deflecting the attention of myself onto others.

                    Stick around, read and learn and keep posting. I found face to face contact very hard in the beginning as I was isolating BIG time. So I found it easier to post here at first. I soon realised though that I needed to start getting out my comfort zone and making real connections with other alcoholics who knew how my head worked.

                    Love and Light
                    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                      I am an alcoholic

                      Hi Overit,

                      Welcome. I just wanted to say how refreshing I found your post. You don't seem to whack around the bush and I have no doubt that you have the perserverance it takes to tackle this.

                      Good Luck and all the best.
                      AF since 15th March 2010

                      The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                        I am an alcoholic

                        I am an alcoholic, too.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          I am an alcoholic

                          welcome over it
                          come join us as you slay this dragon
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            I am an alcoholic

                            :welcome: over it, I'am with you on that rollar coaster ride, in fact, right up front. There is alot of imformation (Or tools as some of us call it) and very good people here to give you support. Good luck on your journey.
                            runningwind :H
                            The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                              I am an alcoholic


                              Somebody told me last night its impossible to slay thr dragon, all you can do is tame it.......Any thoughts?????

