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Anyone care to jump on board for the ride...

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    Anyone care to jump on board for the ride...

    Just got back from my 2nd AA meeting in as many days. For a small city there were certiainly more people there than I could ever envisage. Its amazing that the person sitting on the bus next to you could have the same problem as you. It warmed me to know that Im not alone, Im not bloody alone. Im feeling pretty confident about things now. Its not as if I was getting up and drinking, I was more of a binge drinker but drunk every evening approx 1.5 bottles of wine.....Weekends more

    My wife is a partner in crime but she knows that what ive done (she can just stop when she wants lucky bugger)
    Going to another meeting tonight to occupy the witching hour and then dinner maybe a run (?Not past any pubs or bottle shops) and then try and get some sleeep....One of the reasons I got into drinking is it helped me sleep!!!!! What a wickerd circle. Anyway half way through day one and looking OK.......
    Anyone care to jump on board with me for the ride????????

    Anyone care to jump on board for the ride...

    Over It - This post sounds far more positive than what you were posting yesterday. CONGRATS! I was a 1.5 bottle to 2 a night girl up until 10 days ago, I can sympathize in so many ways. Good job on the meetings if they are helping. I'll hop on the AF train with you. I was driving home from a REALLY long day today and wanted a drink sooooo bad. I bought a vitamin water instead. It seemed to keep my brain busy enough until the craving passed. Came home and took some kudzu and L-glut and feel much better a couple hours later.
    I used to love cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food :heart:


      Anyone care to jump on board for the ride...

      try soda water and cranberry, tastes good and tricks the mind!!!!!!
      Im a bit worried about withdrawl symptons but thats it mostly a worry, so do the meds on this site actually work???? Im with you mate!!! Rock n Roll


        Anyone care to jump on board for the ride...

        I think that they help. I haven't taken anything stronger, and I never thought I could go AF with out something heavy duty. Lots of others use prescription meds and have really good success. I have cut way back in the past and my heart would race and I would not be able to sleep with anxiety. I started the supplements and cut back to 2 drinks and felt ok. Next day I had 1. Then I scared the pants off myself and did an AF (haven't done that in YEARS) and I was ok, a couple more days into it I feel so much better.

        I like the soda water and cranberry idea, sounds tastey.
        I used to love cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food :heart:


          Anyone care to jump on board for the ride...

          Ok Boodle - I love your line!!! :H:H Totally cracked me up.

          I used to love cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food
          Over it - you were asking about the meds. I have only take the Kudzu from here and it helps me. I take an L-Glutamine powder that I bought from another store and it really helps stop the immediate cravings. I need to find some way to have it with me at all times because it REALLY works quickly. I'm thinking about buying the capsule form from the site here so I can carry those with me to use as needed and use the powder form at home as I normally do. I also use a prescription Topamax that helps me. That is my experience with the meds. Hope that helps some.
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Anyone care to jump on board for the ride...

            Hi Overit,
            Ill jump on the train! You sound positive and ready to start a new journey. I dont have the meds but have heard that they are successful. Looking forward to sharing this journey with you.
            Liquid MISERY guaranteed to distroy.


              Anyone care to jump on board for the ride...

              I am on board the train also!

              Day 5
              "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                Anyone care to jump on board for the ride...

                I'am on board too, let's go...........
                The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                  Anyone care to jump on board for the ride...

                  Wait, wait... I'm not too late, am I? If not, I'm definitely in... (Someone pull me up!)

                  Here we go... onto Day 5...

                  "I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can I know I can"
                  -Little Engine That Could


                    Anyone care to jump on board for the ride...

                    Thats good Coco-Nut...LOVE IT!
                    runnindwind :H
                    Coco-Nut;824400 wrote:
                    Wait, wait... I'm not too late, am I? If not, I'm definitely in... (Someone pull me up!)

                    Here we go... onto Day 5...

                    "I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can I know I can"
                    -Little Engine That Could
                    The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                      Anyone care to jump on board for the ride...

                      not dissapointed and know its getting better

                      Had another meeting last night which finsihed rather late, felt pretty edgy and I did promise myself 2 small weak beers (no exaggeration there either!) which I drank and felt guilty about straight away, I ad them in front of my wife and told her why. I slept like a dog (bad) but woke up this morning at 06:45, played guitar with my 4 year old daughter had breakfast, took my wife to work, now at home and planning to play golf with my neighbour (with no beer). I think tapering down over the next few days is going to work for me. And then


                        Anyone care to jump on board for the ride...

                        well sort of

                        Had a bloody good day yesterday, Went to another meeting last night, drove home past a bottle shop and thought just 2 beers to help me sleep as I have such bad probs not getting to sleep but just waking up with the fear bad dreams and then cant sleep......It was only the two, my wife was happy enough for me to have them and I thought bugger it and got them omly 300 ml and 4%

                        Got home had dinner and sparingly sipped the first and the seconfd and for the first time in a bloody long time went to bed. Still slept like shit though Woke up this morning early, played some guitar with my daughter who sings along and strums at her ukealay and feel absolutly blinding today.......So will try for no beer tonight...........It beats knocking back a bottle and a half of wine I suppose. Off to play golf this arvo.With no beer, would of been 6cans a round a few months ago so even though I didnt have a completely AF day I feel ive achieved something.................
                        So im still on the rollercoaster just temporairly went through a loop and lsot my seat for 2 secs........


                          Anyone care to jump on board for the ride...

                          well done. as you say its loads better then getting hammered and feeling crap. its all a step in the right direction x
                          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                          Keep passing the open windows


                            Anyone care to jump on board for the ride...

                            Boodle;824014 wrote: Over It - This post sounds far more positive than what you were posting yesterday. CONGRATS! I was a 1.5 bottle to 2 a night girl up until 10 days ago, I can sympathize in so many ways. Good job on the meetings if they are helping. I'll hop on the AF train with you. I was driving home from a REALLY long day today and wanted a drink sooooo bad. I bought a vitamin water instead. It seemed to keep my brain busy enough until the craving passed. Came home and took some kudzu and L-glut and feel much better a couple hours later.
                            I'll jump on board with you. How is the kudzu working for you? I just started it.

