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I am an alcoholic

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    I am an alcoholic

    Over it - I am too new to this to answer that question for myself. I do know that I don't really care if it I slay it or tame it. I just don't want to go to a parent meeting carrying a travel mug with wine and the cut off string of a teabag for show.

    I am on the coaster with you. I am in the back with my arms up screaming like an idiot because I am terrified of heights! :wow:
    I used to love cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food :heart:


      I am an alcoholic

      thanks mate, Im to new to get it too!! Still feeling good today, only problem is its Friday night here tonight, cant remeber not drinking on A friday night for ages!!!! What does one do!!!???
      Answers on a postcard please????


        I am an alcoholic

        Don't feel destroyed.. there is hope..

        You should not feel destroyed in contrary you have gain you realized and You understand you are at risk. Just go to a AA meeting and listen for now. At least it is something. Don't try to find a cure. There is none. You can help by taking supplement to help with craving. I did the same.. I went back. and backout and kept going back to Meeting. I call friend in the same situation as mine and there are always there for me. I did not call AA a friend (AA) gave me a phone number of a lady (AA) just one year a very successful women that understood me. I don't have a sponsor. I feel I don't need to have one now. I met wonderful people. They don't judge you, they don't force you to do anything. They just want to help you...
        over it;823426 wrote: Just realised, well no knew a long tiome ago that ive ahd a serious drink problem. Im OVER IT!!!! Its taken me 20 years of getting pissed and enjoyoing (NOT) myself to relaise that my fun is all alcohol. I can have fun without it. I look at my beautiful daughter and can see wht real fun is! Being cheeky, smart and why the fuck did I ever have a drink!!!!!! Im so pissed off with myself as went to a function last nigh! Swilled about 10 wines and cant remember getting home, massive argument with wife this morning , go into work and have a breakdown and have to leave (2nd week of new job!!!!) Sucks eh!!!! What a complete wanker I am!!!!!! Prompted me to go to amn AA meeting, just got back from that and feel destroyed by what I am. An Alcoholic..............
        I dont know what to do next, I'll keep on going I suppose and see how things pan out, you know what I want to do now! Get drunk and say fuck everybody but I cant because I dont want to loose my family and I need to keep my job to pay for my kids upbringing! OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        sigpic Brand new


          I am an alcoholic

          Hi everyone. Just need to be here because I want a drink and I need to talk.. It will help..
          I went to a meeting today.. felt good but my craving came back. This is why I am here.
          Have a good day.. get busy,, sell your house go for a walk or start cooking... or run away from your house for oone hour and take life on hour at the time. Right now this hour I am sober. It feels great to be sober. I know if I have that drink tomorrow my life could be a disaster..
          sigpic Brand new


            I am an alcoholic

            Overit ! Welcome to the club ! Ha! This is'nt AA ......but admitting is good for the soul. Hang around...we can help..IAD
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss

