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Any one only drink the hard stuff?

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    Any one only drink the hard stuff?

    I used to be a quart a day Jack drinker. It lasted two years! My tolerance was soooo high that if I spread the drinking out through out the day- friends/ family/ co-workers had no idea! As long as I stayed 6 feet back and chewed a lot of extra and sprayed myself down repeatedly with febreeze!
    But- once I started tappering back- and switched to wine for a year and then now beer for two- if I drink the hard stuff- the results are often devistating! Oh- I love it- it definitely is like a needle to the vein- but- I get incredibley emotional, often unreasonable- then the next day is SHOT and I often find myself RIGHT on the edge of going back into a binge because the hang overs and guilt are so extreme.
    I tried to drink a pint- home alone the other week. I was very clear on all past mistakes of sending e-mails or calling anyone on the phone. What I didn't expect was a friend to stop by uninvited. I let him in- I pre-warned him! But as history would have it- in less than an hour- he left and swore he'd never speak to me again. So........ I hear you- yes- my roots are as a "real" drinker- but nowadays, minus that tolerance well.....
    I LOVE the hard stuff- but I really need to stay away from it! :-)
    Alisa Smiles

