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A reminder BEFORE you take that drink

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    A reminder BEFORE you take that drink

    We all see it on here every single day.

    What happenes when someone on here decides to drink and then posts? Has any one person EVER felt proud of that decision? Is it not true that EVERY SINGLE TIME that person WISHES they had not picked up that bottle of wine, or vodka, beer or whatever. Is it not true they feel defeated, and that alcohol won yet again???

    It is not true that that person always feels BAD and has alot of GUILT? Is it not true that they have to start over at Day 1 after feeling good about themselves and the time they have gathered under their belt? Is it not true that you feel their sense of remorse at that choice?


    Just a reminder my friends. You know its true!

    I LOVE YA and I want every one of us to beat this and succeed!!!!!


    A reminder BEFORE you take that drink

    Well said my friend!!!!!
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      A reminder BEFORE you take that drink

      A great post.
      I was cleaning out an old purse the other day and came across a little piece of paper that I used to carry round.
      On it were 5 simple rules that I made for myself.


      1. Do I want his drink?
      2. Do I need this drink?
      3. How will I feel later?
      4. How will others feel when find they find me drunk?
      5. How will I feel tomorrow?

      J x

      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        A reminder BEFORE you take that drink

        Good post!

        I am moving into a phase where I need to remember how bad things are when I drink.

        Spam xx


          A reminder BEFORE you take that drink

          Thats a great list Jackie.

          Spam, I know it is difficult to remember how "bad" you felt. But its a vicious circle. It just goes round and round and keeps you trapped.

          Your real freedom and happiness lies on the other side! Just keep trying and amaze yourself at all your potential!

          I ate chinese the other day with my son. In my fortune cookie was this.

          "you have just begun at scratch the surface of your true potential"

          Swear to God thats what it said. Is it not true for all of us?


            A reminder BEFORE you take that drink

            JackieClaire;823640 wrote: OverIt2007,
            A great post.
            I was cleaning out an old purse the other day and came across a little piece of paper that I used to carry round.
            On it were 5 simple rules that I made for myself.

            STOP AND THINK:

            1. Do I want his drink?
            2. Do I need this drink?
            3. How will I feel later?
            4. How will others feel when find they find me drunk?
            5. How will I feel tomorrow?

            J x


            Excellent Jackie. I'm going to print it out and put it on my desk so it's in "in my face" to remind me and I'm going to add a 6th question.
            What would be the point of it?

            What would be the point of pouring poison into my body which is dangerous to my health and like throwing money down the drain. What would be the point of doing something that I know will only make me feel good for a few minutes but make me feel really lousy for hours the next day and maybe even for days if I should be found out (since I was a secret drinker).

            Spam, I know you're having some ups and downs. Try keeping a picture in your mind of something really awful that happened. Something like your kid finding you drunk and not able to talk coherently. There was a post some time ago by a mother who's daughter had had some girlfriends over for a party. The mom got sloshed and her daughter was totally disgusted with her because of the way she acted in front of the other girls. A situation like that. Write it down and put it where you will see it to remind you. Mine is a mental picture I have of discovering that I had finished off the ends of two bottles of whiskey the night before (had no recollection of it) and the next morning discovered the empties behind the garbage pail under the kitchen sink. They could have easily been found by my husband and not only would he have been angry, but I would have had to deal with his anger for days and he would have told my kids which would have devastated them. So I keep that image in my mind. Perhaps something like that would help along with the suggestions that others have posted before me.
            Overit - kudos on starting this thread. No matter at what stage we are at with our battle to stay sober, we need constant reminders. Strength to us all....
            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


              A reminder BEFORE you take that drink

              Thanks, Overit for the reminder. Well said! It's so true. Especially for me this morning. On day 12 here and even though I didn't drink, I did cave into my other addiction. I woke up in the middle of the night and thought Shiate, I gave in! I can only imagine how I'd feel if I drank.

              Everyone else, very great posts and I appreciate them.


                A reminder BEFORE you take that drink

                OverIt2007;823647 wrote: Thats a great list Jackie.

                Spam, I know it is difficult to remember how "bad" you felt. But its a vicious circle. It just goes round and round and keeps you trapped.

                Your real freedom and happiness lies on the other side! Just keep trying and amaze yourself at all your potential!

                I ate chinese the other day with my son. In my fortune cookie was this.

                "you have just begun at scratch the surface of your true potential"

                Swear to God thats what it said. Is it not true for all of us?
                Yes, that is a wonderful list Jackie made.

                I LOVE fortune cookies and I think you got the right fortune.


                  A reminder BEFORE you take that drink

                  Great posts, OverIt!
                  I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
                  but I'm sure not who I used to be!

                  There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



                    A reminder BEFORE you take that drink

                    Completely true!!!!!! Every word of it!!!


                      A reminder BEFORE you take that drink

                      When I drank I was beyond caring how anyone else would feel, never mind me. However I now truely feel pretty bad, and luckily I've not destroyed much. Made a few problems worse for myself but it's rescuable as long as I don't have a drink, and as long as I have patience I can have it all back again fairly soon.


                        A reminder BEFORE you take that drink

                        Uk, hope you are ok? Fair enough you have to recover again you say - well - do, you know what it takes, you know it's tough, but you also know it's worth it
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          A reminder BEFORE you take that drink

                          Oh my Gosh.... Who bumped this????

                          I never needed to hear my own words more. I havent been around much because I have been depressed and yes, drinking. I havent wanted to bother anybody with it all. My October has been FAR from a sober October.

                          I really just want to get October over with and start a new month. Im talking myself into doing a Sober November. Im a perfectist by nature and like to do things in months. (perfectionism is part of my problem).

                          Thank you for whoever bumped this back up. Like I said, I really need to hear my own words, and all of yours too. Thank you so much for the reminders.


                          I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                            A reminder BEFORE you take that drink

                            Hi OI! I've missed you girlie!
                            Sorry that October is not turning out the way you had hoped. I know that you are depressed but we all know that drinking will only make it worse (and you know this too), yet the desire and cravings can be so strong sometimes. What are you planning to do differently in November? Maybe get back on the Antabuse? I know you were experiencing a lot of sober time while taking it. I've missed you around here! :h
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              A reminder BEFORE you take that drink

                              Overit - It was lovely to read this post because I need to be reminded every single day! Stay in touch cause we all fight this same demon. xxxx
                              Be strong-
                              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T

